Posts Tagged prayer

Teaching A Child To Pray by Song of Joy

“LORD, teach us to pray” Luke 11:1

Empowering children to pray is teaching them to S.T.O.P. (Sing-Talk-Obey-Praise), and communicating with God through Jesus Christ by the aid of the Holy Spirit.

Some persons may question why teach children to pray as over time as they grow, praying will become natural.  Why chance years of waiting when they can receive tools for training at an early age on how to have, not an ordinary Christian life, but one of power because of prayer. God told parents to train up a child and prayer is  an area that is included in training them because it affects a child’s spiritual growth.   As children increase in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man, they can enjoy as a child many of His wonderful promises (Luke 2:52).  How sweet it is to grow up without having an ungodly fear about prayer.

Every parent’s dream is for their child to aim higher and reach areas they themselves have not been able to accomplish or become successful in.  Teaching a child to S.T.O.P. while communicating with God are some keys that will open some powerful doors to pray as they travel the pathway of life.

SING: Coming before his presence, making a joyful unto the LORD, making a loud noise, and rejoicing, and singing praise ring through the Psalms.  Psalms 100:2; 98:4


TALK: Diligently talk (about the goodness of God – commandments) when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.  Deuteronomy 6:7


OBEDIENT: Train up a child (teach them to be obedient) in the way he/she should go: and when he is older, he will not depart from it.”  Proverbs 22:6


PRAISE: …. Praising and giving thanks unto the LORD; because He is good, for His mercy endureth forever.  Ezra 3:11


Listed below are a few techniques that will help you to encourage your child to pray.

– Find a picture and have the child thank God for each thing they see in the picture, e.g., ( Thank you LORD for the ___________,) ending it by saying, “In the name of  Jesus, Amen.”


– Write a two-line prayer and post it on your refrigerator.  Read it to your child each day for two weeks and then write another one and post it next to Prayer #1.  (If the child can read, let him/her read it also).    You will notice that the child will learn the prayer by heart .


– Teach the model prayer by praying each verse, e.g., “Our Father who art in heaven, thank you for your holiness.  In Jesus name, Amen.”


–  Have the child to thank the LORD not only for the main meals, but also for snacks.


– Pray out loud each day the Word of God and let your child be in ear shot.


                                                                      Enjoy Praying!

Song of Joy (Carol. T. Turnbough. )

May the grace of God in you be even stronger in your prayer life and the prayer life of your child. May your child increase in his/her prayer life. May your family pray together without ceasing.  In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Carol Turnbough aka “Song of Joy” – Song of Joy teaches and ministers to children and youth. She loves to praise God with her whole heart. She writes songs and skits to the glory of God and serves on the Music Ministry of Messiah Baptist Church in Detroit, MI. She also serves on the Christian Education Administrative Team and teaches Sunday School. Equipped with God’s love, grace and mercy,   God has blessed her with the spiritual gifts of teaching, helps, songs and administration.  She exclaims, “ I have a passion for praising and singing to God with all my heart and sharing with children about the love and goodness of God

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Day 22 to Day 27 of the 40 Day Prayer Journey

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Thank you for joining the 40 Day Prayer Journey “Growing by the Power Within to Please God: Repenting for a Renewed Relationship With God”. Philippians 2:13.

This is a daily prayer journey. Today’s prayer focus is a continuation of the 40 Day Prayer Journey which began on March 5 Ash Wednesday. See prior post for prior days.

The daily prayer points in this guide begin with stated scriptures applicable to the focus of the day. You are invited to seek God’s face to enable you to grow in the actions and thoughts that please God. You want to confess, repent and turn from actions and thoughts that grieve the Lord.
During the Forty Day Prayer Journey daily read the suggested scriptures. Meditate on the Word asking the Holy Spirit to speak to you and reveal in your heart how He wants you to respond personally and on behalf of your church or city. This is an opportunity for personal repentance. Ask the Lord to search your heart for thoughts and actions that are sinful. (Psalm 139:23-24) Allow the Lord to examine your life thoroughly.

Use a journal to write down what the Holy Spirit downloads in your heart.

