Posts Tagged War Room Prayer Journey

Day 8 War Room Prayer Strategy


DAY 8 – February 17th – War Room Prayer Strategy
Scriptures: 1 Thessalonians 5:17; Proverbs 20:18

Elizabeth begins reading the papers taped to Clara’s closet and asks Clara, “You wrote prayers for every area of your life?”

Clara replies, “Yes! A prayer strategy!”

Yes , a war room prayer strategy. This is Day 8 of participating in our 40 Day Prayer Journey, “ War Room Journey: Praying ,Listening to the Lord And Living the Life”. 1 Tim 2: 1-4; Philippians 4:6-7; Deut. 30:20; Galatians 2:2l.”.Step into this forty (40) day prayer journey of repenting and a a season for personal and corporate spiritual renewal during this Lenten time. It is a time for intense study of God’s Word, for meditation, for prayer, and for self-examination.(1) However, its purpose in to make permanent transformation changes to be more like Christ.

Now we will go deeper into the power of prayer and war room prayer strategy based on the movie ”War Room” . Hopefully you saw the movie. If you haven’t please take the opportunity to do so.

In a recent interview, Alex Kendrick said, “We have plans for everything—careers, finances, health. But what about a strategy for prayer for our lives, our spouses, and our children?” The strategy begins by examining your circumstances right now, and visualizing how things should be—and could be. As you pray over these relationships and responsibilities, write down plans and procedures for getting from here to there.

This means producing a prayer strategy so that God can take you from where you are to where He wants you to be. Prayer clears the path to God’s best for your life: His best plans, best opportunities and blessings, His best path and provision for His glory, and His Kingdom purpose in your life.
After seeing War Room, perhaps you want to pinpoint a place of prayer, a “War Room,” in your home, and possibly even a secondary “War Room” in your church, school campus, and workplace. Begin to pray about this and write down your commitment to God to be more specific and strategic in prayer. Ask Him to show you where you can start your prayer closet/War Room.

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It does not necessarily mean emptying your closet, but we all have a space that we can repurpose, even if it is shared space. The Spirit will lead you to pick a place to meet with God each day.
Sometimes we get to post our strategy and Scriptures on the wall, and sometimes we have to keep them secured in a notebook or box that we carry into prayer each day. The important thing is to commit and be consistent; let prayer grow and guide you.

Each day of this calendar will add an opportunity to post something new to grow and sow into your prayer strategy. The devil does not have a fighting chance if you let God do your fighting for you. Start today (Prov. 20:18).*(War Room excerpt comes from Kathy Branzell Kathy Branzell is the author of War Room: A Thirty-Day Boot Camp Response Devotion .)


• Give thanks that God will hear our cries of repentance.
• Ask God to show you a prayer strategy. Listen .
• Pray for your spouse.
• Pray for children and youth.
• Pray for the judges of the United States Supreme Court, and your state and local judges.

Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader
. Linda Fegins, “The Prayer Leader” serves as prayer leader and teacher/trainer on the “Prayer Boot Camp” with the Global Missions Prayer Force and as a guest intercessor and volunteer for Girlfriends Pray a global prayer ministry. She served as Prayer Coordinator for over 13 years( later Director over the Prayer Ministry) for the Lydia Circle Christian Business and Professional Women. As part of the Lydia Circle she has lead over twenty prayer boot camps, and has lead prayer services and workshops in the Bahamas and in South Africa. She served on the prayer team of a medical mission trip to Jamaica under the leadership of Rev. Jackie McCullough. She also serves as the Prayer Leader for her church’s Intercessory Prayer Ministry

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Prayer Journey: God Speaks . Pay Attention!


DAY 5- February 14th – God Still Speaks Today. Pay Attention!
Scriptures: Genesis 21:14-19; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Romans 8:16

Glad you have joined the 40 Day War Room Prayer Journey. Did you bring your journal , bible and a listening ear? Happy Valentine’s Day. Celebrate the love of Jesus with the lonely, depressed, and broken hearted. Give them a hug, a card, a smile , an encouraging Word or a gift.

The Lord has spoken to you through the Word. While meditating He may have brought a thought to your mind to “Call Jane” and you wonder why. Perhaps you’ve heard Him; perhaps you haven’t noticed. Or maybe, uncertain that He wants to speak to you, you haven’t thought to ask Him. Yet God is engaging with us in a variety of ways. He’s longing for us to pay attention to His voice.

While there may be many ways that God speaks to us, the Word of God is the primary way God speaks today. Every whisper and every clear and bold word needs to align with Scripture.
This truth is certain: God still speaks to His people today. I hope you can stop and listen.

When Jesus said “my sheep listen to my voice” He was letting us know that we should constantly listen for the sound of His voice. He the Good Shepherd would always be there to guide us by speaking to us and we would be able to hear His voice and follow Him.
God has promised to guide us. The Word tells us to “in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:6). How does He guide us? Sometimes His voice says, “This is the way: walk in it” (Isaiah 30:21) Believers who know God, know that it is His voice and accept His guidance.

“God wants a personal relationship with us; a love relationship. The apostle John said, “Our fellowship is with the Father and with this Son, Jesus Christ” (1 John 1:3) God did not finish speaking to us when the scripture were completed. God is a living God the God of today wants to enjoy a loving relationship with you involving a two way conversation”. (paraphrased)Alvin Vandergriend.


