Archive for category Prayer for Schools

Back 2 School Prayers Journey (Days 1-5)



Welcome to the BACK 2 SCHOOL Prayers Journey  ~ September 1-30, 2017.
Join us our month-long prayer campaign for all students from pre-K to college and other educational institutions and schools.  State your child’s name, school, college, and age and we will pray for you. You can send them to me at the email below and/or you can also add your child’s name and school/college at .

Parents and the community need to call for united prayer for the lives of children, teens and college students attending schools and colleges around the world. Let’s begin to cry out to the Lord for the students, teachers, educators, and school staff in our communities.Cry out today “Lord bless our schools”, See Lam 2:19 and then also specifically and scripturally pray daily.
Action Plan:
1. Join us in praying for our school age children, youth and college students this month. Write the name of your child, teen, and college student, age, and the name of their school and college.

2. Pray daily for our children for salvation, protection, academics and more.
3. Adopt a school to pray for in your neighborhood or in any place throughout your city. Pray for the school of your child ‘s school or college.
4. [Pray daily] I pray in Jesus’ name that every child and every school throughout the world will be covered in prayer.
5. Prayer Focus for Friday Day 1; Saturday Day 2; Sunday Day 3

Day 1- Spiritually
Pray that your child will understand the Gospel and learn to apply biblical principles to every aspect of life. Lord, lead my children to trust in Jesus for his or her eternal salvation so that they can be a light at school, the community and everywhere they go. Let them be assured that their souls are secure in Your hands ( John 3:16, 10:28-29)

Day 2- Relationship to the teacher
Pray that your child will develop a deep respect and appreciation for his/her teacher and will act respectful of all authority figures. Father, may the student, staff, and teachers experience a positive respectful relationship and Your love in profound and authentic ways ( John 13:35)

Day 3- Relationship to peers

Pray that your child will develop a close bond with his peers and that he/she will choose friends wisely. Lord provide my children with friends at school and in the community who are supportive and truthful. Keep them from relationships that provide negative peer pressure and would draw them into temptation and away from You. ( Prov 27:5-6; 1 Corn 15:33)

Day 4- Wisdom    

Pray that your child will develop the ability to discern right from wrong and put it into practice on a daily basis at school and in the community. Lord bless my children with wisdom, and give them a hunger for you, to study and learn more at school. Fill them with a thirst for knowledge of Your Word and to study at school their school work. (Prov 3:13; James 1:5; Prov 9:10)

Day 5- Intimacy with God

Draw my children in a personal relationship with You that they may taste your goodness and long for you. Let them know you will watch over them at school and that they are not alone at school when mother and father cannot be there. ( Ps. 27:8 ;34:8; John 14:16-17).

Blessings to parents, students, and the community.

Pray fervently, Linda D. Fegins “The Prayer Leader”




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United Cry Out Over Our Schools by Linda Fegins

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School is about to start up again and some have already started.  We need to begin a united  cry out in prayer in  the cities of Detroit, Chicago and where you live for our children and the schools they attend.

Cry out today “Lord bless our children and the schools they attend”, See Lam 2:19 and then also specifically and scripturally pray the prayers below or as led by the Holy Spirit. Through prayer, families, our children’s lives, and our world can be changed. God will show us how to use the power that believers have within through the Holy Spirit to transform our schools and deliver them from violence, disorganization, and poor administration. Through united consistent prayer, God will give us the power, wisdom, knowledge, and creativity to solve the many school problems that plague our city schools and school board.

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We must put what I call “some feet on our prayers”. That means participate in  school meetings. Vote in the election and become aware of issues regarding the educational system. Adopt a school and pray for it every day. Speak up ! Pray  much! Mothers and Fathers join forces. See

Through prayer the right leaders will arise to enable the community to come together to take productive and strategic action.

Can prayer change public schools? Yes, back to school prayers and prayer period can. Believe it!