DAY 22 – March 26- “Growing to Please God by Walking in Faith”

Scriptures: Matthew 21: 21-22; Mark 11:22-24; James 5: 14-16


• Pray for God’s healing touch to be upon the sick in the community.
• Praise God for being trustworthy and that His Word will not return void.
• Ask God to give you the wisdom and will to increase your faith and to walk by faith.
• Thank God for His willingness to hear and answer the prayers you bring to Him in faith.
• Confess any lack of faith you may discover of yourself.
• For God to rise up men and women of integrity, faith and love to places of spiritual authority throughout the church and the city.
• Pray for the Youth- For people in their teens to radically commit their lives in Christ; to make wise choices; for older mentor; for solid friendships with their peers who are following Jesus; for open communication with parents; for God’s intentions for their generation to come forth in fullness measure.

DAY 23 – March 27- “Growing to Please God by Walking Together In Unity”

Scriptures: Psalm 133; John 17; Ephesians 4:1-6


• Pray that you, your church and congregations over the city would grow in the unity of the Spirit, love, peace, and purpose so that the world might see the power of God manifested when the church comes together in the love of Christ.
• Pray that petty differences, ambitions and pride would be laid down for the sake of reflecting the purposes and character of Christ.
• Pray that all divisions, dissentions and disagreements that keep churches from walking together as the body of Christ cease and that forgiveness occurs.
• Pray for the heartbroken and lonely.
• Pray for those who are grieving because of death, divorce or lost.
• Pray that the Holy Spirit will convict unsaved persons you know (name them), bringing them to repentance and faith and guiding them into all truth.
• Pray for forgiveness where the body of Christ has failed to walk together. Pray that by the power of the Holy Ghost that the body of Christ will be enabled and empowered to walk in the unity of the Spirit and in the bond of peace.
• .

DAY 24 – March 28 – “Growing to Please God by Walking Together In the Body”

Scriptures: Romans 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12; Ephesians 4:7-16


• Pray for every member of the body of Christ to discover our place and come into proper relationship with the other members within your church home and in other congregations.
• Pray for each member to walk faithfully in God’s gifting and calling to build up others.
• Pray for each member within the body to accept, honor, and work together purposefully and in harmony with various parts of the body at Messiah or where God has joined us through the local congregation.
• Confess and ask God for forgiveness if you are guilty of withholding fellowship from those that are unlike you in personality, ethnic origin, or gifting within the body of Christ.
• Pray for those who have suffered calamity or crisis in their families. Pray that peace and unity bind affected families together in love.
• Pray for missionaries. Pray that God will provide favor, protection, resources and laborers.
• Pray that family members and friends will be a source of joy and blessing to each other.
• Pray that Christ’s life might be expressed freely through the body, properly functioning together in love.
• .


DAY 25 – March 29- Growing to Please God by Pursuing Reconciliation in Truth and Love

Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 5:12; Ephesians 2:16-18; Colossians 1:19-23


• Pray for believers throughout our city to be burdened with Christ’s compelling love to be reconciled to one another.
• Pray that you be reconciled with anyone with whom you have had an argument or disagreement that keeps you separated from in the body of Christ or in the world.
• Pray for truth and love to cause individuals and congregations throughout the city to pursue reconciliation with those from whom they are separated or with whom they have suffered a break in relationship.
• Pray that the enemy of unity who works division by accusing brother against brother would be defeated by the power of love permeating throughout the church.
• Pray that your children and the children of the community will grow up in the training
and instruction of the Lord and will learn to walk in His ways.
• Pray for the church leaders. Pray that they will serve faithfully, humbly and with wisdom.
• Pray for Prisoner
• Pray that unsaved families, friends, and neighbors will hear the Word, receive it and respond in faith.

