“LORD, teach us to pray” Luke 11:1

Empowering children to pray is teaching them to S.T.O.P. (Sing-Talk-Obey-Praise), and communicating with God through Jesus Christ by the aid of the Holy Spirit.

Some persons may question why teach children to pray as over time as they grow, praying will become natural.  Why chance years of waiting when they can receive tools for training at an early age on how to have, not an ordinary Christian life, but one of power because of prayer. God told parents to train up a child and prayer is  an area that is included in training them because it affects a child’s spiritual growth.   As children increase in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man, they can enjoy as a child many of His wonderful promises (Luke 2:52).  How sweet it is to grow up without having an ungodly fear about prayer.

Every parent’s dream is for their child to aim higher and reach areas they themselves have not been able to accomplish or become successful in.  Teaching a child to S.T.O.P. while communicating with God are some keys that will open some powerful doors to pray as they travel the pathway of life.

SING: Coming before his presence, making a joyful unto the LORD, making a loud noise, and rejoicing, and singing praise ring through the Psalms.  Psalms 100:2; 98:4


TALK: Diligently talk (about the goodness of God – commandments) when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.  Deuteronomy 6:7


OBEDIENT: Train up a child (teach them to be obedient) in the way he/she should go: and when he is older, he will not depart from it.”  Proverbs 22:6


PRAISE: …. Praising and giving thanks unto the LORD; because He is good, for His mercy endureth forever.  Ezra 3:11


Listed below are a few techniques that will help you to encourage your child to pray.

– Find a picture and have the child thank God for each thing they see in the picture, e.g., ( Thank you LORD for the ___________,) ending it by saying, “In the name of  Jesus, Amen.”


– Write a two-line prayer and post it on your refrigerator.  Read it to your child each day for two weeks and then write another one and post it next to Prayer #1.  (If the child can read, let him/her read it also).    You will notice that the child will learn the prayer by heart .


– Teach the model prayer by praying each verse, e.g., “Our Father who art in heaven, thank you for your holiness.  In Jesus name, Amen.”


–  Have the child to thank the LORD not only for the main meals, but also for snacks.


– Pray out loud each day the Word of God and let your child be in ear shot.


                                                                      Enjoy Praying!

Song of Joy (Carol. T. Turnbough. )

May the grace of God in you be even stronger in your prayer life and the prayer life of your child. May your child increase in his/her prayer life. May your family pray together without ceasing.  In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Carol Turnbough aka “Song of Joy” – Song of Joy teaches and ministers to children and youth. She loves to praise God with her whole heart. She writes songs and skits to the glory of God and serves on the Music Ministry of Messiah Baptist Church in Detroit, MI. She also serves on the Christian Education Administrative Team and teaches Sunday School. Equipped with God’s love, grace and mercy,   God has blessed her with the spiritual gifts of teaching, helps, songs and administration.  She exclaims, “ I have a passion for praising and singing to God with all my heart and sharing with children about the love and goodness of God