Parents and the community need to unite in prayer in our neighborhoods and on the school grounds to serve as prayer warriors who battle in the spiritual realm for the lives of children and teenagers as they go off to school and colleges for at least a half hour to one hour every week. Let’s challenge ourselves to daily pray for the safety of our children and that God will deliver them from evil and thwart every scheme of the enemy. ”

“Lord we pray that you cover the children and youth through the blood and “stay the hand of violence against the children and staff of the school. Dismantle any plan to bring harm to them. Expose any weapon brought on the school premises and render it harmless”.( from Power-Packed Prayers for Public Schools by Ida Rose Heckard).

Action Plan :

Pray for the school your child attends as you drive your child to school .Pray for a school in your neighborhood. Encourage your children to pray for their school and teachers.

How many of you will join with me to begin praying for your child or grandchild’s school or college today. Join with me now!

Prayer Points for Our School Children and Youth

Pray: Here are just a few prayers to pray:
• Daily pray for the safety of our children and that God will deliver them from evil and thwart every scheme of the enemy. Lord we pray that you cover the children and youth through the blood and “stay the hand of violence against the children and staff of the school. Dismantle any plan to bring harm to them. Expose any weapon brought on the school premises and render it harmless”.( from Power-Packed Prayers for Public Schools by Ida Rose Heckard)

  • Pray that our children will be open to learning new knowledge and that God would give them the wisdom to know how to understand and use that knowledge. We need to pray that our children have the ability to discriminate between good knowledge and bad knowledge. Teach a child to choose the right path, and when he is older he will remain upon it. (Proverbs 22:6)
  • Pray that the school is structurally and environmentally sound that children will be safe. Pray for the right resources for our children such as books, new technological tools and basics like clean rooms, toiletries

Pray Fervently,

Linda D. Fegins

The Prayer Leader

Prayer Leader/Trainer, Global Missions Prayer Force lead by Minetta Hare

Former(14yrs.) Prayer Director/Coordinator,Lydia Circle of Christian Professional and Business Women
Intercessory Prayer Leader for Messiah Baptist Church
Writer in the Anthology -“Tali Cumi: Daughters Arise”
Writer in the Anthology -“It’s Worth the Struggle- Inspiration for Contemporary Writers”
Christian Dramatist, “Sojourner Truth”, “Eve” etc.

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Cry Out in United Prayer: Prayers for Back to School Children and Youth

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Cry Out in United Prayer: Prayers for Back to School Children and Youth by Linda Fegins

Pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to him for the lives of your children” (Lam. 2:19)

School has started. We need to consistently pray for our children, parents, teachers, the school board and the entire school system. Through prayer, families, our children’s lives, and our world can be changed. God will show us how to use the power that believers have within through the power of the Holy Spirit to transform our schools and deliver them from violence, disorganization, and poor administration. Through united consistent prayer, God will give us the power, wisdom, knowledge, and creativity to solve the many school problems that plague our city schools and school board. Through prayer the right leaders will arise to enable the community to come together to take productive and strategic action to transform our educational system and our schools.

Yes, our educational system can be changed significantly. It will be changed by two important actions. Our public school system can and will be changed by united and individual prayer, then by our obedience when God calls believers and intercessors as I say “to put feet on their prayers” and to take strategic action.

Let’s pray that a movement of prayer is rising up in revival-like proportions within schools by the students, parents and the administration. I pray that many student-led prayer groups are springing up in middle and senior high schools. Let’s pray for better test results, higher graduation results, teachers with a zeal for teaching and the spirit of excellence, safe environments, and the cessation of violence and bullying in the public schools.

Can prayer change public schools? Yes, back to school prayers and prayer period can. Believe it!

Parents and the community need to unite in prayer in our neighborhoods and on the school grounds to serve as prayer warriors who battle in the spiritual realm for the lives of children and teenagers as they go off to school and colleges for at least a half hour to one hour every week. Let’s challenge ourselves to daily pray for the safety of our children and that God will deliver them from evil and thwart every scheme of the enemy. Lord we pray that you cover the children and youth through the blood and “stay the hand of violence against the children and staff of the school. Dismantle any plan to bring harm to them. Expose any weapon brought on the school premises and render it harmless”.( from Power-Packed Prayers for Public Schools by Ida Rose Heckard).

Pray for the school your child attends as you drive your child to school .Pray for a school in your neighborhood. Encourage your children to pray for their school and teachers.