DAY 26 – March 30- “Growing to Please God by Pursuing Genuine Relationships through Fellowship”

Scriptures: Acts 2: 42-47; Galatians 2:1-10; Philippians 2:1-4


• Intercede for the body of Christ to continue steadfastly in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayer.
• Repent of declaring love for God while not living in love with brothers and sisters in the Lord.
• Pray that the church have a fresh conviction and commitment that brings them to pursue different relationships with those who are different from us in culture, race, ethnicity, and socio-economics.
• Praise God that He is a God of fellowship and communion and, as a good Father, He loves to draw His children together.
• Pray for persons with low self-esteem and those who feel unloved. Pray that they receive help of the Lord to trust in His unfailing love, to accept that love, and to abide in that love.
• Pray for the unemployed. Pray that God will meet the needs of those without work in a way that they can thank God for the provision; that they will soon find meaningful employment and glorify God for it. Pray for resources, family and social support, and encouragement.
• Pray that members of Messiah will lovingly bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.
• Pray for marriages. Pray for those that are strained and that God will bring forgiveness, help and healing; that He will heal broken hearts and restore intimacy.
• Pray for the City Council. Pray that they will operate in integrity and wisdom.

DAY 27 – March 31- “Growing to Please God by Forgiving”

Scriptures: Mark 11:25-26; Ephesians 4:31-32; Colossians 3:12-17


• Repent of not forgiving those who have sinned against you and of walking in pride, superiority or opposition to others in the body of Christ.
• Pray that members of your church and yourself practice forgiveness, demonstrating the grace we each have received in Christ Jesus our Lord.
• Pray that you will grow in the knowledge of God’s Word for every aspect of your life.
• For God to rise up men and women of integrity, faith and love to places of spiritual authority throughout the church and the city.
• Pray for persons who feel rejected. Pray that they will know that the Lord will never forsake them and that He loves them.
• Pray for our nation and its leaders that they my rule with honor and wisdom and that wickedness in the leaders will be hindered so that all may lead quiet and peaceable lives.
• Pray for elderly persons. Pray that God’s strength and peace would be poured out on every one who is advanced in years. That they may be honored; that they may be cared for; that they may live to see their prayers answered; that loneliness be banished in lasting friendships and family bonds; that meaningful service be found.
• Pray for Women- that women will be honored in their unique glory as those created by God;that injustice of every kind toward women will cease; for pornography to be stopped; for protection from sexual violence; that single women would lay hold of the hope of great joy and purpose for God’s glory.

By Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader.

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Talking to the Lord About Yourself: Selfless Prayer

Sometimes you need to steal away to commune with the Lord for yourself. Our guest blogger Minister Jacqui Showers’s article is entitled

“It’s ALL About You: Selfless Prayer ”

It’s All About You!

Selfless Prayer

Several years ago in a discussion with my sister and mentor, Portia (who since has gone to be with the Lord), who was telling me that she had reached a dry place in her life when it came to prayer. It seemed as though she had difficulty praying for others. Both of us found it interesting.

I’ve come to realize that there are times when you want to pray for others, but you can only pray for yourself. Oftentimes what we find ourselves doing is trying to force a situation when God is beckoning you to spend some quality time with Him. Stealing away for personal prayer with God allows you to find yourself all over again and gain the strength you need to fulfill the assignment God has for your life.

Jesus stole away to have personal time with God. When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane He didn’t pray for anyone, but Himself. He asked God to allow the cup to pass from Him and he ended the pray surrendering His will to the will of God. There are things in our lives that appear insurmountable that it is hard to focus on anything else but our own needs. These are not so much selfish times as they are selfless times.

A selfish person will keep pushing themselves pouring out when they know they have nothing else to give. A selfless person realizes that it is time for them to pull away in order for them to become rejuvenated to endure to the end and to be able to effectively minister to others.

There are seasons when you go to call out for others and you find yourself calling out for yourself. There are seasons when that is all you can focus on is your own concerns and cares. Try as you may to pray for others, your circumstances and needs supersedes and take precedence over those of others.

You see, God instructed us to love Him first, then others and finally ourselves. Because he knew that there comes a time when you have to minister to your own personal needs. There comes a time when you have to turn your back on the cares of this world in order for you to get into the face of God. You will never become all God envisioned if you don’t spend that quality time with Him by yourself and on your behalf. During this time you are able to curl up in His arms and tell Him all your concerns and fears. It is during this time that your soul is being renewed to accomplish the tasks that he has set before you.

