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Yesterday September 3, 2013 I called for Back 2 School United Prayers for our children and the schools they attend and posted about 10 specific prayer points for our school children. >

We need to continually uplift the entire educational system and all those involved in it which includes our teachers and administrators. We need teachers who are committed to effectively teaching our children. There is no doubt there are some committed excellent teachers. Schools must be safe for teachers as well as students. In 2011 a student hit a teacher in the back with a stapler, hid in a closet and started hitting the teacher in the chest when the teacher opened the closet door.

On the other hand we must guard against negative attitudes of teachers that adversly affects how and what they teach children. We cannot tolerate teachers such as Jennifer O’ Brien who made negative remarks about a group of largely Black and Hispanic first graders when she complained that she was a “warden for future criminal’s”. Our children are worthy of respect and are entitled to the best education they can possibly obtain in a positive and nurturing enviroment.

The prayer of agreement is powerful and we must join our voices and hearts to consitently pray for those involved in educating our children. Below are specific prayer points to pray for our teachers and adminstrators.

• Pray for our school teachers to have the wisdom needed to effectively impart knowledge to their students. A wise teacher makes learning a joy… (Proverbs 15:2a)
• Pray for our school teachers that God will give them the grace to deal with day-to-day frustrations and problems.
• Pray that our school teachers would exhibit the life of Christ before our children. That they would be filled with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness.
• Pray for the one in charge of the screening and hiring of teachers, and pray that he/she recruits effective teachers with integrity and a true heart for teaching children for our schools. ( See Matthew 9:38)
• Ask God to rise up Godly educators who are dedicated to their field and can capture the hearts and minds of our nation’s youth on each level of education. (Colossians 1:9-10)
• Pray our educators will pray unceasingly for guidance and wisdom to become the examples to their students. (I Peter 2:21) Pray they will know how to pray for their students.
• Pray that teachers will impart godly wisdom to form godly character in their students. (Luke 6:40)

• Pray for the standard of excellence to be restored in our educational institutes and that our educators will pass on that spirit of excellence, requiring excellence, rather than sloth and ignorance. (Ecclesiastes 2:13-14)
• Pray for the needed tools and proper facilities to teach our children.(Philippians 4:19)
• Pray for the election of godly leaders on our school boards and in the administration of our schools. (I Timothy 2:1)
• Pray for the support staff in the schools to treat the children with dignity and respect.
( Many prayer points for teachers and adminstrators were adopted from From Power-Packed Prayers for Public Schools by Ida Rose Heckard)

copyright 2012/2013 Linda Fegins

Pray Fervently,
Linda D. Fegins
Former Prayer Coordinator and Director(13 years), Lydia Circle of Christian Professional and Business Women
Intercessory Prayer Leader for Messiah Baptist Church
Writer in the Anthology -“Tali Cumi: Daughters Arise”
Writer in the Anthology -“It’s Worth the Struggle- Inspiration for Contemporary Writers”
Christian Dramatist, “Sojourner Truth”, “Eve” etc.
Sunday School and Christian Education Teacher
Linda’s Report Blog
The Prayer Leader

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