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DAY 12 – February 21st – Vibrant Prayer Relationship .

Scripture: Isaiah 55; Proverbs 1:5

In a recent interview Stephen Kendrick said, “Prayer is so much more than people realize. It can powerfully affect every problem and need in our lives if engaged from within a vibrant prayer relationship with God.”

So how “vibrant” is your relationship with God? Write down some adjectives, characteristics, and evidences that describe your current relationship with Jesus. Describe your daily interaction and affection toward Him. How many times do you think about Him during the day? How often do you talk with Him, thank Him, or give Him credit for something good or beautiful? Is prayer your first response or your last resort?

One of the biggest mistakes made in prayer is that we make it about us. We think that we only need to talk to God when we need something. But that is not how any successful relationship communicates. If your write your spouse a love note, or a friend a thank-you note, you do not fill it with ways they can make your life better and easier. You thank them for all they have done and the meaning that they have already brought to your life.

Love expresses and affirms affection without attaching a required expectation at the end of the sentence. We do not say, “You bring so much joy to my life, so give me $50.” Practice praying throughout your day; a sentence here, a thought there that just tells God how much you love and appreciate Him. Practice making your requests in the mindset of His will, so He receives glory and His Kingdom is impacted.


A happy marriage glorifies God, so does an addict who recovers, a prodigal who repents and comes home, a bill that gets paid, a church that is filled with people who have a heart for prayer, worship and service, etc. Abiding in Him teaches us to value what He values, not the other way around. Write down ways to praise and thank Him as you see Him move in your requests, and in your relationship (Isa. 55).*


• Ask God to search your heart and life and to reveal to you any sin you may need to deal with.
• Pray a prayer of praise and thanksgiving.
• Ask God for spiritual blessings, for ministry opportunities and empowerment for service.
• Pray that the gospel may reach the unsaved, unchurched and those hurt by church “folk” such that they may be saved and their hearts and minds are renewed.
• Ethnic Communities: Psalm 22:27 – that God would bring racial harmony; that long standing offenses may be healed by the forgiveness which begins in Jesus; that Christians show honor and act in Christ’s reconciling power; that many churches would demonstrate the redemptive purpose of God in the beauty of the distinctive languages and cultures.
• Pray for President Obama and his family.

Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader 2/21/2016