When we don’t make time for these special moments, we miss God and all that He has for us. It is in this intimate encounter with God that we begin to know ourselves and the will He has for our lives.

So, go ahead and pull away. Whether its in your prayer closet, prayer chair or wherever, pray for yourself. It is not a selfish act, but a selfless act when we go to our Father so He can pour into us in order for us to acquire the strength we need to fulfill the assignment. It is only then you can truly help someone else. Now, you can say, “It is not all about me, but it is about You (God and others).


Then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane, and saith unto his disciples, Sit ye here, while I go yonder and pray. Matt 26:36 (ASV)

After walking a little farther, he quickly bowed with his face to the ground and prayed, “Father, if it’s possible, let this cup {of suffering} be taken away from me. But let your will be done rather than mine.” Matt 26:39 (GW)

At that time Jesus went to a mountain to pray. He spent the whole night in prayer to God. When it was day, he called his disciples. He chose twelve of them and called them apostles. Luke 6:12-13 (GW)

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Phil 4:6 (KJV)


Father, Sometimes I want to cry out for you on behalf of others, yet I find myself discussing my own needs and concerns. It is not that I don’t care about others, but it is because I need more of you to strengthen me in order that I can go out and be an effective change agent for you. Bless me not to feel guilty about this time I so desperately need to spend with You. Teach me how to embrace these moments as instrumental in my spiritual growth. It is when I come to You with all my concerns, I am able to envision myself as You do and to help others do the same. Amen.

Copyrighted © 2010. All Rights Reserved.

Share your thoughts.

Jacqui Showers, Showers’ Blessings, The Showers Group Ministries

Question: What ‘s your response based on the Word and expereince?


Minister Jacqui A. Showers, Evangelist, Inspirational Coach and Author, is the Founder of The Showers Group Ministries. She provides unboxed inspirational coaching through individual consultation, workshops, seminars, conferences, church services and other venues; and she is the author of Showers’ Blessings weekly inspirational eblasts serving a worldwide distribution. She is a licensed Minister at House of Prayer & Praise Ministries, Detroit. She can be contacted at or visit the website at

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Repentance, Prayer and Exalt 40 Day Prayer Journey

prayer conversations with God.

Day 36 to 39 40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation

Repent. Pray. Listen. Exalt His Name.

DAY 36 – March 19 Live a Life of Repentance
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation

We are continuing to press on in these 40 Days of repentance and prayer to seek the Lord and for true transformation to occur. We must draw near to God. God can do great things in you and the body of Christ when we individually and corporately seek God’s face, hear his voice and obey His ways. During these last five days let us humble ourselves and pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways that He will hear our cry from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land. (2 Chron. 7:14).

Scriptures: 2 Chronicles 7:12-22, 29:3-19; Jeremiah 4:1-18; Joel 2:12-32; Matthew 3:2; Acts 2:38-29

Repent: Of not humbly repenting and consistently turning toward the Lord; of resisting God’s call to humility and repentance of pride or hardness of heart; of _____________________.


• For forgiveness and a fresh impartation of God’s grace to live a life of humility and repentance.
• Pray that you will be filled with a spirit of humility and repentance, turning form your ways of the world and toward the Lord.
• Pray that your church will be filled with a spirit of humility and repentance, turning form your ways of the world and toward the Lord.
• That the number of believers following the ways of humility and repentance would increase.
• That the promise of revival will be poured out upon the people of God as we seek His face, repent and walk in His ways.
• That the grace of God will impact the world through us as we follow Him in humble obedience. discover ways of serving our communities that will soften the hearts of unbelievers to the gospel of love, life and truth;
• To be clothed in humility in order to serve out of the love Christ has bestowed upon us.
• That our service in love will lead many to salvation to the glory of God.

DAY 37 – March 20 Live a Life of Prayer and Intercession
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation

We are continuing to press on in these 40 Days of repentance and prayer to seek the Lord and for true transformation to occur. As these 40 days of repentance, fasting and prayer draw to an end, we must make a commitment and set our minds to press onward to consistently seek the Lord in prayer and worship and to intercede for your city, family , nation and others.

