Day 36 to 39 40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation
Repent. Pray. Listen. Exalt His Name.
DAY 36 – March 19 Live a Life of Repentance
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation
We are continuing to press on in these 40 Days of repentance and prayer to seek the Lord and for true transformation to occur. We must draw near to God. God can do great things in you and the body of Christ when we individually and corporately seek God’s face, hear his voice and obey His ways. During these last five days let us humble ourselves and pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways that He will hear our cry from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land. (2 Chron. 7:14).
Scriptures: 2 Chronicles 7:12-22, 29:3-19; Jeremiah 4:1-18; Joel 2:12-32; Matthew 3:2; Acts 2:38-29
Repent: Of not humbly repenting and consistently turning toward the Lord; of resisting God’s call to humility and repentance of pride or hardness of heart; of _____________________.
• For forgiveness and a fresh impartation of God’s grace to live a life of humility and repentance.
• Pray that you will be filled with a spirit of humility and repentance, turning form your ways of the world and toward the Lord.
• Pray that your church will be filled with a spirit of humility and repentance, turning form your ways of the world and toward the Lord.
• That the number of believers following the ways of humility and repentance would increase.
• That the promise of revival will be poured out upon the people of God as we seek His face, repent and walk in His ways.
• That the grace of God will impact the world through us as we follow Him in humble obedience. discover ways of serving our communities that will soften the hearts of unbelievers to the gospel of love, life and truth;
• To be clothed in humility in order to serve out of the love Christ has bestowed upon us.
• That our service in love will lead many to salvation to the glory of God.
DAY 37 – March 20 Live a Life of Prayer and Intercession
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation
We are continuing to press on in these 40 Days of repentance and prayer to seek the Lord and for true transformation to occur. As these 40 days of repentance, fasting and prayer draw to an end, we must make a commitment and set our minds to press onward to consistently seek the Lord in prayer and worship and to intercede for your city, family , nation and others.
Scriptures: 1 Samuel 12:20-25; Isaiah 56, 62; Romans 8:26-30; Ephesians 6:10-18; Philippians 4:4-9
Repent: Of failing to pray or growing weary or sluggish in preserving in prayer; of failing to watch and pray as watchmen on the wall of our city; of not yielding to the Holy Spirit who makes intercession through us; of not pursuing God on behalf of your city, the nations and household salvation: of________________________________________________.
• Ask that prayer and intercession will increase in purity, passion and power throughout your life.
• Ask that prayer and intercession will increase in purity, passion and power throughout your city.
• Pray for those called to mobilize, lead, and encourage others in prayer will be raised up, trained and equipped throughout the church and city.
• That a manifestation of the Spirit of God with the baptism of the Holy Spirit would come upon every prayer meeting in the city, bringing forth prayers that are in agreement with Jesus Christ and pleasing to the Father until He answers.
• That you will be transformed by the presence of Christ as we cry out in humble and faith filled intercession.
• That our city will be transformed by the presence of Christ as we cry out in humble and faith filled intercession
• Pray for household salvation- those in your family. Pray for salvation for you community and city.
• Pray for the nations- Pray for your nation. Write the name of your nation.
• Pray for your city- Write the name of your city.
DAY 38 – March 21 Listening to His Voice
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation
We are continuing to press on in these 40 Days of repentance and prayer to seek the Lord and for true transformation to occur. Invite the Holy Spirit to search your heart and to reveal areas where you are not demonstrating love, compassion and serving others and you are not obeying God’s Word or hearing His voice. Seek to hear the voice of God and listen. Listen to His wisdom, guidance and instructions. Obey His voice.
Scriptures: Psalm 81: 8-16; Jeremiah 7 23:-27, 23-26; John 10:22-30
Repent: Of not heeding the voice of the Lord; of allowing fear, doubt or unbelief to hinder our willingness and ability to hear the voice of our God ; of hearing but not obeying His voice; of trusting the voice of others more than in the voice of the Lord; of__________________.
• For forgiveness for assurance of being able to hear as God’s children the voice of the Lord,
• Intercede that you will find a place to be quiet and sit before the Lord, expecting to hear what He has to speak today.
• For grace to walk in humble obedience to hear His voice.
• For ears to hear from the Lord in the way He has chosen to speak to and through His children;
• That the church will have a deep desire to hear His voice as a corporate body
DAY 39– March 22 Exalt His Name
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation
We are continuing to press on in these 40 Days of repentance and prayer to seek the Lord and for true transformation to occur. Jesus has been with us on this journey through ups and downs, struggles to stay on course, to stretch out of our comfort zone and to grow in the Lord. Let us give Him the praise He deserves.
Scriptures: Exodus 15:1-2; Psalm 34:1-3; Psalm 99; Philippians 2:5-11
Repent: Of not magnifying and lifting high the name and person of Jesus Christ; of not participating in praise and worship of the Lord-personally and corporately; of not giving the Lord the honor that is due His name; of_____________________.
• For forgiveness for not praising and honoring God as we should.
• That the spirit of true praise and worship will break out in the church.
• That you will faithfully magnify His name and give Him the honor and glory due Him.
• Praise God that He is the Exalted One; that His name is above every name, and that every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus is Christ is Lord.
Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader