Archive for January, 2013

Pray More . Cry Out. Sound the Alarm.

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Daily prayers will diminish your cares. More things are wrougt by prayer than this world knows. Alfred Lord Tenneyson.

Evening, and morning , and at noon, will I pray and cry aloud; and he shall hear my voice Psalm 55:17

Pray for household salvation for family, friends, your boss, co-workers and the next door neighbor you cannot stand. Pray for salvation for those who are lost and do not know Christ. Our prayers will cause the Spirit of God to draw them to Himself. In Revolution on Our Knees: 30 Days of Prayer for Neighbors and Nations by David and Kim Butts they urgently stress “Consider how many people are lost to the prince of darkness because no one has prayed that their lives would respond to a beckoning Father? I have no doubt that prayer is the front line strategy for missions. We may never know until heaven how many lives have been opened to receive Christ because of our prayers”.

Pray for the deliverance from violence that steals the lives of our children and families. In major cities our children and youth have suffered violence. We continue to pray for the children and teachers who lives were violently taken at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton , Connecticut. Pray for the mother in Chicago who has lost four sons to violence and death. Four sons ! You are devasted by one! Lord , we should be crying out like the mourning women in the Bible. In Jeremiah 9:17 it states”This is what the LORD Almighty says: “Consider now! Call for the wailing women to come; send for the most skillful of them”.

The children of Israel were about to be taken in bondage to Babylon. The prophet Jeremiah said send for the mourning women. They were to weep and wail and to mourn in sackcloth. Their purpose what to be an alarm system to wake up everybody around them. They were to call out, the devil is destroying us! Death is on its way! They were God’s warning shout to His people. These mouring women were to use the power of prayer and wailing before the Lord to destroy the power of Satan over God’s people by waking them up and calling them to a mourning of repentance. Today you- mother, sister, daughter or father can join in corporate prayer to open your mouth and cry out and pray against the evil of violence. Then when we hear the Lord’s direction, we can get up and put “feet on our prayers” to do what He tells us to do.

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What are you praying for today that is affecting our commuity and your household? Cry out. Sound the Alarm

Linda D. Fegins, The Prayer Leader

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Shenette Jones Virtual Book Tour-

Pray for marriages- for the ministry of reconciliation, forgiveness, peace
Pray for ministry leaders-integrity, faithfulness, and holiness
Pray for families

What happens when sin is uncovered? Author Shenette Jones addresses this issue in her book Uncovered

About the Book
After 5 years of marriage, Minister Stephanie Hall’s patience wears thin with her husband’s disinterest in sexual intimacy. With her desire for closeness and attention causing her faith to plummet, Stephanie fights an inner struggle of beauty and self-acceptance as her desperate need to be adored grows out of control…

Markus Hall wishes his past would go away, but the haunting events of his childhood years keep him distant from his wife Stephanie, and her constant requests for sex only push him away and remind him of the very things he’d rather forget. When his boss calls upon Markus to tutor his stunningly gorgeous daughter for her college classes, he can’t resist such a tempting offer, feeling needed and important each time the beautiful tutorial student looks into his eyes…

Suspecting that the relationship between her husband and the Indian beauty is more intimate than it seems, Stephanie decides to take matters into her own hands: weary with prayer, she abandons her faith and finds gratification in the arms of Matthew King, a church member’s husband…

With Markus and Stephanie’s healing seemingly too far to reach, they both find themselves searching for anything that resembles true love; however, in the pursuit of their new passion, the troubled spouses soon find themselves uncovered in a bitter storm of infidelity. Will this God fearing couple return to their faith and mend their brokenness…?

Shenette Jones Answers Interview Questions.