Scriptures: 1 Samuel 12:20-25; Isaiah 56, 62; Romans 8:26-30; Ephesians 6:10-18; Philippians 4:4-9

Repent: Of failing to pray or growing weary or sluggish in preserving in prayer; of failing to watch and pray as watchmen on the wall of our city; of not yielding to the Holy Spirit who makes intercession through us; of not pursuing God on behalf of your city, the nations and household salvation: of________________________________________________.


• Ask that prayer and intercession will increase in purity, passion and power throughout your life.
• Ask that prayer and intercession will increase in purity, passion and power throughout your city.
• Pray for those called to mobilize, lead, and encourage others in prayer will be raised up, trained and equipped throughout the church and city.
• That a manifestation of the Spirit of God with the baptism of the Holy Spirit would come upon every prayer meeting in the city, bringing forth prayers that are in agreement with Jesus Christ and pleasing to the Father until He answers.
• That you will be transformed by the presence of Christ as we cry out in humble and faith filled intercession.
• That our city will be transformed by the presence of Christ as we cry out in humble and faith filled intercession
• Pray for household salvation- those in your family. Pray for salvation for you community and city.
• Pray for the nations- Pray for your nation. Write the name of your nation.
• Pray for your city- Write the name of your city.

DAY 38 – March 21 Listening to His Voice
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation

We are continuing to press on in these 40 Days of repentance and prayer to seek the Lord and for true transformation to occur. Invite the Holy Spirit to search your heart and to reveal areas where you are not demonstrating love, compassion and serving others and you are not obeying God’s Word or hearing His voice. Seek to hear the voice of God and listen. Listen to His wisdom, guidance and instructions. Obey His voice.

Scriptures: Psalm 81: 8-16; Jeremiah 7 23:-27, 23-26; John 10:22-30

Repent: Of not heeding the voice of the Lord; of allowing fear, doubt or unbelief to hinder our willingness and ability to hear the voice of our God ; of hearing but not obeying His voice; of trusting the voice of others more than in the voice of the Lord; of__________________.


• For forgiveness for assurance of being able to hear as God’s children the voice of the Lord,
• Intercede that you will find a place to be quiet and sit before the Lord, expecting to hear what He has to speak today.
• For grace to walk in humble obedience to hear His voice.
• For ears to hear from the Lord in the way He has chosen to speak to and through His children;
• That the church will have a deep desire to hear His voice as a corporate body

DAY 39– March 22 Exalt His Name
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation

We are continuing to press on in these 40 Days of repentance and prayer to seek the Lord and for true transformation to occur. Jesus has been with us on this journey through ups and downs, struggles to stay on course, to stretch out of our comfort zone and to grow in the Lord. Let us give Him the praise He deserves.

Scriptures: Exodus 15:1-2; Psalm 34:1-3; Psalm 99; Philippians 2:5-11

Repent: Of not magnifying and lifting high the name and person of Jesus Christ; of not participating in praise and worship of the Lord-personally and corporately; of not giving the Lord the honor that is due His name; of_____________________.

• For forgiveness for not praising and honoring God as we should.
• That the spirit of true praise and worship will break out in the church.
• That you will faithfully magnify His name and give Him the honor and glory due Him.
• Praise God that He is the Exalted One; that His name is above every name, and that every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus is Christ is Lord.

Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader

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Live a Life of Prayer and Intercession-40 Day Prayer Journey

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DAY 37 – March 20 Live a Life of Prayer and Intercession
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation

We are continuing to press on in these 40 Days of repentance and prayer to seek the Lord for true life transformation to occur. As these 40 days of repentance, fasting and prayer draw to an end, we must make a commitment and set our minds to press onward to consistently seek the Lord in prayer, intercession and worship and to intercede for your city, family , nation and others.