Here’s a prayer for the safety of your children and a prayer to help them with achievement.


A Prayer for Your Child’s Protection and Safety


Heavenly Father, you are the sure defense of our children, you are the rock of refuge, their high tower, and their protector. How I praise you and thank you for the certain knowledge I have that you care for my child, you will be with him/her always and you will keep him/her from the evil one.

Lord, you saved Israel from the hands of the enemies time and time again. You delivered your people and helped them to dwell in safety. Be a very present help to my son/ daughter__________________(state their name )as he/she goes out to play, goes to school, attends college and faces the challenges and responsibilities in our society.

Keep our home safe from all fear and dispatch your angles to protect my children at school,on campus, on the playground, on the bus and walking home from school. Uphold my child, ______according to your Word, Lord, so that he/she might truly live, experiencing the abundant life you have promised to all who come to you. Let him/ her never be ashamed of you. Hold him/her up so that he/she will always be safe and will have respect to your statues continually. I pray that he will honor You and your Word. I thank you, Father for the promises of your Word, and that you are a shield unto them that put their trust in you. Deliver them from all who would harm them.

Psalm 56:9; Psalm 94:22; Psalm 144:2; Deuteronomy 32:38 1Peter 5:7; Matthew 28:20; Galatians 1:4; Psalm 46:1;Matthew 4:6
(Prayers That Prevail for Your Children by Richards and Hildebrand)

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Prayer for Students’ Academics

Father, I pray for ____________________________________ who is facing the new school or college year and the challenges and difficulties of school responsibilities. Impart your wisdom to him/her so that he/she will understand that wisdom is the principal thing. Motivate him/her to seek wisdom and to gain understanding.

Grace and mercy come from you, Lord. As you did for Daniel and three Hebrew children, I ask that you give my children knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom that he/she they may be excellent in all his/her their school work and activities.

You are a very present help to____________________ __________________in all areas of his/her life. Help him/her to call upon you when the demands of scholastic life threaten to overwhelm him/her.
May________________ realize that you have a plan and purpose for his/her life. Gave him/her the motivation to pursue your goals for him/her. Protect him/her from all harmful influences.
Keep him//her mind stayed on you. When philosophies and theories of this world oppose his/her faith, help him/her to maintain a constant focus on you, to run his her course with patience, looking unto you. Lord Jesus, the author and finisher of his/her faith.

Bless __________ with clarity of mind as he/she studies. Help him/her to be diligent and to avoid the error of procrastination concerning assignments. Remind him/her to remain faithful even in the things he or she may consider unimportant.

Give him/her faith in your promise, as he/she faces tests and exams, that by your great Comforter, the Holy Spirit, you will bring all things to his/her remembrance.

Thank you for providing us with all we need to meet the challenges of life. You have equipped _____________with the necessary abilities to do well in school. Help _____to remember to be thankful to you for the abilities and aptitude you have given to him/her.

Bless him/her and use him/her to bring glory to your name. Thank you Lord. Amen
(References omitted.)Prayer That Prevail for Your Children by Richards and Hildebrand

Wednesday we will share prayer points for children , teachers and administrators.

Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader ( 2014)

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Back 2 School Prayers- Part III – Prayer Sheet for our School Children L. Fegins

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Back 2 School Prayers –Part III-Prayer Sheet for our School Children

On September 9, 2013 Minister Teraleen Campbell called for a prayer conference call to pray for our children which included babies through 6th grade, middle school children, high school students and college students. We also prayed for parents. I was assigned to pray for high school students. It was powerful .

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Last week, the first week of September ,I began calling for united prayer for our school children and their schools. In Part I and Part II of Back 2 School Prayers specific prayer points to guide you in praying for your school children, teachers and administrators were provided on this blog.


Pray over your children daily. I challenge you to write the child’s first name and/or school place it below or send or to inbox me on facebook. As a result I decided to put together a Back 2 School Prayer Sheet.

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Praise—Praising God for who He is, His attributes, His name or His character.
God is our shield for our children and their schools
Definition: One who is our means of defense or protection
Scripture(s): II Samuel 22:1-3; Psalm 84:11; Proverbs 2:7-8

Confession—Silently confessing your sins to the God who forgives.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 (NASB)
Thanksgiving—Thanking God for the fruit of our wombs. We thank God that our children are a hertiage of the Lord.
In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NASB)

Intercession—Coming to God in prayer on behalf of others’ children , our children, the teachers and the schools.