Describe yourself for our visitors.
Whenever I have to share about who Shenette Jones is, I have to first say that I’m a creative collaboration of the arts. I teach hip hop dance; I write poetry and perform spoken word, and I’m a recording artist performing jazz blues and even hip hop locally throughout my great city of Raleigh NC . I love doing speaking engagements. I used to speak only within churches ,but I always hoped to motivate people beyond the church. I became certified as personal training specialist years ago and it allowed me to travel and share practical fitness tips with others. I’m a community activist in Raleigh and I do speaking events for InterAct raising awareness about domestic violence and sexual assault. Finally, I’m an author! I share everything I do with my husband of 13 years and my two sons!

How do you find time to connect with God?
I love to pull out my journal in the morning or at the end of the day to write to him or for him. sometimes it may be as simple as a poem of gratitude. Other times it may be a few pages of pouring out my soul to him…depends on the circumstances, request, or intimate moments of praise.
Who is your favorite character in the book and why?
My favorite Character in the book is William. William is the voice of wisdom in this story and his advice and words often add a touch of healing throughout the entire story. Uncovered would not be a success without William Hall.

What inspired you to write this book?
Uncovered is a story birthed from some of the various realistic struggles and triumphs I personally faced within my own marriage and the similar complaints and struggles I witnessed in several other Christian relationships. It’s a fictional storyline but each scenario has been pulled from realistic events that other Christian women have painfully confessed to. I thought that the common story of infidelity within the Christian home deserved to be told, especially with the powerful message of redemption attached at the end!

Who are your favorite authors and why?? Favorite books?
Wanda B. Campbell, because it was her book. Illusions, that inspired me to go forth with my writing aspirations, and it is she who has personally mentored me and encouraged me as a new author.

Francine Rivers because she has laced the story of God’s love so magnificently within her books, especially Redeeming Love.

Stormie Omartian, because no one teaches you how to pray like the queen of Power of a Praying Wife, Power of a Praying Parent, Power of a praying Woman etc.

The shack, written by William Paul Young. this book left me utterly speechless and grateful for love, life, and The Lord.

Tell us about your journey to publication.
After reading an incredible Christian Fiction novel entitled Illusions by Wanda B. Campbell, I simply emailed her personally to share with her what an impact her story had made upon my heart. I thought it was brilliantly written and I quickly identified with her writing because it was realistic and not a watered down christian fiction story. This was the way I vowed to myself to always keep my writing. To my surprise she returned an email rather quickly and I expressed my desire to publish one day. After sharing my written work with her she encouraged me to continue with the words, “your work should be in Print!” I was chosen to be one of her 8 writers in the Anthology, HOME AGAIN; STORIES OF RESTORED RELATIONSHIPS. I met incredible other authors from across the United States, and the experience was phenomenal. Today I celebrate the release of Uncovered which is the full novel to the work that was written as a short story in the anthology. I give credit to Wanda B. Campbell for giving the gift of time to mentor me and encourage me as an author.

Tell us about your current book?
Markus Hall, a quiet and rather passive husband loves his wife, but struggles to connect with her intimately because of his past hurts that haunt him daily. He tries desperately to ignore his own issues but Stephanie grows impatient forcing matters to explode out of control. Stephanie is a woman of faith, a minister, and a praying wife, until her desires for sexual intimacy surpass her desire for God. They, both Stephanie and Markus are desperately seeking after something but until they finally find it, they cause great pain in the meanwhile.
I personally believe that Uncovered is a story that reaches all walks of life. Instantly this novel connects with readers, neither because of its scandalous storyline nor because of its powerful spiritual message, rather because of its simplicity. Everyone has experienced something similar to what my characters are experiencing whether it’s the longing for a father never known or the loneliness Stephanie feels in her marriage. We’ve all faced the war of temptation when we sincerely wanted to choose wisely.

How did you come up with ideas for this book?
As I write, the Character become incredibly life like. It often feels as though they guide me through each turn and detail.
However I do often begin with a realistic person I know or have seen and I continue to fictionalize the character until he or she has taken on a whole new personality and style.

What valuable lessons do you want readers to learn from your book?
Uncovered was written to deliver one strong message to people from all different walks of life and various backgrounds. That message is simple. It’s a message of forgiveness for others and forgiveness towards ourselves. Forgiveness has the power to close painful chapters of our lives. it also has the power to bloom new beautiful opportunities of love and healing.

