Posts Tagged Holy Spirit

Day 16-Day 21 40 Day Prayer Journey: Growing Within to Please God

49 days index

Thank you for joining the 40 Day Prayer Journey , “Growing by the Power Within to Please God: Repenting for a Renewed Relationship With God”. Philippians 2:13.

This is a daily prayer journey. Today’s prayer focus is a continuation of the 40 Day Prayer Journey which began on March 5 Ash Wednesday. See prior post for prior days.

The daily prayer points in this guide begin with stated scriptures applicable to the focus of the day. You are invited to seek God’s face to enable you to grow in the actions and thoughts that please God. You want to confess, repent and turn from actions and thoughts that grieve the Lord.

During the Forty Day Prayer Journey daily read the suggested scriptures. Meditate on the Word asking the Holy Spirit to speak to you and reveal in your heart how He wants you to respond personally and on behalf of your church or city. This is an opportunity for personal repentance. Ask the Lord to search your heart for thoughts and actions that are sinful. (Psalm 139:23-24) Allow the Lord to examine your life thoroughly.

During the 40 Day journey each of us are opening ourselves to be joyful by what pleases God and grieved by our actions, walk and talk that displease Him. We want to turn away from the things that displease God.

Pray the specific daily prayer points as well as other prayer points that the Holy Spirit brings to your heart. It is suggested that you write in a journal your reflections and what the Lord is saying to you.

DAY 16 – March 20 – “Growing to Please God by Pursing God in
Corporate Worship and Prayer”

Scriptures: 2 Chronicles 5:2-14; Acts 4:23-31; Hebrews 10:19-25


• Pray for our worship services; pray that the Spirit of praise and worship come from sincere hearts and that we will see the manifestation of mighty works.
• Pray for you and your church members to increase in their participation of true corporate prayer and seek to gather together for corporate prayer.
• Pray for you and church members to open your mouths to praise and pray to the Lord in unity.
• For the rich and religious who have a hard time trusting the Lord.
• That your church and other congregations will seek the Lord in one accord.
• For a fresh passion for worship among the believers and that the walls of division created
by personal preferences and styles which do not honor the Word of God to be torn down.
• For your church and other churches, locally and corporately, to create an atmosphere
where the Holy Spirit will be welcomed in the midst of worship.
• Fathers: that fathers will look to God as the ultimate spiritual head of their household,
serving and caring for their families; that God will instill a vision for wholesome, supportive fatherhood among the fathers of the city. Pray that absentee fathers would change their lifestyles to nurture their wives and children. Pray that children will see the character of the heavenly Father in the lives of their dads.

DAY 17 – March 21 – “Growing to Please God by Loving One Another in the Family”

Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 13; Ephesians 5:25-33; Colossians 3:19-22


• Thank God for others in your family, congregation or circle of friends. Tell God the specific things about them for which you are thankful. Now tell them.
• Pray for a deep love and respect between church members and also between family members. Pray for reconciliation where they are at odds.
• Pray that husbands would truly love their wives as Christ loves the church.
• Pray that parents will be diligent in disciplining their children and to train them to walk in obedience and demonstrate unconditional love for them.
• Pray that children will show love for their parents by honoring, respecting and obeying them.
• Pray for a desire for prayer to be stirred up within all family members and that answers to prayer will occur to build faith and consistency.
• Pray that your family and/or friends will experience rich times of praying together, playing together and worshipping together.
• Pray for the Youth – for persons in their teens to commit their lives to Christ; to make wise choices; for solid friends who follow Jesus; for open communications with parents; for God’s purpose for their lives to come forth in full measure.
• Pray for salvation for family members and friends.

Spiritual Health Check Up- Meditate on and write response in journal
What relationships in your family do you need to show appreciation for and improve upon?
Who are the three closest people in your life?

DAY 18 – March 22 – “Growing to Please God by Walking Together in Love”

Scriptures: Romans 12: 9-21; 1 Peter 4:7-11


• For you to be obedient to the call to be a witness to others on your job, at the store and everywhere and to know what is our individual mandate.
• Pray that family members and church members will have a strong and growing love for God and for others.
• Pray that the church would walk in love for one another without hypocrisy and out of a pure heart.
• Pray for the love of Christ to permeate your church and all churches so that the world will see and believe that God loves them and sent His Son so that they might have everlasting life and live in His love through salvation.
• Pray that God will forgive us, as a nation for the mistreatment of Native Americans; for God’s fullest blessing upon their families and lands, that the tribes will find their healing justice and highest dignity as a people in Christ; that the gospel is proclaimed with love to them.
• Pray for Families: For solid, God centered relationships among family members; that parents would be bold to instruct their children in God’s ways of living and lead their families to pray together; for families to pray together; for families dismantled by divorce to be healed; that Christ’s forgiveness would dissolve long –held anger.

Spiritual Health Check Up- Meditate on and write response in journal
Relationships: What relationships in the church household do you need to improve upon and seek forgiveness about?

