Posts Tagged family

Powerful Prayer to Protect & Bless Your Family by Lynda D. Brown


About The Book

School shootings, workplace massacres, record foreclosures and job layoffs. What in the world is going on? We’re at war with a very old and crafty enemy. In this step by step guide you’ll learn how to have victory in every aspect of your life by using the “keys of the Kingdom” and the “weapons of our warfare” to defeat the enemy and live the abundant life Jesus died on the cross for us to have!



About The Author

After publishing her first nonfiction title, Once I Was Lost, with a traditional publisher in 2006, author Lynda D. Brown decided to create her own independent publishing company and Spoken Word Press was born. In May 2010, Lynda published her first novel, Invisible Enemies, a supernatural thriller with a biblical message. While writing book one, her characters began to take on a life of their own, and Lynda decided to create a series based on the characters in the original book. In August 2011, Seed of Satan: Leah’s Story, book two in the series was published,
In late October of 2010, Lynda created The Author Chat Show, an online podcast for self-published authors to showcase their work. Currently the website has over one hundred and sixty members.

Author giveaway 3 paperbacks, 2 audio books, and 3 e-books. To enter The Bible Trivia go to:

Review by Linda Fegins

Powerful Prayer to Protect & Bless Your Family book by Author Lynda Brown is power packed with anointed prayer jewels to empower, bless and shield your family from the wiles of the devil. She equips the reader with “The Prayer” that is the premise for her book and shows the reader how to use “the prayer” to strategically pray to protect and bless his or her family. Easy and empowering reading. Lynda Brown’s response to some questions shares how she was led to write this book after she had come under spiritual attack.

Powerful Prayer to Protect & Bless Your Family Book Tour Oct 2013
Interview Questions by Linda Fegins:

Describe yourself for our visitors:
I live in St. Louis MO. I’m divorced and have a 34 year old son, and a beautiful 5 year old grandson. I currently work full time for the local library and I also own Spoken Word Press publishing company and host Author Chat with Lynda D. Brown on on the weekends to help support and promote fellow authors.

How do you find time to connect with God?

Each morning between the hours of 2-3am, I spend time in prayer and ‘command my morning’. I realized how important this was after I purchased a copy of Dr. Cindy Trimm’s Commanding Your Morning book and I also read a passage of scripture before going to bed.

What inspired you to write this book?

I first shared this prayer with a few close friends and co-workers and when they experienced the same blessings and protection that I did, I decided to put it in book.

Who are your favorite authors and why?

I’m a huge fan of Dr. Cindy Trimm, Tananarive Due, Wanda B. Campbell, Shelia E. Lipsey, Victoria Christopher Murray, and Beverly Jenkins. Dr. Cindy Trimm book, Commanding Your Morning taught me how to ‘plant the heavens ‘and tell the universe how I want my day to be. Author Tananarive Due’s books are about the supernatural, and the other authors mention write about life that I can relate to.

Favorite books?

One of my all-time favorite books that I still refer to library patrons and friends looking for a good Christian fiction book is Wanda B. Campbell’s Illusion. It really spoke to me because I have dealt with issues concerning my weight. It made me cry, laugh and shout…great book.

Tell us about your journey to publication.

After living a life involved in the occult, reading tarot cards, creating horoscope charts for clients, chanting, etc., from the age of 16 until 2003, I connected with a Christian friend at work, who finally made me see I was conducting my life in a way that was not pleasing to God. I repented and gave my life back to Him in 2004. I then decided to really get serious and establish a relationship with Jesus, after I read Hosea 4:6 my people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge. I didn’t understand at the time that the scripture was referring to Christians! I believed that many would benefit from my life in the occult, so in 2006, I wrote and published, Once I Was Lost. In the fall of 2006 I began writing the Invisible Enemies Series, a more in-depth fictional account about spiritual warfare. In 2010, when it was finally ready to be published, I decided to start Spoken Word Press and publish the book myself. In 2011, I published book two in the series, Seed of Satan, and I’m currently working on book three. All my books are available in paperback, eBooks and audio.

Tell us about your current book?

Powerful Prayer to Protect & Bless Your Family is just what the title implies. The prayer that I share in this book is a strategic prayer. It covers the prayer that Jesus taught the disciples in Matthew 6, how to plead the blood of Jesus over your loved ones, how to intercede for others, how to set a guard over your mouth since life and death are in the power of the tongue, how to live a life that’s less of you and more of him, and finally, how to pray for God to become a part of everything you’re involved in, and to enlarge your territory.

How did you come up with ideas for this book?

Since I write about spiritual warfare, I’ve been under some serious attacks. I began researching prayers that would help me ‘fight back.” Too many Christians don’t know how to fight back when the ‘enemy’ goes on the attack. I sought the Holy Spirit to help me include the information in the book that believers needed to have victory in their lives.

What valuable lessons do you want readers to learn from your book?

When you pray strategically, you learn how to have victory in your life. This book shows you how to use the spiritual keys of the kingdom and the weapons of our warfare to defeat the enemy and live the abundant life that Jesus died for believers to have. I’m a living witness, because I’m living my dreams by writing and publishing my books, and also being a blessing to others.

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Day 12 Prayer Journey to Life Transformation

man and woman praying

DAY 12 – February 24- Honoring One Another in Love
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation
(see prior posts for earlier days)

We have been praying this week about our relationships with our family members. We must begin to deal honestly with negative and sinful attitudes and actions within our homes. God wants our homes to be demonstrations of His love to the world. A lot of what goes on in the home affects our children.

Scriptures: Romans 12:9-21 Philippians 2:1-4

Repent: Of not honoring family members and others who are in close relationship with us: of thinking more highly of ourselves than we ought; of being unwilling to respect and honor others in humility and love; of____________________(feel in the blanks)

Meditate, pray and write down other areas for which you need to repent.


Pray for forgiveness and grace to honor and give preference to our families and close relationships.
• Pray that a spirit of humility would permeate our families that will release love for us to honor and prefer one another
• Pray that holy honor for spouses, parents and children would be restored in our speech, attitudes and actions.
• Pray that the spirit of honoring our parents would be restored in the speech and actions of children
• Pray that family members and church members will have a strong and growing love for God and for others.
• Pray that the church would walk in love for one another without hypocrisy and out of a pure heart..
• Pray for a desire for prayer to be stirred up within all family members and that answers to prayer will occur to build faith and consistency.
• Pray that your family and/or friends will experience rich times of praying together, playing together and worshipping together.

Linda Fegins

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