Children and Teens
Prayer Points
• Daily pray for the safety of our children and that God will deliver them from evil and thwart every scheme of the enemy. Lord we pray that you cover the children and youth through the blood and “stay the hand of violence against the children and staff of the school. Dismantle any plan to bring harm to them. Expose any weapon brought on the school premises and render it harmless”.( from Power-Packed Prayers for Public Schools by Ida Rose Heckard)

• Pray that our children will be open to learning new knowledge and that God would give them the wisdom to know how to understand and use that knowledge. We need to pray that our children have the ability to discriminate between good knowledge and bad knowledge. Teach a child to choose the right path, and when he is older he will remain upon it. (Proverbs 22:6) See remainder of specific prayer points on this link and

Child #1:
Child #2:
Child #3:

Specific Request
Child #1:
Child #2:
Child #3:


Prayer Points:

Pray for our school teachers to have the wisdom needed to effectively impart knowledge to their students. A wise teacher makes learning a joy. (Proverbs 15:2a)

Pray for our school teachers that God will give them the grace to deal with day-to-day frustrations and problems.
See remainder of specific prayer points on this link

Specific Request:

School Concerns:

Linda Fegins

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Back 2 School Prayers Part II: Prayers for Teachers and Adminstrators

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Yesterday September 3, 2013 I called for Back 2 School United Prayers for our children and the schools they attend and posted about 10 specific prayer points for our school children. >

We need to continually uplift the entire educational system and all those involved in it which includes our teachers and administrators. We need teachers who are committed to effectively teaching our children. There is no doubt there are some committed excellent teachers. Schools must be safe for teachers as well as students. In 2011 a student hit a teacher in the back with a stapler, hid in a closet and started hitting the teacher in the chest when the teacher opened the closet door.

On the other hand we must guard against negative attitudes of teachers that adversly affects how and what they teach children. We cannot tolerate teachers such as Jennifer O’ Brien who made negative remarks about a group of largely Black and Hispanic first graders when she complained that she was a “warden for future criminal’s”. Our children are worthy of respect and are entitled to the best education they can possibly obtain in a positive and nurturing enviroment.

The prayer of agreement is powerful and we must join our voices and hearts to consitently pray for those involved in educating our children. Below are specific prayer points to pray for our teachers and adminstrators.

• Pray for our school teachers to have the wisdom needed to effectively impart knowledge to their students. A wise teacher makes learning a joy… (Proverbs 15:2a)
• Pray for our school teachers that God will give them the grace to deal with day-to-day frustrations and problems.
• Pray that our school teachers would exhibit the life of Christ before our children. That they would be filled with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness.
• Pray for the one in charge of the screening and hiring of teachers, and pray that he/she recruits effective teachers with integrity and a true heart for teaching children for our schools. ( See Matthew 9:38)
• Ask God to rise up Godly educators who are dedicated to their field and can capture the hearts and minds of our nation’s youth on each level of education. (Colossians 1:9-10)
• Pray our educators will pray unceasingly for guidance and wisdom to become the examples to their students. (I Peter 2:21) Pray they will know how to pray for their students.
• Pray that teachers will impart godly wisdom to form godly character in their students. (Luke 6:40)

• Pray for the standard of excellence to be restored in our educational institutes and that our educators will pass on that spirit of excellence, requiring excellence, rather than sloth and ignorance. (Ecclesiastes 2:13-14)
• Pray for the needed tools and proper facilities to teach our children.(Philippians 4:19)
• Pray for the election of godly leaders on our school boards and in the administration of our schools. (I Timothy 2:1)
• Pray for the support staff in the schools to treat the children with dignity and respect.
( Many prayer points for teachers and adminstrators were adopted from From Power-Packed Prayers for Public Schools by Ida Rose Heckard)

copyright 2012/2013 Linda Fegins

Pray Fervently,
Linda D. Fegins
Former Prayer Coordinator and Director(13 years), Lydia Circle of Christian Professional and Business Women
Intercessory Prayer Leader for Messiah Baptist Church
Writer in the Anthology -“Tali Cumi: Daughters Arise”
Writer in the Anthology -“It’s Worth the Struggle- Inspiration for Contemporary Writers”
Christian Dramatist, “Sojourner Truth”, “Eve” etc.
Sunday School and Christian Education Teacher
Linda’s Report Blog
The Prayer Leader

