Posts Tagged corporate worship

Pursue God in Corporate Worship and Praise

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Praise God for His unfamthonable love for You and His marvelous works. Open your mouth , speak of His marvelous works, praise Him for who He is and applaud Him.
“We’re here to be worshipers first and workers second. The work done by a worshiper will have eternity in it.” A. W. Tozer

DAY 27 – March 10- Pursing God in Corporate Worship and Praise
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation

Scriptures: Psalm 95; 150; 2 Chronicles 5:2-14; John 4:21-26;

Repent: Of not worshipping according to the patterns set by the Lord- See e. g., Psalm 95, 150 ; of failing to cultivate an atmosphere of worship and praise personally and corporately that honors God and welcomes the Holy Spirit in the corporate gathering.


• Pray for our worship services that the Spirit of Praise and Worship come from sincere hearts and that we will see the manifestation of God’s mighty works.
• Pray for the church and you to have a Christ centered experience of worship in spirit and truth that will please the Lord.
• For your church and yourself to increase in true corporate prayer.
• For you and your congregation to open our mouths to praise the Lord in unity.
• That congregation will seek the Lord in one accord.
• For a fresh passion for worship among the believers to arise.
• That the walls of division created by personal preferences and styles which do not honor the Word of God to be torn down.
• For churches, locally and corporately, to create an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit will be welcomed in the midst of worship.

Praise the Lord with your whole heart.

Action: Write your own praise prayer or song unto the Lord.

Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader,

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Day 19/20 40 Day Prayer Journey to Transformation

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DAY 19 – March 3- Pursing God in Corporate Worship, Prayer and Praise
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation

Scriptures: Acts 4: 23-31; Acts 12:5 ; Psalm 95; 2 Chronicles 5:2-14

Repent: Of not worshipping according to the patterns set by the Lord- See e. g., Psalm 95, 150 ; of failing to cultivate an atmosphere of worship personally that honors God and welcomes the Holy Spirit in the corporate gathering.

Meditate, pray, and write down other areas of which to repent and for persons and situations that God places on your heart to pray about or to take action.


• Pray for our worship services that the Spirit of Praise and Worship come from sincere hearts and that we will see the manifestation of mighty works.
• For your church and yourself to increase in true corporate prayer.
• For you and your congregation to open our mouths to praise the Lord in unity.
• That congregation will seek the Lord in one accord.
• For a fresh passion for worship among the believers to arise
• That the walls of division created by personal preferences and styles which do not honor the Word of God to be torn down.

DAY 20 – March 4- Pursing Unity and Cooperation
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation

The initial week of the Lenten season we were praying about our personal relationship with the Lord. We focused on what should be our primary pursuit of loving the Lord with all heart. The second week we focused on our relationship with our family relationships and the third week our relationship with those in the body of Christ. Today we will pray about relationship with the church in our city.

Scriptures: John 17:20-26; Psalm 133; Galatians 3:26-29; Ephesians 2:14-22, 4:1-6

Repent: Of operating in disunity, separation and division towards followers of Christ who do not attend our own congregation or jurisdiction or who have differences of belief on the non-essentials of the faith; of allowing things that were never intended to unite us to divide us; of allowing prejudice and pride and an unteachable spirit to keep us from working together in the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Christ wants His bride to come together in the unity of the Spirit and in love.

Meditate, pray, and write down other areas of which to repent and for persons and situations that God places on your heart to pray about or to take action.


• Ask for forgiveness and for the mind and heart to tear down the wall of division among various congregations and Christian leaders.
• Intercede for the body of Christ to function according to Christ’s finished work on the cross-in love, unity and harmony.
• For individuals and congregations to begin pursuing unity and cooperation with other believers.
• For congregations to come together for the advancement of the kingdom of God
• For congregations to come together to make a difference in the city of Detroit and in your city.
• For congregations come together to pray for the city and community on one accord.
• Pray for our worship services that the Spirit of Praise and Worship come from sincere hearts and that we will see the manifestation of mighty works.
• For your church and yourself to increase in true corporate prayer.
• For you and your congregation to open our mouths to praise the Lord in unity.
• For a fresh passion for worship among the believers to arise.
• That the walls of division created by personal preferences and styles which do not honor the Word of God to be torn down.

Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader

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