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DAY 19 – March 23 – “Growing to Please God by Seeking God for
Salvation for the Lost”

Scriptures: Ephesians 2:8; Romans 10:9-13; Mark 16:15-16


• Pray for those who are blinded by sin that the scales will be removed from their eyes and their eyes and minds are illumined with the gospel.
• Pray for unbelievers to accept Jesus Christ as Savior.
• Pray for the Lord to add to the church daily those who are being saved. Acts 2:4.
• Pray for opportunities for you to witness and invite people to the Lord and/or to the church. Col 4:2-4.
• Pray that the person’s heart be prepared, so that it will be “good soil” for the seed. ( Mk. 4:8)
• Present the names of those who are lost or backslidden before the throne.
• Pray that the unsaved will believe the Word of God and obey Christ as Lord.
• That each of us will go in our own city, job, and circle and be a witness to others and proclaim the gospel.
• Pray for Homeless People: that God brings immediate relief, shelter, food and health care; that Christ will restore hope for the future; for wise counsel and trustworthy friendships; for protection from the risks of life on the streets; for employment, housing and restored family life.
• Pray that the Lord will send laborers for the harvest of souls that none should be lost; that those who go out into the harvest of our community that they might speak with simplicity and sincerity of truth and get a righteous response.

Spiritual Health Check Up- Write responses in a journal or notebook
Evangelism: Are you allowing God to use you to be a light for Jesus Christ to those around you? How?
Who was the last person you spoke with about church, Jesus Christ, Christianity, or the
When was the last time you were an active part in helping someone accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior? Who?

DAY 20 – March 24 – “Growing to Please God by Studying His Word”

Scriptures: Deuteronomy 6:6-9, 11; 2 Timothy 3:15-17


• Pray that you will grow in the knowledge of God’s Word for every aspect of your life.
• Pray that the Father gives you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. Eph.1:17
• Pray that parents will study the Word, come to Sunday School and began to talk to their children about the Word of God every day.
• Seek God for the sick: Pray that God will touch those who are sick with healing and comfort; that they will grow in character as God walks with them throughout their ordeal; that God will provide for their financial needs; for their caregivers and families; that many will renew their trust in Christ and follow Him boldly.
• Pray that you would increase in consistently studying the Word of God.
• Pray for persons with mental illness, who are suicidal or depressed.
• Pray for persecuted Christians in third -world nations.

Spiritual Health Check Up- Write responses in a journal or notebook
Bible: Are you regularly reading the Word?
How often do you actually study and meditate on the Word?
What has been your most recent time that God used the words of the Bible to speak to your heart?
When did you last share God’s Word with someone?

DAY 21 – March 25 – “Growing to Please God by Seeking Him for Health and Healing”

Scriptures: Isaiah 53:4-5; Psalm 103:2-3; Proverbs 4:20-24

• Pray that the Father heals ________ by the power of the Word. Thank the Lord for sending Jesus to bear our sins in His body so that by His wounds ___might be healed. (Ps. 107:20; 1 Peter 2:24).
• Pray that righteous intercessors and church leaders who will pray with faith –filled powerful and effective prayer to uplift the sick, the depressed, the oppressed and persons without hope. ( James 5:14-16)

• Pray that ______ continues to trust you Lord and your Word, regardless of his/her physical condition. May ___ be strengthened in faith that you have the power to do what you promised. (Rom: 4:19-21)
• Pray that ______ weeping will turn to joy and grant him/her a cheerful heart. (Psalm126:2-6)
• Pray that the sick will be comforted and that they will grow in character as God walks them through the ordeal.
• Pray that God will provide for the financial resources to meet their financial needs of the sick.
• Pray for the caregivers of the sick and shut in.
• Pray for the compassion and skill of the doctors, nurses and other medical assistants.

Physical Check-Up- Take the Time to Evaluate Your Health
Begin to write a Personal Health Plan for yourself. Assess your health and write goals for yourself that are practical. They should be realistic to fit you and your lifestyle. They should be measurable standards in which you answer the questions: How? How often? How much? Make a time line for the implementation of your plan. Pray and ask the Lord to guide you.
– Review your general health based on what you have observed about yourself or what the doctor has told you.

Linda Fegins 2014
Linda Fegins 2014-“The Prayer Leader” has served as Prayer Coordinator for over 13 years( later Director over the Prayer Ministry) for the Lydia Circle Christian Business and Professional Women. She serves as an intercessor and teacher/trainer with Global Intercessors Prayer Force. As part of the Lydia Circle she has lead over 8 prayer boot camps, all night prayer services, and has lead prayer services and workshops in the Bahamas and in South Africa. She served on the prayer team of a medical missions trip to Jamaica under the leadership of Rev. Jackie McCullough. She serves as the Prayer Leader of the Intercessory Prayer Team of her church. Linda serves as an intercessor and volunteer for Girlfriends Pray, a global prayer ministry. Contact her at

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Praying for the Ministry and Business of Minetta Hare- Remember Lydia -a Christian Entrepreneur Acts 16: 13-15, 40

