Posts Tagged Kathy Branzell

Persevere In Prayer 36th Day War Room Prayer


WarRoomMissClaraDAY 36 – March 16th – Persevere In Prayer

Scriptures:   2 Corinthians 4:7–18; 2 Chronicles 20: 6, 12  

As we end the 30 days, there may be sections you skipped, days you skimmed, or strategies that need more structure and Scripture. We must persevere in prayer! The battles are waged all around us for marriages, our children and grandchildren, our church, and the souls of the sinners as well as the attention and testimony of the saints.* (Kathy Branzell)

As God answers your prayers, begin to write down new strategies for other areas of your life. Surely you had more than 1-3 prayer requests or areas that need God’s touch! Begin the process again. Continue to cover the walls and doorframes of your War Room. “Bake prayer in” to that space in your home and in your heart (2 Corinthians 4:7–18).*(Kathy Branzell)


  • Pray for the church to have a Christ-centered worship experience in spirit and truth that will please the Father.
  • Pray for sincere and honest exaltation of the name of the Lord, born of the Holy Spirit and the Word.
  • Pray for humility and unity among believers that will give rise to worshiping the Lord in the beauty of His holiness throughout the church.
  • Pray that individual and corporate intercession and prayer will increase in you and among the members of your church..
  • Thank God that He has established that His church will be called a house of prayer for all nations. Pray that your church (Messiah )will be the kind of house of prayer that pleases Christ.

Linda Fegins , The Prayer Leader

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DAY 37 – March 17th — God Speaks to YOU!

Scriptures:   John 16:13; John 5:30


How can you tell when God speaks to you? Do you ever wonder about people who confidently say, “Well, God told me to” do this or that? How do they know?


Don’t discount an answer you may be receiving from God because it seems not to make any sense. God answers us in many ways, and we can always search his Word, the Bible, for guidance when we think we hear God speaking to us. Just be aware that God may be speaking to you in surprising ways. Remember Joshua and the battle of Jericho (Joshua 5:13-27). Remember Gideon (Judges 6-7). Remember Peter and Cornelius (Acts 10).



  • Pray that believers will seek to hear God’s voice.
  • Pray for your enemies.
  • Pray for law enforcement for justice, rightful use of force, police officers of integrity, protection for police officers and for the citizens they serve.
  • Pray for the City of Flint for healing, justice and deliverance.
  • Pray for college students.

Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader

Linda Fegins, “The Prayer Leader” serves as a prayer leader and teacher/trainer on the “Prayer Boot Camp” with the Global Missions Prayer Force and as an intercessor and volunteer for Girlfriends Pray, a global prayer ministry. She served as Prayer Coordinator for over 13 years( later Director over the Prayer Ministry) for the Lydia Circle Christian Business and Professional Women. As part of the Lydia Circle she has lead over twenty prayer boot camps, and has lead prayer services and workshops in the Bahamas and in South Africa. She served on the prayer team of a medical mission trip to Jamaica under the leadership of Rev. Jackie McCullough. She also serves as the Prayer Leader for her church’s Intercessory Prayer Ministry.

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See the Church In You

DAY 30 – March 10thbe churchindexScriptures:   2 Peter 3:7–10; John 10:22-30


Michael tells Tony, “I’d like to see the church in you, Bro!”


Write down what you think it means for others to “see the church in you.” Write down a couple of Scriptures that teach or touch that topic. Pray about what the lost see when they look at you, and when they look at the church.*


How much time have you spent on your knees for the lost? For the sinner? Ask God to show you if you have had a judgmental attitude instead of a prayerful attitude toward those whose lifestyles reflect the depravity of their souls. Write down a prayer that asks God to bring His presence into their lives, to reveal Himself in a way that they cannot deny Him. Ask God to draw the lost, to fill and heal the hurt in their lives, to give you an opportunity to love them in His grace and truth, and to bring them to a place of repentance and salvation in Him. Pray that they will know His salvation and not His judgment. Let this be your strategy so that you are prepared to pull them from the fire, to free them from the captivity of the enemy (2 Peter 3:7–10).*(Kathy Branzell)



  • Seek the Lord for you to come to a place of being quiet before the Lord, expecting to hear what He has to speak to you.
  • Pray for the grace to walk in humble obedience to His voice.
  • Pray for ears to hear from the Lord through the pastor, teacher or through whatever way He has chosen to speak to and through His children.
  • Pray for your relationship with a family member. Pray that the Lord will bring healing, reconciliation and restoration where it is needed.
  • Pray for any relationship you may have with people who do not know the Lord. Pray for the unsaved and the unchurched. Pray for words to say that will turn their hearts to Jesus. Specifically, pray for ______ who has turned his/her heart from God.