What’s next for you?
I’m currently writing a spin off from Uncovered based on one of the characters that appears to be one of the favorites in the book. Torrey Thompson.
I’d also love to let readers know that I’m also a professional singer/performer with a musical background ranging from hip hop, jazz, blues, gospel and even classical. When I’m not writing, I’m performing or creating and writing music. I’d love for them to check out my music at or my
Reverb Nation page. Under Shenette Jones to comment, like or share.

Where can visitors find you online?
The (parenting blog) Shenette Jones
Facebook-Shenette Jones
Twitter (authorshenettej)

Interview Questions by Linda Fegins

About the Author

Shenette Swann Jones is a native of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, but will always claim Memphis, Tennessee, as her second home. Coming from a family of talented singers and musicians, music has always played a first role in Shenette’s life, but writing would always remain her most treasured gift among her other talents. When Shenette wasn’t singing or choreographing a dance routine, she would escape to her many journals or poetry clubs, and eventually even a newspaper staff or two. From music to writing, her passion for life shines in every multifaceted direction she takes.
Today, Shenette is a motivational speaker, a community activist, an incredibly diverse vocalist, and a new novelist. The year 2010 saw Shenette’s first published work in “Home Again; Stories of Restored Relationships”, a heartwarming anthology by award winning author Wanda B. Campbell. Since then, Shenette has perfected her craft as a writer in order to produce her first novel, Uncovered. When she isn’t blogging, journaling, or creating another story, Shenette enjoys taking an aggressive stand in the community against domestic violence and sexual assault. She also advocates strongly for youth education rights and racial relations within her community.
After 13 years of marriage and two wonderful sons, Shenette is thoroughly excited to return to writing full-time and hopes to use her imagination as a tool of inner healing, self-reflection, and a great source of entertainment for others.
View the blog tour schedule at:

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Seek God for Answers to Your Goals and Plans . He is able.

Praise God for His unfamthonable love for you. Thank the Lord that He is able to do exceeding above all that we think or ask as we move forward in 2013. He is able. Thank God that He is a prayer answering God. He has the answers for you, your family, your career, your goals , you finances, your business and the world. Call on Him. Seek His face first. Matthew 6:33. Pray without ceasing. 1 Thess 5:17. Ask. He invites you to. ” For everyone who ask receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened”. Matthew 7:8. Believe. Matthew 21:22. Listen. Meditate. Joshua 1:8 . Do what He tells you to do.


1. Sit down after you have prayed. Now write down your goals, dreams and desires. Hab 2:2-3. You must write the vision and make it plain.

Goals can concern your spiritual growth, your family, your career, your business, personal goals ie weight loss, exercise, financial goals. Write your 30 day goals , your 6 month goals, your year goals and life time goals. Make sure they are specific, measurable, acheivable, and put a deadline date to achieve them.

A goal is a target, the desired end of our efforts. Paul talks about pressing toward the mark in Philippians 3:14. Having a goal doesn’t always mean hitting the target —but it does mean getting closer than you would have if you hadn’t had a goal at all. Someone once said, “It is better to aim for a star and hit a mountain than to aim for a mud puddle and hit it every time.” See Cynthia Bezek, “What are Your Spiritual Goals? July|Aug 2000 issue Pray! Magazine. The Bible encourages us to write our goals. Isaiah 32:8 says, “The noble man makes noble plans.” Proverbs 16:3 promises, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” We should have dreams and set goals to reach the dreams, but remember that God holds the authority to say “yea” or “nay”-veto power: “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails”. (Proverbs 19:2)

2. Pray over them. Find scripture that supports your goals. Write the scripture down . Meditate on them. review them weekly or daily in necessary.

3. This week seek the Lord for an action plan as to how to achieve them. You need to write down the steps you will take to achieve them.

Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader

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