
DAY 5- February 14th – God Still Speaks Today. Pay Attention!
Scriptures: Genesis 21:14-19; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Romans 8:16

Glad you have joined the 40 Day War Room Prayer Journey. Did you bring your journal , bible and a listening ear? Happy Valentine’s Day. Celebrate the love of Jesus with the lonely, depressed, and broken hearted. Give them a hug, a card, a smile , an encouraging Word or a gift.

The Lord has spoken to you through the Word. While meditating He may have brought a thought to your mind to “Call Jane” and you wonder why. Perhaps you’ve heard Him; perhaps you haven’t noticed. Or maybe, uncertain that He wants to speak to you, you haven’t thought to ask Him. Yet God is engaging with us in a variety of ways. He’s longing for us to pay attention to His voice.

While there may be many ways that God speaks to us, the Word of God is the primary way God speaks today. Every whisper and every clear and bold word needs to align with Scripture.
This truth is certain: God still speaks to His people today. I hope you can stop and listen.

When Jesus said “my sheep listen to my voice” He was letting us know that we should constantly listen for the sound of His voice. He the Good Shepherd would always be there to guide us by speaking to us and we would be able to hear His voice and follow Him.
God has promised to guide us. The Word tells us to “in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:6). How does He guide us? Sometimes His voice says, “This is the way: walk in it” (Isaiah 30:21) Believers who know God, know that it is His voice and accept His guidance.

“God wants a personal relationship with us; a love relationship. The apostle John said, “Our fellowship is with the Father and with this Son, Jesus Christ” (1 John 1:3) God did not finish speaking to us when the scripture were completed. God is a living God the God of today wants to enjoy a loving relationship with you involving a two way conversation”. (paraphrased)Alvin Vandergriend.


• Ask God to cleanse your heart of every fault and sin and renew a right spirit within you.
• Specifically I confess to You Lord______________________________________.
• Ask the Lord to enable you by the power of the Holy Spirit to listen, to hear and to make changes where you need to do so or to do what He tells you to do.
• Pray for the persecuted church—those who are being attacked or jailed for believing in the Lord Jesus Christ.
• Pray for the homeless.

Make a commitment to pray what He gives you to pray and to do whatever He tells you to do.

Linda Fegins, “The Prayer Leader”

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