Posts Tagged 40 Day Journey

Rise Spiritually: Increase in Personal and Corporate Prayer

Pray about every thing.10537039_10152202480802283_5217672386769302839_n

It’s Day 37 of the 40 Day Prayer Journey. Keep pressing in prayer and the study of the Word to enable you to increase in your personal and corporate prayer life.

DAY 37 – March 26 Seeking to Rise Spiritually by Increasing Our Personal and Corporate Prayer Life

Elijah: An Ordinary Man Who Prayed Powerfully
Scriptures: James 5:17-18 Read the full story of Elijah’s prayer victory in 1 Kings 17-18

• Praise God for the power that makes powerful praying possible.
• Thank God that he hears and answers the prayers of ordinary persons and makes it possible for us to pray powerfully.
• Ask God to reveal to you what he wants you to pray about and to help you pray earnestly and persistently.
• Pray that God will cause his church to grow strong in prayer and be effective in ministry.
• Pray that men, women, boys, and girls will be happy to be enlightened and empowered of the things of God.
• Tell God that you are available to pray earnestly and persistently about anything that He lays on your heart and that you will listen for His direction. Now listen for God’s directions.
• Pray for the Holy Spirit to bring victory over all unrighteousness.
• Pray for the Arts and Entertainment Industry-that God will inspire artist and those in the entertainment industry with creativity and wisdom that reflect God’s beauty and truth; pray for salvation of those in the industry; and that those who come to follow Christ will follow Christ with courage and take a stand for Jesus.

Spiritual Rise Check Up- Write responses in a journal or notebook
Meditate on the above scripture. Name three things about Elijah’s prayer life that made it effective. How will you rise to go about getting and doing what you need to do to improve upon your prayer life?

Spiritual Rise Act
Before you make requests of God, ask Him what He wants you to pray for in each case. Then pause to listen for the Spirit’s prompt. Pray as lead by the Spirit.

Linda Fegins ” The Prayer Leader”

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Day 22 to Day 27 of the 40 Day Prayer Journey

prayer_5017-300x300 wrought by prayer

Thank you for joining the 40 Day Prayer Journey “Growing by the Power Within to Please God: Repenting for a Renewed Relationship With God”. Philippians 2:13.

This is a daily prayer journey. Today’s prayer focus is a continuation of the 40 Day Prayer Journey which began on March 5 Ash Wednesday. See prior post for prior days.

The daily prayer points in this guide begin with stated scriptures applicable to the focus of the day. You are invited to seek God’s face to enable you to grow in the actions and thoughts that please God. You want to confess, repent and turn from actions and thoughts that grieve the Lord.
During the Forty Day Prayer Journey daily read the suggested scriptures. Meditate on the Word asking the Holy Spirit to speak to you and reveal in your heart how He wants you to respond personally and on behalf of your church or city. This is an opportunity for personal repentance. Ask the Lord to search your heart for thoughts and actions that are sinful. (Psalm 139:23-24) Allow the Lord to examine your life thoroughly.

Use a journal to write down what the Holy Spirit downloads in your heart.

DAY 22 – March 26- “Growing to Please God by Walking in Faith”

Scriptures: Matthew 21: 21-22; Mark 11:22-24; James 5: 14-16


• Pray for God’s healing touch to be upon the sick in the community.
• Praise God for being trustworthy and that His Word will not return void.
• Ask God to give you the wisdom and will to increase your faith and to walk by faith.
• Thank God for His willingness to hear and answer the prayers you bring to Him in faith.
• Confess any lack of faith you may discover of yourself.
• For God to rise up men and women of integrity, faith and love to places of spiritual authority throughout the church and the city.
• Pray for the Youth- For people in their teens to radically commit their lives in Christ; to make wise choices; for older mentor; for solid friendships with their peers who are following Jesus; for open communication with parents; for God’s intentions for their generation to come forth in fullness measure.

DAY 23 – March 27- “Growing to Please God by Walking Together In Unity”

Scriptures: Psalm 133; John 17; Ephesians 4:1-6


• Pray that you, your church and congregations over the city would grow in the unity of the Spirit, love, peace, and purpose so that the world might see the power of God manifested when the church comes together in the love of Christ.
• Pray that petty differences, ambitions and pride would be laid down for the sake of reflecting the purposes and character of Christ.
• Pray that all divisions, dissentions and disagreements that keep churches from walking together as the body of Christ cease and that forgiveness occurs.
• Pray for the heartbroken and lonely.
• Pray for those who are grieving because of death, divorce or lost.
• Pray that the Holy Spirit will convict unsaved persons you know (name them), bringing them to repentance and faith and guiding them into all truth.
• Pray for forgiveness where the body of Christ has failed to walk together. Pray that by the power of the Holy Ghost that the body of Christ will be enabled and empowered to walk in the unity of the Spirit and in the bond of peace.
• .

DAY 24 – March 28 – “Growing to Please God by Walking Together In the Body”

Scriptures: Romans 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12; Ephesians 4:7-16


• Pray for every member of the body of Christ to discover our place and come into proper relationship with the other members within your church home and in other congregations.
• Pray for each member to walk faithfully in God’s gifting and calling to build up others.
• Pray for each member within the body to accept, honor, and work together purposefully and in harmony with various parts of the body at Messiah or where God has joined us through the local congregation.
• Confess and ask God for forgiveness if you are guilty of withholding fellowship from those that are unlike you in personality, ethnic origin, or gifting within the body of Christ.
• Pray for those who have suffered calamity or crisis in their families. Pray that peace and unity bind affected families together in love.
• Pray for missionaries. Pray that God will provide favor, protection, resources and laborers.
• Pray that family members and friends will be a source of joy and blessing to each other.
• Pray that Christ’s life might be expressed freely through the body, properly functioning together in love.
• .


