
Faith At Work Ministries International (FAWM) and GOOD SUCCESS Global Publishing
Invite you to
Share your story about the power of prayer
Become a Published Author


“And the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may (be able to) read it…. “(Habakkuk 2: 2 AMP Bible)

Title: The Prayer Book Project: Celebrating the Power of Prayer in our Lives

FAWM and Good Success Global Publishing are excited to announce the opportunity for you to share your true stories, poems and testimonies about your prayer experiences and become an author in our book.
We seek children and youth writers.They have a story to tell about prayer too. Encourage them.

Share this with friends and your ministry.
Submission Deadline: August 15, 2013 by email to prayerbook2012@gmail.com-
To obtain Submission Guidelines for the short story–Email-prayerbook2012@gmail.com
Deadline is August 15, 2013 to email your completed short story in accordance with the guidelines.

Author Benefits
• The opportunity to become a published author and to submit a short author bio that can include your website to promote your business.
• Each author will retain the copyrights to their own material. You are providing permission for the use of your story or article in the book.
• Retain reprint and all rights to your own work.
• The best thing to authoring your own book and at a minimal cost.
• Your original story will be professionally published in a book.
• The opportunity to list your name and website with a short author bio.
• A complimentary copy of the physical book. (Yes, you can order more and sell the books).
• Contributing authors are welcome to sell the book on their own.
• Another stream of financial revenue where you determine your results.
• Co-authors behind you promoting and marketing the book to their audience.
• Bio and Photo in/on book
International exposure through seminars, workshops and conferences.
• 2 sessions of FREE group coaching to create your marketing plan to sell books by conference call from Minetta Hare-Publisher and Founder (Valued $150)
• Professional book cover
Request Submission Guidelines at prayerbook2012@gmail.com

Children and youth wanted also