Posts Tagged Jesus

Rise Spiritually in a Lifestyle of Prayer :Day 38-39

49 days index

On this 38th day of this 40 Day Prayer Journey we thank the Lord for your perseverance. I pray that you rise spiritually to grow in the study of the Word and in a consistent lifestyle of prayer with fervency, power and love. You can have victory as Day 39 indicates.
Examine your heart and mind. Pray:
Dear LORD, do I really accept Your Word and live according to it regardless of circumstances, or do I only hold onto it as long as it is easy, convenient, or profitable? Do I pray for daily intimacy with you or do I run to you as a last resort ? Do whatever You need to do in me, for me, with me, or through me–even in spite of me–to make it so that I obey your Word and that I pray without ceasing 1 Thess 5:17. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


DAY 38 – March 27 Seeking to Rise Spiritually by Increasing Our Personal and Corporate Prayer Life
David: Finding Renewal through Confession
Scriptures: Psalm 51:7-10 (For background to this confession, read 2 Samuel 11-12)

• Praise God for His mercy. Mercy means that God does not treat us as we deserve.
• Thank God for conviction or “good guilt” that drives us into the arms of His forgiving love when we confess.
• Confess any wrong you are aware of that remains unconfessed. Repent.
• Ask for a clean heart, a renewed life and a steadfast spirit.
• Pray that God will give the church sensitivity to sin and a readiness to confess when and if that is needed.
• Thank God for His unspeakable gift. JESUS. 2 Corinthians 9:15
• Pray for God’s people to stand still and hear His voice.
• Pray for those who have lost a love one and the loved one didn’t know Christ.

Spiritual Rise Check Up– Write responses in a journal or notebook
Do you specifically confess your sin to God? Think of a time when sin hampered your relationship with God. What did you do to restore the relationship?

Spiritual Rise Act Meditate on Psalm 51. Let the Spirit teach you important things about confession and restoration from the verses. Write a prayer of confession to the Lord.

DAY 39 – March 28 Seeking to Rise Spiritually by Increasing Our Personal And Corporate Prayer Life
Jehoshaphat : Victory Through Prayer
Scriptures: 2 Chronicles 20: 6, 12 ( Read the story of this victory in 2 Chronicles 20:1-30)

• Praise God for the power and might that are in his hands, and that no one can withstand Him.
• Thank God for his readiness to hear prayer and to deliver those who trust in Him.
• Confess if there is little praise in your prayer. Confess that you have neglected the praise that is important to Him.
• Ask God for a praising heart.
• Pray that the family, which God founded, facing major enemies rallied by the evil one, may be delivered and broken relationships healed. Pray that God will confuse the enemy and cause them to self-destruct or repent.
• Pray that you are growing in your spiritual walk to please God, and that you will continue to pursue your walk, and not go backward, but always forward.
• Pray that you will have favor and good understanding with God first and then with men and women. Proverb 3:4
• Pray for outbreaks of praise to God from the people in our city as they see new displays of Christ’s power.

Spiritual Rise Check Up- Write responses in a journal or notebook
Do you spend time praising God by identifying His attributes?

Spiritual Rise ActDedicate an extended time to praise this week. Meditate on passages like 1 Chronicles 29:10-13 and Psalm 145: 1-7. Write out your own prayer of praise. Adopt the rule of no asking or supplication for the first five to seven minutes of your prayer time.

Linda Fegins, “The Prayer Leader” serves as prayer leader and teacher/trainer on the “Prayer Boot Camp” with the Global Missions Prayer Force and as a guest intercessor and volunteer for Girlfriends Pray a global prayer ministry. She served as Prayer Coordinator for over 13 years( later Director over the Prayer Ministry) for the Lydia Circle Christian Business and Professional Women. As part of the Lydia Circle she has lead over a dozen prayer boot camps, and has lead prayer services and workshops in the Bahamas and in South Africa and was on the prayer team of a medical missions trips to Jamaica under the leadership of Rev. Jackie McCullough. She is also a member of the National Church Prayer Leaders Network and serves as the Prayer Leader of the Intercessory Prayer Ministry of her church

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Rise Spiritually in Personal and Corporate Prayer

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The disciples asked Jesus “Lord teach us to pray”. Those few words are powerful. Each of us should want to learn to pray more effectively and not amiss to gain greater intimacy with the Lord and pray His will for the Kingdom. We should seek to spiritually rise in our personal and corporate prayer life. Let’s learn from the Word how to pray. Let’s look at Jesus’ prayer life. Below is Day 35 and 36 of the 40 Day Prayer Journey. Meditate on the Scripture and pray the pray points. Don’t neglect to do the exercise and to write your reflections and what the Holy Spirit pours into you in a journal.

