This is the 22 Day of the 40 Day Prayer Journey. Have you been consistently joining us? Please read and meditate upon the scriptures and pray the prayer points. Press in to answer the questions and do what is suggested so that you may grow and rise spiritually to walk like and talk like Jesus.
DAY 22 – March 11- Seeking to Rise Spiritually by Walking in Faith
Scriptures: Matt. 21: 21-22; Mark 11:22-24; James 5: 14-16
• Pray for God’s healing touch to be upon the sick in the community.
• Praise God for being trustworthy and that His Word will not return void.
• Ask God to give you the wisdom and will to increase your faith and to walk by faith .
• Thank God for His willingness to hear and answer the prayers you bring to Him in faith.
• Confess any lack of faith you may discover of yourself.
• For God to rise up men and women of integrity, faith and love to places of spiritual and natural authority throughout the church and the city.
• Young Adults, Youth and Children
-Them to seek the Lord
-Them to find themselves in Christ
-Protection from the enemy at all times
-Overcoming peer pressure
– Their ability, through Christ, to have the will to overcome their natural desires
-All to be saved
Spiritual Rise Check Up- Write responses in a journal or notebook
Giving: Are you giving a portion of your income to God?
In what area is God challenging you regarding your giving at this time?
Be honest and state how you need to rise up to in your giving and how you plan to improve upon the same.
DAY 23 – March 12- Seeking to Rise Spiritually by Walking Together In Unity
Scriptures: Psalm 133; John 17; Ephesians 4:1-6
• Pray that congregations over the city would grow in the unity of the Spirit, love, peace, and purpose so that the world might see the power of God manifested when the church comes together in the love of Christ.
• Pray that petty differences, ambitions and pride would be laid down for the sake of reflecting the purposes and character of Christ.
• Pray that all divisions, dissention and disagreements that keep the churches from walking together as the body of Christ cease and that forgiveness occurs.
• Pray for the heartbroken and lonely.
• Pray for those who are grieving because of death, divorce or lost.
• Pray that the Holy Spirit will convict unsaved persons you know (name them), bringing them to repentance and faith and guiding them into all truth.
• Pray for forgiveness where the body of Christ has failed to walk together and that by the power of the Holy Ghost that the body of Christ will be enabled and empowered to walk in the unity of the Spirit and in the bond of peace.
Spiritual Rise Act:
Prayerwalk or Drive by Prayer: Select an area or street that you can walk down and pray for the area as you walk. Pray about the street, its safety, the souls in the homes etc. As you drive a street or neighborhood pray for that street.
DAY 24 – March 13- Seeking to Rise Spiritually by Walking Together In the Body
Scriptures: Rom. 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12; Eph. 4:7-16
• Pray for every member of the body of Christ to discover his/her place and come into proper relationship with the other members within Messiah and in other congregations.
• Pray for each member to walk faithfully in God’s gifting and calling to build up others.
• Pray for each member within the body to accept, honor, and work together purposefully and in harmony with various parts of the body at Messiah or where God has joined us through the local congregation.
• Confess and ask God for forgiveness if you are guilty of withholding fellowship from those that are unlike you in personality, ethnic origin, or gifting within the body of Christ.
• Pray for those who have suffered calamity or crisis in their families. Pray that peace and unity bind affected families together in love.
• Pray for missionaries. Pray that God will provide favor, protection, resources and laborers.
• Pray that family members and friends will be a source of joy and blessing to each.
• Pray that Christ’s life might be expressed freely through the body, properly functioning together in love.
Spiritual Rise Act:
Send someone on the sick and shut-in list a card or call them.
Make a list of the spiritual blessings God has given you.
Linda Fegins, “The Prayer Leader” serves as prayer leader and teacher/trainer on the “Prayer Boot Camp” with the Global Missions Prayer Force and as a guest intercessor and volunteer for Girlfriends Pray a global prayer ministry. She served as Prayer Coordinator for over 13 years( later Director over the Prayer Ministry) for the Lydia Circle Christian Business and Professional Women. As part of the Lydia Circle she has lead over a dozen prayer boot camps, and has lead prayer services and workshops in the Bahamas and in South Africa and was on the prayer team of a medical missions trips to Jamaica under the leadership of Rev. Jackie McCullough. She is also a member of the National Church Prayer Leaders Network and serves as the Prayer Leader of the Intercessory Prayer Ministry of her church.