Scriptures: 1 Samuel 12:20-25; Isaiah 56, 62; Romans 8:26-30; Ephesians 6:10-18; Philippians 4:4-9

Repent: Of failing to pray or growing weary or sluggish in preserving in prayer; of failing to watch and pray as watchmen on the wall of our city; of not yielding to the Holy Spirit who makes intercession through us; of not pursuing God on behalf of your city, the nations and household salvation.

• Ask that prayer and intercession will increase in purity, passion and power throughout your life.
• Ask that prayer and intercession will increase in purity, passion and power throughout your city.
• Pray for those called to mobilize, lead, and encourage others in prayer will be raised up, trained and equipped throughout the church and city.
• That a manifestation of the Spirit of God with the baptism of the Holy Spirit would come upon every prayer meeting in the city, bringing forth prayers that are in agreement with Jesus Christ and pleasing to the Father until He answers.
• That you will be transformed by the presence of Christ as we cry out in humble and faith filled intercession.
• That our city will be transformed by the presence of Christ as we cry out in humble and faith filled intercession
• Pray for household salvation- those in your family. Pray for salvation for you community and city.
• Pray for the nations- Pray for your nation. Write the name of your nation.
• Pray for your city- Write the name of your city.

Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader

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Day 34 and 35 Ministry of Reconciliation; Servant-Heart

prayer conversations with God.

DAY 34 – March 17 Demonstrating the Ministry of Reconciliation
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation
We are continuing to press on in these 40 Days of repentance and prayer to seek the Lord and for true transformation to occur. Invite the Holy Spirit to search your heart and to reveal areas where you are not demonstrating forgiveness, peace and reconciliation.

Scriptures: Matthew 5:21-26; Ephesians 2:14-18; 1 Timothy 6:11-19; 1 Peter 3:8-17

Repent: Of not pursuing righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness, and peace, particularly with those who do not yet know Christ as Savior; of not responding to wrong treatment or suffering with righteousness and goodness; of not being intentional in reconciling with those from whom we are separated ; of ___________________________.


• For forgiveness for sins of commission and sins of omission Confess to the Lord the ways you have not walked in love, and in the fruit of the Spirit.
• Pray for grace to begin pursuing attitudes, words and actions of reconciliation with our community.
• Pray for forgiveness and restoration by the power of the Holy Spirit to walk in the Spirit.
• Pray for you to submit to the Holy Spirit, seeking to demonstrate abundantly the fruit of the Spirit to family, friends and the world.
• For the church to submit to the Holy Spirit seeking to demonstrate abundantly the fruit of the Spirit to the world
• For expressions of reconciliation to prevail in your actions, attitude, words and deeds.
• Pray that the ministry of reconciliation you have in Christ to compel you and the body of Christ to share the gospel of Christ with the lost so that they might be reconciled to God.
• Pray for grace and patience to flow through believers to the lost, especially for believers who have been mistreated, criticized or persecuted for righteousness’ sake.

DAY 35 – March 18 Demonstrate the Servant–heart of Christ
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation

We are continuing to press on in these 40 Days of repentance and prayer to seek the Lord and for true transformation to occur. Invite the Holy Spirit to search your heart and to reveal areas where you are not demonstrating love, compassion and serving others.

Scriptures: Matthew 20:20-28; John 13:1-17; Philippians 2:5-18

Repent: Of not walking in the attitude of Christ Jesus who came to serve, not to be served; of failing to serve others; of expecting to be served by others; demonstrating pride rather than humility.


• For forgiveness for failing to walk in the ways of Christ in service, humility and reverence.
• Pray that you and the church to learn how to serve as Christ did.
• To discover ways of serving our communities that will soften the hearts of unbelievers to the gospel of love, life and truth;
• To be clothed in humility in order to serve out of the love Christ has bestowed upon us.
• That our service in love will lead many to salvation to the glory of God.

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40 Day Prayer Journey -God is only a Prayer Away

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Day 31 of 40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation.
God is Only A Prayer Away

We have been on this 40 day journey for 31 Days today( See daily prior posts). How are you doing with meditating on the scriptures, talking to God about you and Him ,praising Him for His greatness and talking about what’s on your heart and confessing your sins and telling Him about the strongholds in your life. Tomorrow we will continue our prayer point focus. I thought today I would change the format on Day 31.

This prayer journey should be a holy heart searching response to God’s call for each of us to seek His face for life transformation. So I hope you step out of your comfort zone into His loving arms with hope and expectancy, for God has promised that when you- His children “humble themselves, and pray and seek(His) face, and turn from their wicked ways, then He will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicle 7:14)

On this journey we have been praying about our relationship with God, our relationships with family members and our relationships with those in the body of Christ. Are you growing more in grace? I pray that this time will be radically used by the Lord to bring life transformation to us all, personally and corporately. I need it. One thing I am thankful for that God is only a prayer away. Stay on the prayer journey. Don’t quit.

~~ God Is Only a Prayer Away. ~~ When Troubles and Problems are All Closing In, Remember~~ God Is Only A Prayer Away. ~~~ Seek and Inquire of Him

My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me”, And my heart responds, “Lord , I am coming”. Psalm 27:8 NLT

Hear ,O Lord, when I cry with my voice have mercy and also upon me, and answer me. When you saidst, Seek ye my face, my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord will I seek. Psalm 27:7-8 (NKJV)

Hear Lord, when I cry aloud; have mercy and be gracious to me and answer me.
You have said, Seek my face (inquire for and require My presence as your vital need) My heart says to You. Your face (Your presence Lord, will I seek, inquire for, and require (of necessity and on the authority of Your Word). Psalm 27:7-8 (AMP)

What do you need to ask and talk to God about today? Who are you interceding for today? Pray. Believe. Hear. Listen. Pray. Believe. Do what God tells you to do. God is only a Prayer Away.

Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader ,

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Day 28 Demonstrate the Love of Christ in Relationships


DAY 28 – March 11 20- Demonstrate the Love of Christ in Relationships
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation

We have been pressing through these 40 days of prayer and repentance. How have you been challenged, growing, laying aside weights and sin, and being renewed toward transformation? God is love and He wants us to demonstrate that love in our relationships with the “saved” and those who do not know Jesus Christ personally. We should live as a demonstration of His love, grace, mercy and truth so that we will glorify Him and so that someone may be saved through Him. Invite the Holy Spirit to search your heart to reveal areas where transformation needs to occur in you and in the church.

Scriptures: Ephesians 5:25-33; Colossians 3:19;John 3:1-21; 1 John 3:1-23; 1 John 4:11,20-21

Repent: Of declaring that we love others when demonstrating lack of love and concern for those who are lost and without Christ; of speaking love, but not showing love and mercy through deeds that touch the lives of those in the world around us; of not loving as the Word states especially within the household of faith , the family unit and our neighbor.

Receive: A fresh cleansing from the sin of not loving as Christ loves.


• Confess to the Lord the ways you have not loved and honored the lost, your neighbor and family members.
• Ask the Lord to do a work in your heart that will release you from any spirit, thought or unforgiveness that blocks your relationship with those who do not know Jesus Christ, your neighbor and family members.
• Pray that the Holy Spirit will empower you to forgive and for each of you to forgive each other.
• Pray for healing of broken or embittered relationships.
• Pray for relationships with your children and that as a parent you will demonstrate that love with encouragement, time and healthy discipline.
• Pray that children will love, respect and obey their parents.
• Pray for the church to be a living force of love in the neighborhood, city and world.
• That you and the church will be known by your love for one another and for your love for those who are lost and do not know Jesus Christ.
• Pray that the church and you show your neighbor, those who do not know the Lord, and the world genuine love in word and in deeds.
• That the church be delivered from the spirit of legalism and released into a Spirit of truth love and liberty of the Spirit.
• Pray for a deep love and respect between church members and also between family members. Pray for reconciliation where they are at odds.
Linda D. Fegins, The Prayer Leader

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Day 7 of 40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation


DAY 7 – February 19 – Obeying and Serving the Lord
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation

Scriptures: Deuteronomy 11:18-32; John 14:15-24; Psalm 100 ; Hebrews 9:11-15,12:28-29

This is Day 7 of this 40 Day Journey to Life Transformation. I hope you have been daily meditating on the daily scriptures that apply to a specific focus, fasting and writing in your journal. It takes discipline and getting out of our comfort zone to look at the “man or woman in the mirror” and to repent. God wants you to seek His face in intimate communion, consultation, and listening. He wants you to intentionally seek His heart and voice in everything that you do. He also wants us to obey His Word. During these 40 Days you should want and God wants to see transformation in our hearts, mindset and lifestyle.

