Posts Tagged family prayer

Launching Family Prayer


“Lord, restore the family altar in homes across America”, is the cry of one intercessor. Let’s Launch Family Prayer today. God loves your family and you. He established family and has a plan for each family member. We need to pray for our and with our families. One of the best things you and I can do for our families is to begin to teach our children and adults to pray in a way that grows hunger for God by seeking Him in prayer together.

In today’s world of busy schedules and Face book, cell phones and other digital distractions, “It’s hard for families to find time to eat dinner together, let alone pray together. Yet praying together deepens relationships, alleviates arguing and fighting, and strengthens family ties more than any single thing we can do”, states Cheryl Sacks, a national speaker and intercessor.

Launching Family Prayer

In the month of June let’s begin to launch a month-long campaign to help each family member jumpstart a lifetime of praying together and for one another.  I will be giving pointers on praying for men, fathers, parents and teaching children how to engage in family prayer, as well as specific prayer pointers and others for praying for the family. I will share a great example of a grandfather’s impact upon his grandchildren developing a prayer life this month after Father’s Day.

Minister Minetta Hare visionary and founder of the Global Missions Prayer Force has launched in the month of June “The Family Prayer Challenge”. Go to Face book and like the page and get notice of the daily prayer points as well. She is encouraging you to get a Prayer Journal to write the names of your family  members and providing a page for the directions you hear from the Lord about praying for each of the your family members.

Family Prayer Points: (Others will be provided this month for specific persons)

Relationship with God

Salvation. Lord you love my family members and you gave your only Son for them. You are not willing that any should be lost. May _________ accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and become a new creation in YOU. (John 3:16; 2 Corn 5:17)

Faith. Lord in the name of Jesus may my family grow a saving, faith in Jesus. May we turn our hearts toward You so that we live in Jesus, rooted in the truth of His Word and demonstrate mountain moving faith. (Mk. 11:23-24; Rom 10:17).

Furthermore pray:

In you all the families of the earth will be blessed. Genesis 12:3 (KJV)

  • Pray for unity and love in family units that reach out in hospitality toward others. Romans 12:9-13.
  • Pray for God centered relationships among family members.
  • Pray that parents will be bold to instruct their children in God’s way of living and lead their families to pray together.
  • Pray for relationships between parents and children that it be one of love, respect, honor and obedience.
  • Pray for a return to the biblical mandate to train children at home.
  • Pray that families will follow godly principles.
  • Pray for our youth –their safety, protection, obedience, purpose and excellence.
  • Pray for families dismantled by divorce to be healed.
  • Pray that Christ forgiveness would dissolve anger, bitterness and strife in relationships among family member.

Linda Fegins, “The Prayer Leader” of Pray, Act& Write.  June 2018

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“Hear Our Cry Oh Lord” National Day of Prayer


Thursday, May 7, 2015 National Day of Prayer Theme: “Lord Hear Our Cry”
Scripture: I Kings 8:28 “Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day.”: Hear our cry!!!
National Day of Prayers prayer focuses are:
Government, Family, Church, Education,Media, Armed Forces, Market Place/Business see Linda Fegins Pray & Act Write – Right
Let us pray corporately and individually over our families, government etc so that we can glorify God and heal the land and our families. Let us not take it for granted for the freedom to call out loud and worship the Lord freely.

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In you all the families of the earth will be blessed. Genesis 12:3 (KJV)
If a house is divided against itself , that house cannot stand. Mark 3:25
• Pray for unity and love in family units that reaches out in hospitality toward others. Romans 12:9-13.
• Pray for God centered relationships among family members.
• Pray that parents will be bold to instruct their children in God’s way of living and lead their families to pray together.
• Pray for relationships between parents and children that it be one of love, respect, honor and obedience.
• Pray for a return to the biblical mandate to train children at home.
• Pray that families will follow godly principles.
• Pray for our youth –their safety, protection, obedience, purpose and excellence.
• Pray for families dismantled by divorce to be healed
.• Pray that Christ forgiveness would dissolve anger, bitterness and strife in relationships among family members.
• Pray for the family and for elected leaders and the members of our judicial system as they consider proposed legislation and various court cases related to marriage and the family to preserve what God inteneded.

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Government I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty 1 Timothy 2:1-2
• Pray for righteousness to prevail in this nation. Righteousness exalts a nation Proverbs 14:34.
• Pray for our leaders, as well as the judges in our courts. Ask God to grant them wisdom to act with integrity.1 Timothy 2:1-2.
• Pray that leaders will be granted divine wisdom, guidance and strength to fulfill their important roles; leaders to make wise decisions.
• Pray for righteous judges and judgments in every court (Isaiah 1:26).

national_day_of_prayer_2015_web_slide< Marketplace and Business Exodus 31:3-4Amplified Bible (AMP) And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom and ability, in understanding and intelligence, and in knowledge, and in all kinds of craftsmanship, To devise skillful works.... • Pray that business women and men of integrity, fairness and courage will arise .May God bless those who base business practices in righteousness. • Pray that God will raise up His ambassadors in the workplace that will have influence. • Pray for the economy, that new companies will come to the region. • Pray for sound and fair businesses, for favor, new contracts, witty ideas and creativity and for solutions to problems to help the community. • Pray for the workplace- for fairness and fair pay and to be free of harassment and prejudice. May God frustrate plans and practices which escalate injustice. Linda Fegins, "The Prayer Leader"

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Devote Yourselves to Faithful Prayer Connections(Devotions for Everyday Life)


Devote Yourselves to Faithful Prayer

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful” (Colossians 4:2).

When we have thankful hearts, and minds that are alert (watchful) to the enemy’s schemes, we will be better able to maintain the faithful practice of prayer. “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer” (Romans 12:12). Your family can determine to obey this command by setting aside time each day to pray individually and together. The Father will reward your faithfulness. If this time is difficult to find, sit down together and plan what activities are taking away opportunities to spend time in prayer together. It may only take a few minor adjustments to find a segment of time to pray together daily. Perhaps all it will take is to turn off the television or give up excess time at the computer, etc. Talk about what being devoted means. Ask yourselves if you are more devoted to other activities than to prayer. Determine to change your priorities if this is the case.

Awesome Lord, my busy life often gets in the way of faithfulness in my prayer life. Help me to see prayer as a natural part of every aspect of my everyday life so that intercession becomes like breathing to me. Give our family a deep desire to devote ourselves to prayer.

–Adapted from the article Living for God in the Last Days by Kim Butts, author of The Praying Family (Creative Ways to Pray Together)
Prayer Points

Praise God for his faithfulness in calling you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 1:9). Thank God for the privilege of being his adopted child. Confess those times when you’ve foolishly acted like an orphan rather than as one of God’s own children. Commit yourself to strengthening the fellowship you enjoy with Christ and with other Christians. Ask God to reveal to you anything that might hinder your fellowship with Christ.

Pray for a close and loving bond to grow between the members of your immediate family. Ask that this bond will be rooted only in Christ Jesus.

–Prayer Points taken from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend
Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2013 is published by Harvest Prayer Ministries. Subscribe free at Click the link to read the entire article: Living for God in the Last Days (God’s Prayer Plan for the Family) by Kim Butts

Allow your children to see and hear you praying in the morning and at night.
Teach them to say a prayer in the morning before they attend school.
Pray with them in the morning before they attend go.
Set a time to pray with them in family prayer at least 3 times a week for at least 10 minutes and then work to more days and time if you are just beginning to start faithful family prayer. Linda Fegins.

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