DAY 35 – March 24 Seeking to Rise Spiritually by Increasing Our Personal and Corporate Prayer Life
Scriptures: Mark 1:35; Luke 5:16; Luke 6:18 (Jesus’ prayer life)

• Praise Jesus for modeling a strong pattern of prayer for us.
• Confess any shortcoming in your prayer life of which you are aware.
• Thank the Holy Spirit for His ability and willingness to purify our prayers and to help us when we don’t know how to pray very well (Romans 8:26).
• Ask Christ for the grace to pray as Jesus prayed.
• Pray that the church will grow in love, grace and mercy to impact the community and the world.
• Pray that individual and corporation intercession and prayer will increase in you and among the members of your church.
• Thank God that He has established that His church will be called a house of prayer for all nations. Pray that your church will be the kind of house of prayer that pleases Christ.
• Pray for the Intercessory Prayer Team Ministry. Call them by name. Pray that they will effectively and boldly mobilize, lead, train and encourage others in individual and corporate prayer.

Spiritual Rise Check Up- Write responses in a journal or notebook
If someone wrote a theme of your life would prayer be a key theme in it? Consider the area of your prayer life that most needs improving.

Spiritual Rise Act
Meditate on the scriptures about Jesus’ prayer life. Find three things He prayed for in the book of Mark. Now apply the three things or the Word to your prayer life where applicable.

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DAY 36 – March 25 Seeking to Rise Spiritually by Increasing Our Personal and Corporate Prayer Life
Scriptures: Colossians 1:3,9; Romans 1:9-10; 10:1 (Paul Prayed Constantly)

• Pray for an increase in your desire to consistently pray for others.
• Confess to the Lord if you don’t like to pray for others or don’t pray for others and think it is boring. Is it because you don’t love them as you should? Confess that also.
• Pray for an increase in your ability to see the good in others, for a deep sense of care for the well-being of others and for confidence that your prayers will make a difference in their lives.
• Thank the Holy Spirit for His ability and willingness to purify our prayers and to help us when we don’t know how to pray very well (Romans 8:26).
• Thank God for others in your family, congregation, or circle of friends. Tell God the specific things about them for which you are thankful.
• Pray for your pastor . I pray for Pastor Littlejohn and Sister Cheryl.
• Pray that grace to minister and serve together in love, honor, and humility will exist throughout the church.
• Pray for Governor Snyder, Mayor Duggan and the City Council.Pray for your govenor, city council and the mayor of your city.

Spiritual Rise Check Up- Write responses in a journal or notebook
What kind of help with prayer do you most need from the Holy Spirit? How will you rise to go about getting and doing what you need to do to improve upon your prayer life?

Spiritual Rise Act
Use most of your prayer time asking for things that you know will glorify God, build his kingdom and strengthen your spiritual life.

Linda Fegins, “The Prayer Leader” serves as prayer leader and teacher/trainer on the “Prayer Boot Camp” with the Global Missions Prayer Force and as a guest intercessor and volunteer for Girlfriends Pray a global prayer ministry. She served as Prayer Coordinator for over 13 years( later Director over the Prayer Ministry) for the Lydia Circle Christian Business and Professional Women. As part of the Lydia Circle she has lead over a dozen prayer boot camps, and has lead prayer services and workshops in the Bahamas and in South Africa and was on the prayer team of a medical missions trips to Jamaica under the leadership of Rev. Jackie McCullough. She is also a member of the National Church Prayer Leaders Network and serves as the Prayer Leader of the Intercessory Prayer Ministry of her church

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Day 13 Jesus , A Man of Prayer, 40 Day Prayer Journey

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DAY 13 – February 25- Jesus, Man of Prayer
Prayer and the Word is Foundation for Life Transformation
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transform

Scriptures: Mark 1:35 ; Luke 5:16 ; Luke 6:12; Ephesians 6:18

Prayer should be a way of life for each of us-our lifestyle. Jesus told his disciples that man should always pray and not faint (Luke 18:1) and to pray without ceasing 1 Thessalonians 5:17). We should listen and talk to God all the time. Prayer is about a love relationship with God where we talk to him, but also listen ( John 7:16). The heart of prayer can be found in Jesus Christ who prayed often. Jesus found the will of God through prayer. Jesus often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed. Jesus heard from the Father in prayer (John 12:49-50. Jesus’ prayer life was full of variety- in the morning, on mountainsides , in a garden and more. He kneeled, and another time He was prostrate and another time he stood with His eyes fixed on heaven. Jesus is our prime example of prayer. Learn to pray like Jesus.

