Posts Tagged Carl Mathis

Praying Through Difficult Choices by Carl Mathis

Praying Through Difficult Choices

Making decisions can be difficult. Often there is a lot at risk. Our choices have the power to change our lives for the better-or for the worse. Making a choice certainly means taking a risk. We may fear not succeeding, undergoing displeasure from family or friends, or being eventually frustrated by our choice.

Many people have never been shown how to make prayerful decisions, especially decisions about their career or vocation. When we are unsure what criteria to use in selecting a career, we may look primarily at material factors like compensation, or ultimately make choices based on our instinct or feelings about the possibilities. We may know that there are other factors we should consider, but are unsure what they are.

To further confuse the situation, we may also wonder, “Isn’t finding my purpose a mysterious spiritual process instead of a logical process? Could it really be a calling if it is something I have decided to do instead something to which God has directed?” These kinds of questions stem in part from our struggle in knowing how to strike a balance between our humaneness and the divine.

Considering the frustrations of making choices, it is understandable why some people avoid it. Instead of making choices, they tend to let their path through life be molded by outside circumstances and choices others make for them. They may use phrases like “I didn’t choose this career, it kind of happened” or “I just found myself in this situation, but it’s not what I really wanted to do” which convey a sense of just letting life happen instead of purposely choosing a route.

Many Christians struggle with knowing what to do when they are faced with important decisions about their life. Is it up to God to guide or up to us to decide? The key to resolving this dilemma is through prayer, realizing that it is both: God promises to guide and you are called to choose.

3 Steps to Praying Through Difficult Choices

  1. When faced with difficult choices get still and use paper and pen. Listen for God’s still small voice inside of you and write down whatever prompts, thoughts or feelings that you may have.
  2. Outside influences can cause people to lose focus and not have clarity which makes hearing from God a lot more difficult. Take time out periodically to walk in nature and talk with God making sure to balance the time talking and listening.
  3. Realize how powerful it is being connected to God who hears and sees all things.  Doing so helps ease the burden of having to make difficult choices alone. Praying for wisdom is one of the most powerful prayers.

Carl Mathis: Motivation speaker: Author of “Pursuing Your Purpose – How To Discover God’s Revelation For Your Life”  1 (305) 300-6155

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The Importance of Prayer for Our Government Leaders


The recent election has caused many people to become overcome with frustration , hopelessness and despair. The nation is divided. Many question the integrity or effectiveness of government leaders. Racial tension is at an all-time high and many of us are left wondering, “Where is God in all of this?

The  majority of people do not care for President–Elect Donald Trump. This assertion is an understatement; something like a pond is to an Ocean.

Yet believers are not given the option of letting their disagreement with their political leaders prevent them from praying for those leaders. The apostle Peter wrote that believers are to “submit yourselves to every human authority for the Lord’s sake, whether it be to the king, as supreme, or to governors, as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and to praise those who do right. … Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king” (1 Peter 2:13-14, 17).

Likewise, Paul wrote to Timothy, “Therefore I exhort first of all that you make supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings for everyone, for kings and for all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and honesty, for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior” (1 Timothy 2:1-3).

Who was ruler when Paul and Peter penned these words? The most dishonorable governmental leader in history – – Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, known only as Nero.

What kind of leader was Nero? He murdered his mother and both of his wives, to begin with. However, his grotesque cruelty far transcended his immediate family. According to the Roman historian Tacitus, after a bad fire had consumed half of Rome and his status was in free-fall, Nero decided to blame the fire on Christians. Tacitus chronicles that the initial Roman followers of Jesus “were covered with the skins of wild animals and then torn apart by dogs, some were crucified, some were burned at torches to light the night.”

Mercifully, none of America’s governmental leaders—local, state or federal—can claim such notoriety. This doesn’t, however, lessen the wrong that they have done or continue to allow. Yet we are called to pray for those in power; God’s Word says it, and Christians must do it.

How, then, should we pray for those in authority, whether they be leaders we esteem or with whose political decisions we agree with, or leaders whose character and official strategies we cannot endorse?

Here are five ways:

  1. Pray for their health and safety.
  2. Pray that they would follow the Lord’s ways and atone if they do not follow the Lord..
  3. Pray that they would execute fairness.
  4. Pray that they would govern with wisdom for the “welfare of the city” not for personal gain or for the advantage of a favored few.
  5. That God would accomplish His purposes through them regardless of their willingness to be used by Him.

Guest  Author Carl Mathis

Motivational Speaker/Author/Preacher -Innovator. Trendsetter. Author and entrepreneur. These are just a few words to describe Carl Mathis. While some may know him as a minister and a teacher, others have become fond of him through his written works, such as,“Pursuing Your Purpose – How To Discover God’s Revelation For Your Life”. Triumphing over his fair share of troubles and struggles, his purpose is to encourage people nationwide to live life to the fullest, no matter what obstacles stack up against them. To contact him:visit or email  .168371_183002935070539_5082017_n

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