DAY 16 – February 25th – Personal and Family Mission Statement
Scriptures: Romans 12; 1 Samuel 3:10
The mission statement of the Kendrick Brothers Productions is that they are “a company of brothers; Alex, Stephen and Shannon Kendrick, that exists to honor Jesus Christ and make His truth and love known among the nations through movies, books, curriculum and speaking. By prayerfully blending engaging stories with scriptural integrity, the Kendrick’s seek to encourage and inspire viewers and readers with resources that impact their daily lives and strengthen their families and personal relationships.”
Think and pray about a personal and/or family mission statement that could be used to direct you in decisions and daily life. Over the next few days write down some ideas and formulate a mission statement as part of your personal and family prayer strategy (Rom. 12).*(Kathy Branzell)
How has your personal prayer journey been during this Lenten Season so far since we started on February 10, Ash Wednesday? I pray that you are indeed listening to the Lord, studying the Word and seeking God in prayer and fasting. Keep pressing toward the mark even if it may be a little challenging. Again keep pressing on the “War Room Journey: Praying, Listening to the Lord And Living the Life”. 1 Timothy 2:1-4; Philippians 4:6-7; Deuteronomy 30:20; Galatians 2:20, from February 10, 2016 through March 26, 2016.
The season of Lent should be a time of intense discipline and devotion. Obviously the word discipline is close to the word disciple. We are disciples or followers of Christ. We become like Christ through disciplines such as Bible Study, prayer, and ministry. Oh by the way, do you have your journal, Bible and a listening ear on this journey?
- Pray that parents will be diligent in disciplining their children and to train them to walk in obedience and demonstrate unconditional love for them.
- Pray for a desire for prayer to be stirred up within all family members and that answers to prayer will occur to build faith and consistency.
- Pray that your family and/or friends will experience rich times of praying together, playing together and worshipping together.
- Pray for youth and children.
- Pray for salvation for family members and friends.
Linda Fegins, Prayer Leader 1/24/2016
#1 by sepkje lind on February 27, 2016 - 2:18 PM
Thank you Lord Jesus for connecting all of us in prayers,bringing us closer .