The number 40 is a significant number. Biblically speaking 40 is a specific time period associated with a period of testing, trial, probation or chastisement. “The number 40 is a indication that God is ready to birth something new out of pain or challenge”. Kingdom Principles for Everyday Living by Stewart Perrilliat. It rained 40 days and nights , Moses was on the mountain with God for 40 days and nights, and the Israelites wandered for 40 years before they entered the Promised Land. Jesus fasted in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness before He began His ministry. Believe with great expectation that this 40 Day Prayer Journey will develop a more intimate relationship with the Lord, a casting off of “old garments” and a renewed mind and heart which will result in transformation in your life.

Repent: Of professing a love for God without obeying His Word; of making excuses for not obeying His Word; of expecting blessing without obeying ; of persisting in known revealed sin.

Repent: Of serving without joy or unity of the Spirit with brothers and sisters in the body of Christ and at Messiah; of serving out of law and not of love and of serving with impure intentions, goals, and/or reasons.

• Ask the Lord to forgive you for the ways you have ignored His Word and disobeyed and followed your own way or the ways of the world.
• Pray for grace from the Lord to obey His Word.
• Pray for yourself and the church to be filled with a love for the Word of God.
• Pray that believers will witness for Christ through their lives and words.
• Ask God what more can you do to serve our church and community.
• Pray for a fresh anointing to serve with joy, gladness, passion and power.
• Pray that our service would be God motivated, God centered and God ordained.
• Pray that the church will reach out on a greater level to the widows, poor and the less fortunate.

Linda Fegins , The Prayer Leader, February 19,2013

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Day 5 Prayer Journey -Following After the Lord

I sought the Lord and He heard me24451_10151175680437283_1306356890_n

DAY 5 – February 17- Following After the Lord 40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation

Throughout Scripture spiritual leaders called people to times of fasting and prayer when the need for transformation was recognized. I pray during this season you are taking the time to fast, pray, repent and reflect.

Scriptures: Psalm 63 ; Luke 9:23-26 ; Joshua 14:8-9

Repent: Of clinging to anything or anyone other than Christ; of pursing worldly, fleshly affections; of following the ways of man and the world rather than the Lord; of inconsistency in pursuing the Lord and His ways.

Receive: A passion for the heart of the Lord to replace the distractions of the world; attitude and love to follow the Lord; restoration of first-love passion for Jesus.

•Pray for the church to become committed to become wholly devoted to the Word and to God’s purpose and will for the Kingdom.
• Worship the Lord as the One who invites us into intimate consultation with Himself.
• Confess to the Lord the ways you have neglected to inquire of Him, yet claim to speak for Him.
• Ask the Lord to teach you how to spend intimate time in His presence, growing in your ability to hear Him.
• Pray that the excuse of lack of time will no longer be a factor in keeping leaders from inquiring of the Lord
• Pray that ministry leaders and people in your city will desire to inquire of the Lord together for your city.
• Pray for the church and you to become committed to following after the Lord.
• Pray that you and the church will replace a complacent attitude and concern for the distractions of the world with a restoration of first love passion for Jesus.
• Pray that the Father would gather and grow a generation of full-hearted worshippers in our church and city.
• Pray for the Lord to add to the church daily those who are being saved. Acts 2:4.
• Pray for ministry leaders to be committed to corporate prayer.
• Pray for those who are unemployed.
• Pray for Families: Pray for solid, God-centered relationships among family members; for families broken up by divorce to be healed.
Linda Fegins ,the Prayer Leader Feb. 17,2013

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