Linda Fegins ,The Prayer Leader

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Guide Me to Who You Want Me to Help Day 28


pray and feet 4303c1266ae233d3969c6eded5e5356cDAY 28 – March 8th – Guide Me to Who You Want Me to Help

Scriptures:   John 13:34–35; Galatians 5:13


Miss Clara prayed and asked God to, “Guide me to who You want me to help.”


Her hurts and past lessons gave her a testimony and teaching strategy to share with others so that they did not have to go through the pain she had suffered. Write down lessons God has taught you through past experiences. Write down your testimony and always be ready to share it with others. Ask God to guide you to someone He wants you to help. Write down a name as He shows you opportunity to share His love.*


Pray for clarity so that you do not hesitate nor manipulate the situation. Ask for wisdom. Remember Miss Clara’s profound prayer, “Lord, do not let me push too hard; I know I have a big mouth!” Write down a prayer for a specific area where you already know you will need God’s hand to move as you reach out to the one He guides you to help. Remember that He may guide you to someone who is not at all like you had hoped or imagined. Be obedient no matter who He leads you to (John 13:34–35).*(Kathy Branzell)



  • Pray for the church and yourself to learn to serve as Christ did and demonstrate love.
  • Pray that the believers serve our community in ways that will soften the hearts of unbelievers to the gospel of love, grace and truth.
  • Pray that unbelievers would receive your service as a demonstration of Christ’s love for them, leading many to salvation.
  • Pray that our service would be a holy demonstration of Christ’s love, not self-serving in any way.
  • Pray for business people. Pray that they operate honestly and to frustrate any practice that creates injustice. Pray that you will grow in the knowledge of God’s Word for every aspect of your life.

 Linda Fegins , The Prayer Leader 3/7/2016


DAY 29 –March 9th – Goals-Track Progress

Scriptures:   Psalm 138; Habakkuk 2:2


Every strategy includes “keeping score.” This is not keeping a score of rights and wrongs between you and another person, or even the wrong theology that if our right behavior outweighs our sin.*


In business, employees/employers write goals that are measurable and timely targets. This is often called a scorecard, which acts as an instrument panel guiding your people and company toward achieving your vision. With the scorecard, you can actively track your progress on a monthly basis.*


One of the best ways to see God’s faithfulness is to keep a record of our answered prayers. Miss Clara had framed a list of “Answered Prayers” on her hallway wall. As you ask God to move or meet a need, write it down on a list or keep a journal. Make written notes when you see God’s hand moving, circumstances changing, and, finally, when the prayer is answered (Psalm 138).* *(Kathy Branzell)




  • Pray that you would grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord.
  • Thank the Lord for His grace and for the gifts He has bestowed upon you.
  • Pray that you and members of the church demonstrate graciousness in your attitude, speech and actions.
  • Pray that our city will be transformed as we cry in humble and faith-filled intercession.
  • Pray for every member of the body to understand their place and purpose in the body and to work together in proper relationship with each other under the leadership of the Pastor.                          

Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader 3/7/2016



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Warriors Fight On Their Knees :Day 26/27 of 40 Day Prayer Journey


DAY 26 – March 6th – Warriors Fight on Their Knees

Scriptures: Psalm 69:13; 1 Thessalonians 5:17


Clara continues in prayer, “Raise up warriors who will fight on their knees.”


Sometimes the most difficult part of the fight is to stay on our knees. In our impatience or pride, we may think that we have diagnosed the problem and know just how to fix things. But the truth is that we don’t know what we don’t know. Only God knows every detail—the past, present, and even the future. Only God knows the intention of the heart and mind behind the decision and situation, who the victim is and where the fault really belongs.*


Staying on our knees keeps us from charging in and making the situation worse in our ignorance. Write down your prayer requests and ask God to give you insight and instructions. In situations where you feel anger, frustration, or other negative feelings, ask God to deal with your emotions and attitudes. Stay on your knees and ask the questions, “What does love require? Are my desires self-serving or God-serving?”*

 It is Day 26 of the 40 Day Prayer Journey. Keep pressing in  praying and studying God’s Word.

