Posts Tagged Detroit Public Schools

Back to School with God Part II- Prayer Points for School Children by Linda Fegins

Last week I mentioned how women gathered to pray for their children and the Detroit Public School system and other school systems on the last Saturday in August early in the morning at 7 A.M.. You will see below a video of one of the fervent prayers that went forth. It will bless your soul. I forgot to mention that some fathers gathered with us to pray as well. That touched my heart to see fathers praying for their children and calling for other fathers to pray for and take a stand for their children. These fathers challenged fathers to join them in walking their children to school on the first day of school.

Our community and cities around the world must cry out to the Lord for the students, teachers and school staff in their congregations and those who participate in the educational system. I praise God for the influence and impact of our collective prayers on the students and staff. Cry out today “Lord bless our schools”, See Lam 2:19 and then also specifically and scripturally pray the prayers below or as led by the Holy Spirit.

Through prayer, families, our children’s lives, and our world can be changed. God will show us how to use the power that believers have within through the Holy Spirit to transform our schools and deliver them from violence, disorganization, and poor administration. Through united consistent prayer, God will give us the power, wisdom, knowledge, and creativity to solve the many school problems that plague our city schools and school board. We must put what I call “some feet on our prayers”. Through prayer the right leaders will arise to enable the community to come together to take productive and strategic action.

What can you do first of all? Pray. Wednesday I will identify other action steps you can take.

Listen to the fervent heartfelt prayer of Minister Jacqui Showers for our students and school system. After the video, I listed specific prayers you can pray for our children. Pray them. Wednesday I will give prayer points to pray for teachers and the administration followed up with prayers for parents. Please let me know if you are joining in prayer with me for our children.

• Daily pray for the safety of our children and that God will deliver them from evil and thwart every scheme of the enemy. Lord we pray that you cover the children and youth through the blood and “stay the hand of violence against the children and staff of the school. Dismantle any plan to bring harm to them. Expose any weapon brought on the school premises and render it harmless”. (From Power-Packed Prayers for Public Schools by Ida Rose Heckard)

• Pray for those students that experience rejection and bullying from other students and teachers. Pray that God deliver them from evil and bind and cast out violence and degradation. Ask God to provide children with people that love and respect them unconditionally. (John 13:34; Romans 15:7) Pray that the school is sensitive to these issues and address them effectively.

• Pray that our children will be open to learning new knowledge and to acquire both secular and spiritual knowledge. Pray that God would give them the wisdom to know how to understand and use that knowledge and they use it rightly and for good. (Proverbs 22:6) (2 Timothy 2:15)

• Pray for our sons and daughters to make wise choices and to develop solid friendships with those who are following God. (Psalms 144; 12-15)

• Pray for relief of those children who are homeless and need shelter, food and health care. Pray that Christ will restore their home for the future. (Psalms 107:41)

• Ask God to cause your children to be examples for believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. (I Timothy 4:12).

• Pray for those students that are struggling academically. Ask God to encourage them and strengthen their minds. Pray that God will give their teachers and parent’s wisdom to know how to best help them learn.

• Pray that students will not feel like failures, but will learn discipline and know that God loves them. (I Thessalonians 5:14)

• Pray that the Lord encourage those children who have special needs and “who have struggled with their studies to strengthen their minds. Help the teachers and parents know how to help them learn and protect them from feelings of worthlessness and shame. ( I Thess 5:14)” (From Ida Rose Heckard)

Pray Fervently,
By Linda D. Fegins
Former (14yrs.) Prayer Director/Coordinator, Lydia Circle of Christian Professional and Business Women
Intercessory Prayer Leader for Messiah Baptist Church

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Back to School with God – United Prayer for our Children by Linda Fegins

Pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to him for the lives of your children” (Lam. 2:19)

School started in early September for most school districts. We need to consistently pray for our children, parents, teachers, the school board and the entire school system. On August 25, 2012, the Lydia Circle for Professional and Business Christian Women and Faith At Work Ministries led by Prayer Director Minister Jacqui Showers and a host of women and other ministries came together at 7 am in downtown Detroit at Hart Plaza to pray for the Detroit Public School System (DPS) and other schools, as well as for the City of Detroit, government, business/commerce, family , media, church and arts and entertainment.Yes, we united in prayer on a Saturday morning at 7 in the morning.

Public schools with all the violence, disorganization, poor administration, and politics on the school boards can be transformed. Yes our educational system can be changed significantly. It will be changed by two important actions. Our public school system can and will be changed by united and individual prayer, then by our obedience when God calls believers and intercessors as I say “to put feet on their prayers” and to take strategic action.

We prayed for and the schools are experiencing amazing “God changes”. I pray that the movement of prayer is rising up in revival-like proportions within schools by the students, parents and the administration. I pray that many student-led prayer groups are springing up in middle and senior high schools. I pray for better test results, higher graduation results, teachers with a zeal for teaching and the spirit of excellence, safe environments, and the cessation of violence and bullying in the public schools.