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Cry Out in United Prayer : Blessings and Specific Prayers for our School Children-

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Cry Out in United Community Prayer: Blessings and Specific Prayerd Over Our Schools and Children: by Linda Fegins


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It’s back to school time. We need to call for united prayer for the lives of children attending schools and “put feet to our prayers”. Many ministries have been calling for prayer for the children, teachers, administrators and school staff as they return back to school. Faith At Work Ministries and the Lydia Circle for Christian Business and Professional Women Prayer Team ( Director Min. Jacqui Showers, Visionary Minister Minetta Hare) along with myself Linda Fegins will be at Hart Plaza in downtown Detroit on August 31 at 7am praying for our schools as well as for law, education, government, media , the marketplace, and the City of Detroit.

Parents and the community need to unite in prayer in our neighborhoods on the school steps and serve as prayer warriors who battle in the spiritual realm for the lives of children and teenagers as they go off to school for at least a half and hour to one hour every week.

Let’s begin to cry out to the Lord for the students, teachers and school staff in our communities.

Cry out today “Lord bless our schools”, See Lam 2:19 and then also specifically and scripturally pray the prayers below or as led by the Holy Spirit. Through prayer, families, our children’s lives, and our world can be changed. God will show us how to use the power that believers have within through the Holy Spirit to transform our schools and deliver them from violence, disorganization, and poor administration. Through united consistent prayer, God will give us the power, wisdom, knowledge, and creativity to solve the many school problems that plague our city schools and school board. We must put what I call “some feet on our prayers”. Through prayer the right leaders will arise to enable the community to come together to take productive and strategic action.

Prayer Points for Our School ChildrenChildren and Youth

• Daily pray for the safety of our children and that God will deliver them from evil and thwart every scheme of the enemy. Lord we pray that you cover the children and youth through the blood and “stay the hand of violence against the children and staff of the school. Dismantle any plan to bring harm to them. Expose any weapon brought on the school premises and render it harmless”.( from Power-Packed Prayers for Public Schools by Ida Rose Heckard)

• Pray that our children will be open to learning new knowledge and that God would give them the wisdom to know how to understand and use that knowledge. We need to pray that our children have the ability to discriminate between good knowledge and bad knowledge. Teach a child to choose the right path, and when he is older he will remain upon it. (Proverbs 22:6)

• Pray that our children will be serious minded and work hard to acquire both secular and spiritual knowledge. Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)

• Pray for the hearts of the students to be receptive to the gospel of peace and that God will call many to Himself. (Acts 2:38-40)

• Pray for our sons and daughters to make wise choices and to develop solid friendships with those who are following God. (Psalms 144;12-15)

• Pray for relief of those children who are homeless and need shelter, food and health care. Pray that Christ will restore their home for the future. (Psalms 107:41)

• Ask God to cause your children to be examples for believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. (I Timothy 4:12

• Pray for those students that experience rejection and bullying from other students and teachers. Ask God to provide them with people that love and respect them unconditionally. (John 13:34; Romans 15:7)

• Pray for those students that are struggling academically. Ask God to encourage them and strengthen their minds. Pray that God will give their teachers and parent’s wisdom to know how to best help them learn.

