Posts Tagged blessings

Thankful to God and You


Dear Family and Friends,

Happy Thanksgiving!

I pray that your holiday is blessed and enjoyable. While you are enjoying the turkey day and food do not let it overshadow the purpose of Thanksgiving-to express thankfulness and gratitude to God! I am thankfu.

Psalm 107:1 O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good for his mercy endureth for ever.

God is a God of love and love is not a self seeking . Therefore giving thanks is not just for the benefit of God. “God wants you to give thanks because a thankful heart opens the door to more blessing in your life”!( Keith Butler)

Love on your families and persons who are hurting due to divorce, loss of a loved one, tragedy……. and Brag on God Season of Thankfulness : Brag on God #bragonGod #thankthegivingGod Brag on God .Think and Thank . Think of God goodness, greatness, grace, and how he done so many great things for you. Tell it. Thank God for all the great things He has done in your life.


I give you thanks, O LORD, with my whole heart; before the gods I sing your praise; 2 I bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word. Psalm 138:1-2

Remember others. If you cannot feed a hundred people, then feed just one. As we have therefore opportunity let us do good unto all men. Galatians 6:10 #feedone #helpsomebody #dogood During this Holiday Season of joy , celebration and gathering with family and friends(and really all the year) remember those grieving from lost(divorce, death, rejection, failure) and suffering from illness and depression. Remember the poor and lonely . This time of year is often depressing to some. Pray for them and then—- DO. Give a smile, a hug, an encouraging word, a touch, a donation. Feed them , give a gift, a visit, support, and resources. We are God’s ambassadors created for good works. I am so thankful. I want to tell you how extremely thankful to God for being able to connect and share with you.

With a heart filled with gratitude , Fervently pray and give thanks,
Linda “The Prayer Leader”

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Pray Blessings Over Our Schools: United Community Prayer

( picture copied from MITS)

Pray Blessings Over Our Schools: United Community Prayer for Our Children and Schools by Linda Fegins

It’s back to school time. There have been back to school rallies and groups interested in addressing youth concerns. For example City of Detroit Council Members Saunteel Jenkins and James Tate held the Youth Violence Prevention Task Force’s first Back to School Youth Explosion on Saturday, September 3rd, 2011.The free event featured workshops for both kids and parents on issues affecting youth aged 12-18 including violence and sexual health concerns.

Rallies are great, but we also need to call for united prayer for the lives of children attending schools and “put feet to our prayers”. Many ministries have been calling for prayer for the children, teachers, administrators and school staff as they return back to school. On one 5am morning prayer conference call on My Girlfriends’ Business , Chief Girlfriend visionary Jillian Blackwell- a wife, mother of three boys and a business owner asked for prayer for the school children, teachers and administrators. The Messiah Baptist Church Intercessory Prayer Team under the guidance of Kimberly Bracey ( Intercessory Prayer Team Leader Linda Fegins) as well as various ministries , such as the Lydia Circle for Christian Business and Professional Women Prayer Team ( Director Min. Jacqui Showers ) will hold prayer meetings by conference call, three way telephone calls and at church , praying this week for protection, guidance and wisdom for our school children , youth and college students , parents and educators.

There is no doubt that “Moms In Touch International” (MITI) founded by Fern Nichols, a group of mothers around the country who simply desire to affect communities and schools through the power of prayer have been going before the throne of God. “The 27-year-old prayer ministry, Moms In Touch International has one goal–to gather women together to pray scripturally and specifically for children and schools. Mothers in more than 130 countries around the world meet regularly, spending an hour praying at least once a week.”(MITI purpose statement). They serve as prayer warriors who battle in the spiritual realm for the lives of children and teenagers as they go off to school for at least one hour every week. They are women united with one purpose: a passion to pray for children and they believe that prayer makes a difference. Read the rest of this entry »

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