Write down how you would want to be treated if the tables were turned. Would you be willing to change the tire of the man who wanted you thrown in jail? God can only raise you up if you are willing to stay down on your knees in humble prayer (Psalm 69:13).*(Kathy Branzell)



  • Repent of failing to show acts of kindness to those who mistreat or offend us or our love ones.
  • Repent of withholding mercy and love out of judgment and vengeance.
  • Pray that believers and you grow in grace, mercy and love to make an impact in the lives of others and in the world.
  • Pray that the fruit of the spirit will abound in you and in and through the church.
  • Pray for the physically disabled. Pray that they will be surrounded with loving friends and family; for physical stamina and healing; for financial burdens of therapy and special care, and that they will love and honor God.

 Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader

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 DAY 27 – March 7th – Help People

Scriptures: Psalm 31:1–5; Matthew 25:35-40


Michael tells Tony, “Yeah, I’m a paramedic. But I’m also a Christian, which means I help people while I am helping people.”


Pray about how you can live out being a Christian where ever your work, whatever the circumstances, however hard it may be to speak the truth with love. Write down some positions/ titles you hold and profess: “I’m a mom/dad, CEO, nurse, IT expert, executive, grandparent, educator, coach, etc., but most importantly, I’m a Christian, which means I ______________ while I am __________.*


Ask God to permeate every relationship and responsibility in your life. Write down and pray about specific situations where it is difficult to be a Christian. Ask God to give you courage, strength and steadfastness do His will, no matter what (Psalm 31:1–5).*(Kathy Branzell)



  • Pray to grow in faith and to surrender to the Holy Spirit as a powerful demonstration of His love and power.
  • Pray to walk in God’s grace as members of the body of Christ and to demonstrate His love, mercy, grace, and power to the world.
  • Pray for homeless people. Pray for immediate relief, shelter, food and health care; that Christ will restore hope for the future. Pray for protection from the risks of life on the streets for the homeless and for employment, housing and restored family life.
  • Pray for your co-workers especially the difficult ones. Pray that God will give you divine appointments to witness to those who do not know the Lord.
  • Pray for your neighbors. Pray for God’s peace to be upon those who live on your street or in your housing complex. Ask God to give you an opportunity to witness to them about God’s love.


Linda Fegins , The Prayer Leader 2/2/2016


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Prayer and Relationships

DAY 25 – March 5th – Married Junk And All

Scriptures: Hebrews. 4:12–16; Ephesians 5:25


Michael tells Tony, “Marriage is not some buffet where you get to pick and choose what you want; you married her junk and all.”*


Life, commitment, marriage, parenting, career, etc. are not a buffet where we get to pick what we enjoy and leave the rest behind. We are in a covenant with Christ; in marriage and in life as the Bride of Christ, for richer, poorer, better or worse, sickness and in health, rested, tired, happy, sad, and so forth. The blessing is that we do life together, guided and guarded by the hand and heart of God when we pray.*


The best thing you can do together as a couple, as a family, as friends, as neighbors, as co-workers, is pray together and pray for one another. Nothing leaves a blessing like hearing someone pray over you, nothing brings unity like two or more praying together, locking their prayer shields and taking ground away from the enemy.*


Examine your attitude about some of your relationships and responsibilities. Write down anything that you have ignored because you just “did not want to deal with it.” If you have had a “buffet mentality,” write down some of the areas you have been turning a blind eye or hard heart toward. Remember who the real enemy is—it is not your spouse, your children, your pastor, your boss, or any of the people you are praying for! Ask God to examine your heart and point out the areas you need to address in prayer and compassion. Be brave; ask Him to shine His light in the dark places that you would rather not deal with, but know that you can because of Him. Ignoring even one area of your life gives Satan a place to hide and harbor.*


Write down a Scripture or prayer for each of these areas as they come to mind. Give grace and mercy in these areas as God heals and restores (Hebrews. 4:12–16).*(Kathy Branzell)



  • Pray that the church will be a living force of love in the earth today.
  • Pray that the disciples of Christ will be known by our love for one another and the loving-kindness of the Lord that leads to repentance.
  • Pray that members of the church and yourself show love through deeds that touch the lives of the unsaved, unchurched and unsure.
  • Repent from demonstrating the letter of the law rather than the Spirit of liberty and love.
  • Pray for marriages.

Linda Fegins , The Prayer Leader



DAY 26 – March 6th – Warriors Fight on Their Knees

Scriptures: Psalm 69:13; 1 Thessalonians 5:17


Clara continues in prayer, “Raise up warriors who will fight on their knees.”