• Pray they will not feel like failures, but will learn discipline and know that God loves them. (I Thessalonians 5:14)

• Pray that the Lord encourage those children who have special needs and “who have struggled with their studies to strengthen their minds. Help the teachers and parents know how to help them learn and protect them from feelings of worthlessness and shame. ( I Thess 5:14)” (from Ida Rose Heckard)

Pray Fervently,
Linda D. Fegins
Former(14yrs.) Prayer Director/Coordinator,Lydia Circle of Christian Professional and Business Women
Intercessory Prayer Leader for Messiah Baptist Church
Writer in the Anthology -“Tali Cumi: Daughters Arise”
Writer in the Anthology -“It’s Worth the Struggle- Inspiration for Contemporary Writers”
Christian Dramatist, “Sojourner Truth”, “Eve” etc.
Sunday School and Christian Education Teacher

The Prayer Leader


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Back to School With God by Jacqui Showers

Let’s Pray for our Public Schools :for Teachers, Students, the DPS Board, The School Emergecy Manager, Parents, Principals and the Support Staff

Join Minister, Author and Coach Jacqui Showers as Prayer Director for Faith at Works Ministry and Lydia Circle of Christian Business Women ( Visionary Minetta Hare) at 7:00 a.m., Saturday, August 31, 2013, at Hart Plaza for our 16th Annual Prayer Gathering for the City of Detroit, Detroit Public Schools, business, arts, media, family, education, government, medical and health, entertainment, law enforcement and sports

While walking the track at King High School last year, I noticed a father and son working out. I became so enthralled with them I actually walked around the track two times more than I originally planned. Needless to say, I watched this father perform exercise routines with his son in preparation for the start of the school year.

Initially, they ran the track and then started doing exercises. It was then they really caught my attention. As I watched them I realized that one day, whether that son made it big in sports or not, he would remember that his Dad took time to help him improve his game. No doubt as he coached his son, he also provided life principles that would stay with that young man for the rest of his life.

Our children need us. They need us to provide much needed guidance and discipline. They need us to impart words of wisdom and encouragement. They definitely need us to pray for them. Our schools need us to pray for them as well.

Not so many years ago, prayer was taken out of our schools. Each of us is fully aware of the separation of church and state, as much as we are aware of the consequences of eliminating prayer out of our schools. Our school systems no longer incorporate prayer into their daily schedules. We have to coach our children about prayer and how they can incorporate it into their schools. The schools are mandated by law, but we are not.

Prayer has this interesting effect, the more you pray the more your faith increases. As your faith increases your mindset is transformed to think like a winner. This is what we have to do for our children. We have to help them in thinking and becoming winners. Teaching faith principles rooted in prayer culminates in a new perspective and a winning attitude that translates into winning actions.

Let’s unite with other women where each one of us pledge to adopt a school and pray for that school, its administration, teachers and students throughout the school year. You can also join in the “Back To School With God” Pledge and Campaign by adopting a school and committing to pray for that school throughout the academic year.

More than ever, our children need to know that we encourage them to strive for excellence because we are excited about their future. Yes, they need to know we are praying for and with them as well.

As the Prayer Director for Faith at Works Ministry and Lydia Circle of Christian Business Women, I’m extending an invitation for you to join us at 7:00 a.m., Saturday, August 31, 2013, at Hart Plaza for our 16th Annual Prayer Gathering for the City of Detroit, DPS, business, arts, media, family, education, government, medical and health, entertainment, law enforcement and sports.

What we do for our children will have a lifelong impression on them. One thing for sure, we owe it to our children to do whatever it takes to ensure their success. That means not only praying for them, but praying with them as well.

Minister Jacqui A.Showers

No parts of this article can be reproduced without permission from Minister Showers
As the founder of Showers Group The Ministries, Minister Jacqui Showers endeavors to shower the world with the rich life transforming blessings of the Word of God; thus empowering people to live an abundant victorious passion-driven life in Christ Jesus through the anointing and enabling power of the Holy Spirit.

A sought after speaker, Minister Showers evangelizes the Word of God and provides unboxed inspirational coaching through individual consultation, workshops, seminars, conferences, churches and other venues for individuals and organizations.

Minister Showers coaches you to fulfill your destiny and purpose as you become all God envisioned so you can experience all God S.A.W. (Spiritual, Abundance and Wholeness). She holds dear the love affair she and God share that is totally beyond compare.

Minister Showers is licensed under House of Prayer & Praise Ministries (HOPP) where she serves under Bishop-Elect Steven & Lady Valorie Bennett.

If you would like to secure Jacqui A. Showers as a speaker, contact The Showers Group Ministries, 313.289.4559 or send your request to

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