There is no doubt that “Moms In Touch International” (MITI) founded by Fern Nichols, a group of mothers around the country who simply desire to affect communities and schools through the power of prayer have been going before the throne of God. A diversified group of mothers, MITI serve as prayer warriors who battle in the spiritual realm for the lives of children and teenagers as they go off to school for at least one hour every week. They are women united with one purpose: a passion to pray for their children and their schools.

Can prayer change public schools? Believe it!

Pray over your children, the teachers, the school board and the administration.

Later this week I will provide some prayer pointers and tell you what you can do to make a difference.

September 21, 2012 by Linda Fegins

September 21,2012 by Linda Fegins

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Back to School with God Pray For Our Children by Minister Jacqui Showers

Let’s Pray for our Public Schools :for Teachers, Students, the DPS Board, Roy Roberts, Parents, Principals and the Support Staff

Join Minister, Author and Coach Jacqui Showers as Prayer Director for Faith at Works Ministry and Lydia Circle of Christian Business Women ( Visionary Minetta Hare) at 7:00 a.m., Saturday, August 25, 2012, at Hart Plaza for our 15th Annual Prayer Gathering for the City of Detroit, Detroit Public Schools, business, arts, media, family, education, government, medical and health, entertainment, law enforcement and sports

While walking the track at King High School, I noticed a father and son working out. I became so enthralled with them I actually walked around the track two times more than I originally planned. Needless to say, I watched this father perform exercise routines with his son in preparation for the start of the school year.

Initially, they ran the track and then started doing exercises. It was then they really caught my attention. As I watched them I realized that one day, whether that son made it big in sports or not, he would remember that his Dad took time to help him improve his game. No doubt as he coached his son, he also provided life principles that would stay with that young man for the rest of his life.

Our children need us. They need us to provide much needed guidance and discipline. They need us to impart words of wisdom and encouragement. They definitely need us to pray for them. Our schools need us to pray for them as well.

Not so many years ago, prayer was taken out of our schools. Each of us is fully aware of the separation of church and state, as much as we are aware of the consequences of eliminating prayer out of our schools. Our school systems no longer incorporate prayer into their daily schedules. We have to coach our children about prayer and how they can incorporate it into their schools. The schools are mandated by law, but we are not.

Prayer has this interesting effect, the more you pray the more your faith increases. As your faith increases your mindset is transformed to think like a winner. This is what we have to do for our children. We have to help them in thinking and becoming winners. Teaching faith principles rooted in prayer culminates in a new perspective and a winning attitude that translates into winning actions.

This past weekend I united with other women in ministry who signed a “Back To School With God” pledge, in a long-term partnership to support the Detroit Public Schools (DPS). In addition, each one of us pledged to adopt a school and pray for that school, its administration, teachers and students throughout the school year. You can also join in the “Back To School With God” Pledge and Campaign by adopting a school and committing to pray for that school throughout the academic year.

Detroit Public Schools kick-off a week full of activities to promote community involvement and support for DPS Pride in preparation for the First Day of Teaching and Learning. Emergency Manager Roy Roberts extended an invitation for us to join him in this bold and ambitious movement where mediocrity in education for our children is no longer acceptable.

This upcoming Sunday, August 19, is DPS Church Sunday and faith-based supporters across the city will spread a positive back-to-school message. More than ever, our children need to know that we encourage them to strive for excellence because we are excited about their future. Yes, they need to know we are praying for and with them as well.

As the Prayer Director for Faith at Works Ministry and Lydia Circle of Christian Business Women, I’m extending an invitation for you to join us at 7:00 a.m., Saturday, August 25, 2012, at Hart Plaza for our 15th Annual Prayer Gathering for the City of Detroit, DPS, business, arts, media, family, education, government, medical and health, entertainment, law enforcement and sports.

What we do for our children will have a lifelong impression on them. One thing for sure, we owe it to our children to do whatever it takes to ensure their success. That means not only praying for them, but praying with them as well.

Minister Jacqui A.Showers

No parts of this article can be reproduced without permission from Minister Showers
As the founder of Showers Group The Ministries, Minister Jacqui Showers endeavors to shower the world with the rich life transforming blessings of the Word of God; thus empowering people to live an abundant victorious passion-driven life in Christ Jesus through the anointing and enabling power of the Holy Spirit.

A sought after speaker, Minister Showers evangelizes the Word of God and provides unboxed inspirational coaching through individual consultation, workshops, seminars, conferences, churches and other venues for individuals and organizations.

Minister Showers coaches you to fulfill your destiny and purpose as you become all God envisioned so you can experience all God S.A.W. (Spiritual, Abundance and Wholeness). She holds dear the love affair she and God share that is totally beyond compare.

Minister Showers is licensed under House of Prayer & Praise Ministries (HOPP) where she serves under Bishop-Elect Steven & Lady Valorie Bennett.

If you would like to secure Jacqui A. Showers as a speaker, contact The Showers Group Ministries, 313.289.4559 or send your request to

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