I praise you , Creator God for making men and women in Your own image. Give creativity and good ideas to Your children who serve you in the marketplace. Fill them with your Holy Spirit, granting them the skills, abilities and knowledge needed to accomplish their tasks and goals and to glorify You. (Gen 1:27; Ex 21:3) Give them decisionmaking wisdom. God give Christians in the marketplace a spirit of wisdom and revelation so they can know and follow you in their work.( Eph 1:17; Prov 3:5-6; Is 30:21). God you hold the hearts of kings in Your hands. We ask that our Christian borthers and sisters in the workplace will find favor with key people. (Dan1:9; Eccl 4: 9-12) Grant them favor and may marketplace believers pursue excellence to your Glory. ( Prov 21:1; Phil 4:8) ( excerpt from Strategic Prayers for Marketplace Influencers by Arlyn Lawrence)

5 AM Praying with My Girlfriends’ Business. Chief Girlfriend and visionary Jillian Blackwell, and the women on the prayer call, for the month of August are praying for a girlfriend’s business or ministry each day. Since January 2011,daily women consistently join the 5 AM prayer call every morning all over the nation,- New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Atlanta, Detroit, Houston, etc to seek the Lord ,to pray for others, themselves and for their girlfriends’ business.

Many believers are business owners or have key positions in business. Christians in the workplace and business owners should have a practical and spiritual influence in the community. In the bible Lydia was a business woman who was a seller of purple dye and an influential women. While Lydia, who worshipped the one God of the Jews, and a group of others were praying by the riverside, they encountered Paul and Silas. Paul related to them the Gospel. Lydia opened her ears and heart and became the first Christian convert . She was baptized and then her household. She became a Christian and a marketplace influencer. The Bible states that she urged Paul to abide in her home and opened her home to Christian missionaries. She opened her doors when Paul and Silas came out of prison for healing a demented girl to her right mind. Acts 16:16 While serving Christians it seems that Lydia continued to carry on her business.

Believers should pray for entrepreneurs. Look at how businesses affect our economy and the workplace. We want God to move powerfully in the lives of business owners who operate in integrity and excellence. For example, on August 9, 2011, (yesterday) we prayed for Missionary/Evangelist Minetta Hare -a global focused woman, who empowers women in prayer, training, coaching, global missions and in global entrepreneurship. Her ministry is Faith At Work Ministries and one of her businesses is the Hare Group International. Minetta is the founder and visionary of Lydia Circle for Christian Business and Professional Women, Faith At Work Ministries and Men of Valor. She is a global woman that has a hands on ministry for serving woman and men in time of need and as they rise in their ministry or business with love, prayer, wisdom, frankness, compassion and the gift of hospitality. She does missions and business globally and has served in South Africa ( over 12 mission trips), Ghana, Israel, Jamaica and etc.

Join us in praying for her specific prayer requests and for what the Holy Spirit places in your heart. You may be led to partner with her or to contact her. Minetta’s ministry and one of her businesses and the specific prayer requests are as follows:

Faith At Work Ministries
Preparing, Training, Equipping & Mobilizing Laborers & Servant Leaders for
God’s Harvest Field, the World
Matthew 28:18-20, Isaiah 61:1-3, 2 Timothy 2:2 describe what we believe God has called us to do –make disciples of all nations by the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Preaching and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ through many means – economic empowerment and business development, trade missions, entrepreneurial training, medical outreaches, building schools and medical facilities, or one-on-one sharing the gospel. The greatest mission field today is the marketplace. Jesus recruited His disciples, who had occupations and professions as fishermen and tax collector from the marketplace. This probably sounds like more than any one ministry can do- and it is! Because of this, God has brought together a team of dedicated men and women to work with us to carry out this vision which is really HIS VISION.


Hare Group International (HGI) is a leader in international trade and business services providing exclusive export management, marketing and sales, logistics coordination, warehousing, distribution and after-sales customer service.

Whether our clients are looking to quickly penetrate international markets or build brand equity, HGI provides the highest quality customer service with its sound reputation of quality, strength, and professionalism.


Pending Contracts and Deals signed and implementation of agreement going forth.

New Clients and suppliers (12 new companies expanding their businesses into the global marketplace)

Funding and Financing sources ( Financial Favor with World Bank and Ex-Im Bank)

New Investors

Business Plans and Proposal are clear and concise with potential funders and investors.

Integrity with governmental officials in Ghana, South Africa, Botswana and Jamaica.

$1,000,000 Working Capital for new projects.

copyright August 2011
Fervently pray, Linda Fegins
Former(over 14 yrs) Prayer Coordinator/ Director,Lydia Circle of Christian Professional and Business Women
Writer of an article in the Anthology -“Tali Cumi: Daughters Arise”
Writer of an article in the Anthology -“It’s Worth the Struggle- Inspiration for Contemporary Writers”
Christian Dramatist, “Sojourner Truth”, “Eve” etc.
Sunday School and Christian Education Teacher
Linda’s Report Blog
Prayer Blog

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