
DAY 28 – March 11 20- Demonstrate the Love of Christ in Relationships
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation

We have been pressing through these 40 days of prayer and repentance. How have you been challenged, growing, laying aside weights and sin, and being renewed toward transformation? God is love and He wants us to demonstrate that love in our relationships with the “saved” and those who do not know Jesus Christ personally. We should live as a demonstration of His love, grace, mercy and truth so that we will glorify Him and so that someone may be saved through Him. Invite the Holy Spirit to search your heart to reveal areas where transformation needs to occur in you and in the church.

Scriptures: Ephesians 5:25-33; Colossians 3:19;John 3:1-21; 1 John 3:1-23; 1 John 4:11,20-21

Repent: Of declaring that we love others when demonstrating lack of love and concern for those who are lost and without Christ; of speaking love, but not showing love and mercy through deeds that touch the lives of those in the world around us; of not loving as the Word states especially within the household of faith , the family unit and our neighbor.

Receive: A fresh cleansing from the sin of not loving as Christ loves.


• Confess to the Lord the ways you have not loved and honored the lost, your neighbor and family members.
• Ask the Lord to do a work in your heart that will release you from any spirit, thought or unforgiveness that blocks your relationship with those who do not know Jesus Christ, your neighbor and family members.
• Pray that the Holy Spirit will empower you to forgive and for each of you to forgive each other.
• Pray for healing of broken or embittered relationships.
• Pray for relationships with your children and that as a parent you will demonstrate that love with encouragement, time and healthy discipline.
• Pray that children will love, respect and obey their parents.
• Pray for the church to be a living force of love in the neighborhood, city and world.
• That you and the church will be known by your love for one another and for your love for those who are lost and do not know Jesus Christ.
• Pray that the church and you show your neighbor, those who do not know the Lord, and the world genuine love in word and in deeds.
• That the church be delivered from the spirit of legalism and released into a Spirit of truth love and liberty of the Spirit.
• Pray for a deep love and respect between church members and also between family members. Pray for reconciliation where they are at odds.
Linda D. Fegins, The Prayer Leader