god is only a prayer away404474_10150516191971431_1410908833_n

DAY 13 – February 25- Jesus, Man of Prayer
Prayer and the Word is Foundation for Life Transformation
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transform

Scriptures: Mark 1:35 ; Luke 5:16 ; Luke 6:12; Ephesians 6:18

Prayer should be a way of life for each of us-our lifestyle. Jesus told his disciples that man should always pray and not faint (Luke 18:1) and to pray without ceasing 1 Thessalonians 5:17). We should listen and talk to God all the time. Prayer is about a love relationship with God where we talk to him, but also listen ( John 7:16). The heart of prayer can be found in Jesus Christ who prayed often. Jesus found the will of God through prayer. Jesus often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed. Jesus heard from the Father in prayer (John 12:49-50. Jesus’ prayer life was full of variety- in the morning, on mountainsides , in a garden and more. He kneeled, and another time He was prostrate and another time he stood with His eyes fixed on heaven. Jesus is our prime example of prayer. Learn to pray like Jesus.

Reflect: If someone wrote a theme for your life, would prayer be a key theme in it?
What needs to be improved in your prayer life if you want to pray like Jesus?

Pray:• Praise Jesus for modeling a strong positive pattern of prayer.
• Confess any shortcoming in your prayer life that you are aware of by looking at the prayer life of Jesus.
• Ask God to teach you to pray with love, power and authority.
• Thank God for the Holy Spirit that helps us when we don’t know what to pray for. Romans 8:26
• Pray that the Word of God will be the standard and motivation for all training.
• Pray for Christ to reveal Himself to those who despair, giving their heart-blazing hope by His Word.
• Ask God for grace to pray consistently with all kinds of prayers as Jesus did.

Spiritual Check -Up
Answer the reflection questions. Read and meditate on the Scripture passages for today. As you read each reference ask the Lord what he wants you to learn from the scriptures and to use in your own prayer life.

Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader February 2013

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