God has created man to rule, reign and have dominion in the earth which includes the marketplace and workplace. “God wants the believer to dominate in every area of the marketplace. It’s time to rule, reign and dominate in all areas of society with Kingdom power and authority!” expounded global entrepreneur, missionary, evangelist known affectionately as “Sister Everything” Minetta Hare. Addressing three other Christian women entrepreneurs she a provided scripture to support that God wants to use businesspeople for His Kingdom agenda on earth. As October is the National Women’s Small Business Month, Minister Hare challenges all women worldwide to establish and register a business during this month.
Believers in the workplace and business should have a key practical and spiritual influence and impact in the community and society as a whole. Lydia is an example of a business woman in the Bible, Acts 16:9-15, 40, who was a seller of purple dye and an influential woman. While Lydia, who worshipped the one God of the Jews, and a group of others were praying by the riverside, they encountered Paul and Silas. Paul related to them the Gospel. Lydia opened her ears and heart and became the first Christian convert. She was baptized and then her household. She became a Christian and a marketplace influencer. The Bible states that she urged Paul to abide in her home and opened her home to Christian missionaries. She opened her doors when Paul and Silas came out of prison for healing a demented girl to her right mind. Acts 16:16. While doing work for the Kingdom, Lydia continued to carry on her business. God can use business people to impact the world for the glory of God, just as Lydia did.
Minetta Hare, owner of the The Hare Group International, Faith at Work Ministries and the visionary for the Lydia Circle of Christian and Professional Business Women, handed the small group of women a prayer log which allowed one to write their marketplace prayer requests only. The log included a place to write the date God answered the request. Each of us shared our prayer requests for our businesses and or workplace. The others listened and wrote the prayer requests down. We promised to pray for each other’s business prayer requests.
Believers should pray for entrepreneurs and people God has strategically placed in the marketplace. ”Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6 (NIV). One of the most important things you can do for your business is to pray every day. As we have observed during these turbulent economic times, the business practices of corporations and employers affect our economy and workplace. We want God to move powerfully in the lives of business owners and employers who operate in integrity and excellence. Of course after you have prayed, listen. Prayer is a dialogue, not a monologue. Hear. Do in faith what the Lord leads you to do. “Faith without works is dead.” James 2:26 (KJV) Melinda Emerson , “SmallBizLady” , is a veteran entrepreneur , Small Business Expert and Social Media Coach and author of the book “Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months, exhorts that “you can’t just pray for success. Develop a plan and work your plan. If you can do something about your situation, then do it. Stop making excuses, stop procrastinating, and do it! “Ouch” I will say that for many of us.
So today I challenge you to:
1. Write your marketplace prayer requests down and find a scripture to support and affirm your business prayer request.
2. Write the name of a friend’s business and pray for them and the business as the Holy Spirit leads you.
3. Also contact a friend who is an entrepreneur or who you know desires to start a business and ask the person what is/are their specific prayer requests. Iron sharpens iron. We need each other and it is good for women to gain strength and inspiration from one another.
4. Take up the challenge of Minister and entrepreneur Hare for all women worldwide to establish and register a business during the next 31 days. Then, join the WE-3 global project. The WE3 project is a global initiative of women empowerment through education, entrepreneurship and economics. Our goals and objectives are driven by our vision and mandate to create “1000” Women Millionaires around the globe. For more details on the initiative contact globalwomenconference2013@gmail.com.
5. Support another sister in her business or ministry endeavors. I’m helping Minister Jacqui Showers for her “O Breakout Retreat Experience: Integrating Spirituality with the Reality of the Marketplace” on November 30, 2012. As the founder of The Showers Group Ministries, Minister Jacqui Showers endeavors to shower the world with the rich life transforming blessings of the Word of God; thus empowering people to live an abundant victorious passion in Jesus. Contact her on facebook or at showersblessings@theshowersgroupministries.com.
6. Pray specifically. Use the prayer below to get you started. One prayer example is as follows.
I praise You, Creator God for making men and women in Your own image. Give creativity and good ideas to Your children who serve you in the marketplace. Fill them with your Holy Spirit, granting them the skills, abilities and knowledge needed to accomplish their tasks and goals and to glorify You. (Gen 1:27; Ex 21:3) Give them decision making wisdom. God give Christians in the marketplace a spirit of wisdom and revelation so they can know and follow you in their work. ( Eph 1:17; Prov 3:5-6; Is 30:21). (Excerpt from Strategic Prayers for Marketplace Influencers by Arlyn Lawrence copyright 2006).
7. Pray for business women and men of integrity, fairness and courage.
8. Pray that God will raise up His ambassadors in the workplace.
Linda Fegins