DAY 25 – March 29- Growing to Please God by Pursuing Reconciliation in Truth and Love

Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 5:12; Ephesians 2:16-18; Colossians 1:19-23


• Pray for believers throughout our city to be burdened with Christ’s compelling love to be reconciled to one another.
• Pray that you be reconciled with anyone with whom you have had an argument or disagreement that keeps you separated from in the body of Christ or in the world.
• Pray for truth and love to cause individuals and congregations throughout the city to pursue reconciliation with those from whom they are separated or with whom they have suffered a break in relationship.
• Pray that the enemy of unity who works division by accusing brother against brother would be defeated by the power of love permeating throughout the church.
• Pray that your children and the children of the community will grow up in the training
and instruction of the Lord and will learn to walk in His ways.
• Pray for the church leaders. Pray that they will serve faithfully, humbly and with wisdom.
• Pray for Prisoner
• Pray that unsaved families, friends, and neighbors will hear the Word, receive it and respond in faith.

DAY 26 – March 30- “Growing to Please God by Pursuing Genuine Relationships through Fellowship”

Scriptures: Acts 2: 42-47; Galatians 2:1-10; Philippians 2:1-4


• Intercede for the body of Christ to continue steadfastly in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayer.
• Repent of declaring love for God while not living in love with brothers and sisters in the Lord.
• Pray that the church have a fresh conviction and commitment that brings them to pursue different relationships with those who are different from us in culture, race, ethnicity, and socio-economics.
• Praise God that He is a God of fellowship and communion and, as a good Father, He loves to draw His children together.
• Pray for persons with low self-esteem and those who feel unloved. Pray that they receive help of the Lord to trust in His unfailing love, to accept that love, and to abide in that love.
• Pray for the unemployed. Pray that God will meet the needs of those without work in a way that they can thank God for the provision; that they will soon find meaningful employment and glorify God for it. Pray for resources, family and social support, and encouragement.
• Pray that members of Messiah will lovingly bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.
• Pray for marriages. Pray for those that are strained and that God will bring forgiveness, help and healing; that He will heal broken hearts and restore intimacy.
• Pray for the City Council. Pray that they will operate in integrity and wisdom.

DAY 27 – March 31- “Growing to Please God by Forgiving”

Scriptures: Mark 11:25-26; Ephesians 4:31-32; Colossians 3:12-17


• Repent of not forgiving those who have sinned against you and of walking in pride, superiority or opposition to others in the body of Christ.
• Pray that members of your church and yourself practice forgiveness, demonstrating the grace we each have received in Christ Jesus our Lord.
• Pray that you will grow in the knowledge of God’s Word for every aspect of your life.
• For God to rise up men and women of integrity, faith and love to places of spiritual authority throughout the church and the city.
• Pray for persons who feel rejected. Pray that they will know that the Lord will never forsake them and that He loves them.
• Pray for our nation and its leaders that they my rule with honor and wisdom and that wickedness in the leaders will be hindered so that all may lead quiet and peaceable lives.
• Pray for elderly persons. Pray that God’s strength and peace would be poured out on every one who is advanced in years. That they may be honored; that they may be cared for; that they may live to see their prayers answered; that loneliness be banished in lasting friendships and family bonds; that meaningful service be found.
• Pray for Women- that women will be honored in their unique glory as those created by God;that injustice of every kind toward women will cease; for pornography to be stopped; for protection from sexual violence; that single women would lay hold of the hope of great joy and purpose for God’s glory.

By Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader.

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40 Day Prayer Journey by Grace for Life Transformation Day 3

I sought the Lord and He heard me24451_10151175680437283_1306356890_n

As mentioned yesterday on Day 2 of Lent, pursuing God during the Lenten Season in a 40 Day Prayer Journey By Grace for Life Transformation involves fasting and praying and a word we don’t like “repentance. Repentance is important to God. It is God’s design for healing and restoration, so we cannot view it as optional during this journey. ” See Reflection and Repentance During Lent.

So even if it’s uncomfortable, even painful if we are honest, continue to take the time to reflect on and pray about what you started yesterday. Let’s examine our lives and see how we measure up to His standard of repentance. You may even need to just meditate on and review the scriptures from yesterday posted in the above article.

DAY 3 – February 15 – Seeking the Lord with a Clean Heart

Scriptures: Deut. 4:39-40 ; 2 Chron. 7:12-16 ; Heb. 11:6 Psalm 66: 18-19 ; Mark 11: 25-26

Repent: Of not consistently seeking after the Lord to know Him, His ways, and His will. Repent of seeking after the ways and approval of man.

Repent: Of failing to forgive another and holding malice in your heart. Or repent if you know that you have offended or hurt someone.

Reflect: Is there any area in your life about which you need to release bitterness, or have refused to forgive someone or sinful areas which you need to release.

Receive: Forgiveness and ask for a sincere and diligent heart to know the Lord, to see His face and to walk with in communion.

• Ask God to search your heart and to reveal to you any sin for which you need to seek forgiveness.
• For a deeper prayer relationship with Christ through prayer.
• Pray for your enemies and ask God to release you from any unforgiveness.
• Confess any sin that the Spirit brings to your attention.
• Forgive and pray for those who have offended you and hurt you.
• Thank God for His mercy and grace through repentance.
• Ask god to give you a fresh understanding of His character and His holiness.
• Pray for unity in the Spirit in our church family and for reconciliation where people are at odds.
• Pray that the gospel may reach, touch and renew the hearts and minds of people without hope in our world today.
• Intercede for family members, friends and neighbors that they may began to seek to know God and have a desire to walk and talk with Him.
• Pray for the community and our city to turn from wicked ways and to seek the Lord.
• Pray for those who are unemployed and those burdened by debt.

By Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader 2013 .

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