• Ask God to cleanse your heart of every fault and sin and renew a right spirit within you.
• Specifically I confess to You Lord______________________________________.
• Ask the Lord to enable you by the power of the Holy Spirit to listen, to hear and to make changes where you need to do so or to do what He tells you to do.
• Pray for the persecuted church—those who are being attacked or jailed for believing in the Lord Jesus Christ.
• Pray for the homeless.

Make a commitment to pray what He gives you to pray and to do whatever He tells you to do.

Linda Fegins, “The Prayer Leader”

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40 Day War Room Prayer Journey

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Dear family and friends,
Starting this Wednesday (Ash Wednesday), many Christians will begin preparing their hearts and minds for Resurrection Sunday better known as Easter through the season of Lent. I look forward to you and your family joining me, my friends , family and my church family in participating in our 40 Day Prayer Journey, “ War Room Journey: Praying, Listening to the Lord And Living the Life”. 1 Timothy 2:1-4; Philippians 4:6-7; Deuteronomy 30:20; Galatians 2:20, from February 10, 2016 through March 26, 2016.
Step into this forty (40) day prayer journey of repenting and praying toward the desires and promises of God to enable us to grow in our spiritual walk. Let each of us as individuals and as a corporate body grow in grace, in service and deed, in love for God and each other and into a lifestyle of individual and corporate prayer.
It is a time to repent, recall, refresh and renew our commitment to communing with Christ, talking to him but also listening to hear what He has to say to each of us individually and corporately. God wants a personal love relationship with you—with us. A relationship involves a two way conversation. Prayer is a dialogue not a monologue. God is not silent. He speaks to us through His Word and in other ways. Jesus was a listener. He said “Whatever I say is what the Father has told me to say” (John 12:50). Like Jesus, we must listen. God is longing for us to pay attention. Let’s all stop and listen.
Hopefully you had the wonderful opportunity to watch the movie “War Room”. God wants us to become effective prayer intercessors and warriors to carry out His Kingdom purpose. We will be praying and study the war room strategies addressed in the movie. Days 8 though 36 will address effective prayer. Why not ask a loved one to join you on this prayer journey? Let’s all continue with one accord in prayer and supplication (Acts 1:14a) during this Lenten season.

Love and pray fervently,
Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader

40 Day War Room Prayer Journey

“The War Room Journey: Praying, Listening to the Lord And Living the Life-
1 Timothy 2: 1-4; Philippines 4:6-7; Deuteronomy. 30:20; Galatians 2:20

The Lenten Season (February 10 through March 26, 2016) is a time of repentance, self-examination, fasting and prayer in preparation for Resurrection Sunday (Easter). “Renewing your sense of who you really are before God is the core of the Lenten experience” states Pastor Littlejohn. Today seek God with a repentant heart (See Joel 2: 12-24) and honestly search your heart (Psalm 139:23-24). As you pray through the 40 Days of Prayer Journey allow the Lord to examine your life thoroughly.

The first 2 days we will reflect on Repentance. The next five days we will focus on listening to the Lord. Thereafter we will pray, meditate and listen to hear from God about war room prayer strategies (Days 8 to 35) to enable us to commune with God and to grow and strengthen our prayer life and relationship with God.

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DAY 1 – Feb 10th – Ash Wednesday the Beginning of Lent
Scriptures: Psalm 139: 23-24; 1 John 1:9; Psalm 32:5; Acts 3:19

Devotion: No one is perfect. But we all can surrender our lives to God and let Him work through us. It is important that each of us possess a clean heart. This is required as a part of God’s call for you to get right before Him for a closer relationship with Him, to enable you to do the work He has called you to do and to receive the blessings He has in store for you.

To do that you must examine yourself carefully as Pastor Littlejohn stated. You have to confess your sin and repent. You must be brave enough to say
“Lord, show me what is in my heart, soul, mind and spirit and life that shouldn’t be there. Convict me where I am missing the mark. Tear down my arrogance, pride, fear and insecurities and help me to see the truth about myself, life and my circumstances. Expose me to myself, Lord and help me to take it. Enable me to correct my ways.” Prayer by Stormie Omartian.
Now, you say the prayer above, or another for yourself.

Confess: Confess to God any sins of thoughts or actions that He shows you.
Repent: Of all the things that you have confessed.
Meditate, pray, and write down other areas for which you should repent.

Reflect on repentance and on what way you want to improve in your prayer life to deepen your relationship and friendship with God to enable you to rise in the spiritual things of God. Sit still before the Lord and listen. Let the Lord know you are listening and you are sincerely seeking His face. Psalm 42: 1-2


• Confess the ways that you have been complacent about sin and not appalled that His Holy name is defiled.
• Confess any sin that the Spirit brings to your attention.
• Ask God to search your heart and life and to reveal to you any sin you may need to deal with.
• Repentance means to change your mind and be determined not to do the sin again. It means to turn and walk the other way and that we are sorry about our sin to the point of grief. Ask God to open your eyes, ears and heart to feel real sadness and sorrow about your sin and to turn your heart and mind to repent. Thank Him for the gift of repentance.
• Pray for God to strengthen your prayer life and deepen your relationship with Him.
 Something to Act On: Write your own prayer of repentance to the Lord.
Linda Fegins , The Prayer Leader