Sometimes the most difficult part of the fight is to stay on our knees. In our impatience or pride, we may think that we have diagnosed the problem and know just how to fix things. But the truth is that we don’t know what we don’t know. Only God knows every detail—the past, present, and even the future. Only God knows the intention of the heart and mind behind the decision and situation, who the victim is and where the fault really belongs.*

Staying on our knees keeps us from charging in and making the situation worse in our ignorance. Write down your prayer requests and ask God to give you insight and instructions. In situations where you feel anger, frustration, or other negative feelings, ask God to deal with your emotions and attitudes. Stay on your knees and ask the questions, “What does love require? Are my desires self-serving or God-serving?”*


Write down how you would want to be treated if the tables were turned. Would you be willing to change the tire of the man who wanted you thrown in jail? God can only raise you up if you are willing to stay down on your knees in humble prayer (Psalm 69:13).*(Kathy Branzell)



  • Repent of failing to show acts of kindness to those who mistreat or offend us or our love ones.
  • Repent of withholding mercy and love out of judgment and vengeance.
  • Pray that believers and you grow in grace, mercy and love to make an impact in the lives of others and in the world.
  • Pray that the fruit of the spirit will abound in you and in and through the church.
  • Pray for the physically disabled. Pray that they will be surrounded with loving friends and family; for physical stamina and healing; for financial burdens of therapy and special care, and that they will love and honor God.


Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader





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Worship the Lord With Your Whole Heart!


DAY 23 – March 3rd – Worship the Lord With Your Whole Heart

Scriptures: Psalm 119:1-10; John 4:24


Miss Clara prays, “Raise up those who will worship you with their whole heart, that we may proclaim You King of kings and Lord of lords!”


We divide up our time, our energy, our attention, and our resources but we cannot give God a divided heart. His Word promises that we will find Him when we seek Him with our whole heart. Psychology 101 teaches that we behave as we believe. If our lives do not worship Him whole-heartedly, we are not an effective witness to proclaim God as King. Half-hearted Christians are not ready for the frontline of warfare. The most dangerous soldier is one who is distracted or ready to retreat at the first sign of danger.*


Only God is worthy of our worship but we are distracted and attracted to so many other things that take His place; our self, our stuff, our schedules that overflow—and we leave God with a sliver of our heart, time, and worship. When you go into your War Room, or prayer time leave your cell phone in another room. Give Him your undivided attention.*


Write down anything that distracts you, pray over it, and keep your whole focus on Him the whole time. If you think about something that happened earlier, write it down and pray over it. If you think of something you need at the store, write it down and thank Him for His provision. If you think of something you need to do, write it down and pray for guidance and for Him to be glorified in it. If you think of people you need to call, write their names down and pray for them. Keep your heart, mind, and attention wholly holy for Him (Psalm 119:1–10)*.



  • Pray that you be reconciled with anyone with whom you have had an argument or disagreement.
  • Pray that your children and the children of the community will grow up in the training

   and instruction of the Lord and will learn to walk in His ways.

  • Pray for church leaders. Pray that they will serve faithfully, humbly and with wisdom.
  • Pray for those who are in prison .
  • Pray for the United States Supreme Court and the Justices.

 Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader


DAY 24 – March 4th – Praise Jesus!


Scriptures: Psalm 34:1–8; Psalm 100


Miss Clara begins her powerful prayer at the end of the movie by saying, “Lord, You are good, You are Mighty and You are Merciful—Praise You, Jesus!


You will notice a pattern in the prayers written in the Bible and spoken by Miss Clara—most begin with praise. Praise is the professing and blessing of God’s unchanging attributes. Focusing on His attributes gives us courage and confidence to lay down any of our challenges, crisis, or concerns into the hands of our God who knows and does what is best.


Get into the habit of starting every prayer, even if it is only a sentence or two, with words of praise and adoration. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise before you proceed any further in your conversation with Him. Finish each prayer by telling Him that you love and trust Him. For each of your prayer strategies write down three or more attributes of God that you will focus on in awe, affection, and affirmation of His authority and power in all things (Psalm 34:1–8).*(Kathy Branzell)



  • Pray a prayer of praise and thanksgiving.
  • Intercede for the body of Christ to continue steadfastly in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayer.
  • Repent of declaring love for God while not living in love with brothers and sisters in the Lord.
  • Pray that the church have a fresh conviction and commitment that brings them to pursue different relationships with those who are different from ourselves in culture, race, ethnicity, and socio-economics.
  • Praise God that He is a God of fellowship and communion and, as a good Father, He loves to draw His children together.

 Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader, 3/2/2016


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