What a source of joy and blessing when teen age grandchildren recognize the gift of love and prayer that a  grandfather has sown into their lives. Let It strengthens the family when a father, grandfather and men pray in the home. Oh, the great influence of a praying Grandfather.  Fervent prayers for children and grandchildren regarding their destiny and for their protection will bring forth much fruit.

Grandfather McGinnis’ Influence

Deacon Shurman McGinnis( picture below) has given his grandchildren, Shanelle and Shurman ,a solid sense of direction  by demonstrating to them  a consistent and fervent prayer life. When a father, grandfather or a parent teaches a child to pray and to make prayer a part of the foundation of their lives, they give them the ultimate gift, benefit and blessing. A praying grandfather demonstrates to his grandson or granddaughter how to go before the Lord and how to have a friendship with the Lord. He teaches the grandchild to seek the Lord  for guidance and direction  and to find strength and courage to face the circumstances they must face as youth. The Word states “When I called , you answered me: you made me bold and stouthearted”. Ps 138:3

Accordingly,  teach  your children or grandchildren to pray a prayer when they wake up in the morning,  to pray in the car on the way to school and  to allow them to pray over family situations and decisions  , that are age appropriate for ,  such as where do we go on vacation  etc.

We see the benefits of prayer in a letter Deacon McGinnis received from his granddaughter Shanelle.  His granddaughter was given a school assignment to write a letter to a wise person in her life.  She thought instantly of her grandfather. Shanell states that “When ever I ever have any questions about a scripture or if I need help finding something in the Bibe, I can always count on you to help me”.

Letters from Teen Grandchildren

She  further wrote in her letter to  “Granddaddy”  how his prayers had given her wisdom. She explained:

Dear Grandaddy,

You always tell me of how proud you are of me for praying , and singing at church. But did you ever think of my close relationship with God may be because of your prayers? Yes, I always feel God’s presence when I hear you pray. I like how you try to teach people more about God when you welcome the visitors at your church too. This makes me want to do more for God.  The Bible says in Proverbs 22:17, “Pay attention and listen to the saying of the wise: apply your heart to what we teach.” Also in Proverb 3:6 says, “In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight”. So I thank God for the things He has shown me through you. I also thank God  for  the work He has done through me. I pray that God will continue to use us because  like Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed”.

So I just want to say thank you Granddaddy for your commitment to prayer. I also want to thank you for showing me different ways to show my love to God too. I love you.

Sincerely, Shanelle


Deacon’s  Shurman‘s   grandson Shurman, his namesake,  wrote to his Grandfather:

Hey Grandaddy,

I am writing this letter because I want to thank you for being a really wise and strong man in my life. You are  like the rock of our family and whenever you bring us together you always make sure we take time to pray and honor  God.

…  You have trained me to always pray. I watch how you pray before we eat and before we get on the road and anytime something good or bad happens you always pray. So I know how important it is to pray.  I also see that you pray  to Him a lot because you trust Him and even though things may not always go my way I am learning to trust God.

… Granddaddy I am so proud to carry your name and I know that if I continue to pray and  trust God that I will one day become a strong and wise man like you.

Shurman McGinnis

What a legacy Grandfather McGinnis  is creating  for his  grandchildren! It is important  to teach our grandchildren and children how to communicate and grow in relationship with God as they seek Him and His will.

Linda Fegins, “The Prayer Leader”, June 2018