Reflect: If someone wrote a theme for your life, would prayer be a key theme in it?
What needs to be improved in your prayer life if you want to pray like Jesus?

Pray:• Praise Jesus for modeling a strong positive pattern of prayer.
• Confess any shortcoming in your prayer life that you are aware of by looking at the prayer life of Jesus.
• Ask God to teach you to pray with love, power and authority.
• Thank God for the Holy Spirit that helps us when we don’t know what to pray for. Romans 8:26
• Pray that the Word of God will be the standard and motivation for all training.
• Pray for Christ to reveal Himself to those who despair, giving their heart-blazing hope by His Word.
• Ask God for grace to pray consistently with all kinds of prayers as Jesus did.

Spiritual Check -Up
Answer the reflection questions. Read and meditate on the Scripture passages for today. As you read each reference ask the Lord what he wants you to learn from the scriptures and to use in your own prayer life.

Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader February 2013

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“Let’s Get Started: Take the Time to Pray and Write Your Goals”- Part II

He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured.” – Colossians 4:12b

Isaiah 32:8 says, “The noble man makes noble plans.”

Proverbs 16:3 promises, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.”

In response to my challenge in Part I of this article ( to each of us to take time to pray and write at least three goals you would like to accomplish this year, Dr. Deana Murphy, an award winning author and expert on life design wrote: “Amen Linda. The key to writing goals is prayer. He gives us the desires of our heart—which are His desires. This is so important. Thank you for sharing.” Indeed, “prayer is the key that opens the storehouse of God’s infinite grace and power”. R. A. Torrey.

Have you taken the time to pray, meditate and to map out at least three goals and the action steps you will take to achieve that goal? Now, if you haven’t written your goals for this year or have not taken any steps to achieve them, forget the past. Begin right now praying and thinking about writing your goals for the year. Take the time to seek God’s face first, pray, and meditate on the Word. Listen to what He states to you and write it down. I find this helps me to accomplish the things that are important to me. Sir Isaac Newton, wrote, “All of my discoveries have been made in answer to prayer.”

Some of your goals could be educational, financial, or involve career and business goals such as to write that book or to start a new business. However, first focus on what spiritual goals you would like to achieve which will strengthen your personal relationship with the Lord. “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things (temporal things, that is) will be added to you” (Matthew. 6:33). Setting spiritual goals can help you keep moving toward maturity. Accordingly, some spiritual goals you may have is to read the through the bible in one year, work on a particular character trait, or read a certain Christian book.

One key spiritual goal should be to improve your personal relationship with the Lord through bible study and improving your prayer life. God wants a relationship with us/you. We should press, stretch and get out of our comfort zones to maintain a prayer relationship with Him. It is the goal that will have eternal benefits. It is the goal that will give us power, wisdom and guidance about all of our other goals such as improving family relationships, getting out of debt, starting that business, writing that book, starting an exercise plan, or healing the relationships issues between black women and men. Prayer is the key to unlocking God’s power in your life to carry out what God has placed in our hearts.

Possibly you may want to grow even more in your prayer life such as praying more consistently on a daily basis instead of a hit or miss or crisis oriented prayer life or to develop your confidence in prayer. Prayer should not be a rushed moment in the morning. Prayer should be a way of life. If Jesus needed extended times of prayer retreat with God, how much more do we? As one prayer warrior remarked “if prayer is to become a way of life for us as it was for Him, we need to change our priorities so we have much more time for prayer”.

Perhaps you want to pray more Kingdom prayers or learn a whole new approach to prayer. Prayer is not exclusively asking God for things for you, but prayer is interceding for others. We should desire to pray Kingdom prayers to seek God for what God wants you to pray and do to carry out His purpose on earth. “If as disciples of Jesus Christ we are going to make a difference, then prayer in all of its expressions must become much more a part of our lives”.

It is my prayer that each of us will grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord (II Peter 3:18) and in our prayer lives. Hopefully you will write some specific goals for yourself in this area. In Part III we will discuss some practical suggestions for writing your goals, whatever they may be.

Linda D. Fegins,
The Prayer Leader,
Former Prayer Coordinator and Director (13years), Lydia Circle of Christian Professional and Business Women
Christian Dramatist, “Sojourner Truth”, “Eve” etc.
Sunday School and Christian Education Teacher
Linda’s Report Blog

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