Posts Tagged veterans

Honoring Fallen Soldiers

During this Memorial Day weekend, let’s take a moment to thank the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives for this country and never came back home alive to their families. I thank every solider of the armed services for their sacrifice.

Thank the men and women who suffered the loss of limbs and health in service to this country. Pray for those who have served in our nation’s armed forces and who are serving today. A couple of years ago I watched 60 minutes as the show reflected on the heroism of our soldiers. It also exposed the many issues of mental, emotional and physical issues our veterans face, as well as homelessness. Pray for our wounded warriors that that will receive the proper care and benefits they deserve.

My father, Charlie Fegins, served at Pearl Harbor during World War II and was on the USS New Orleans when the attack occurred. He survived and came home. He was awarded a World War II Victory Medal.


Again I thank the men and women soldiers for their service and their sacrifice. Like Senator Carl Levin stated “it’s absolutely essential that we honor our commitment to provide them with the very best care and support available. They’ve fought for us, and we need to keep fighting for them.” Senator Levin further stated “Around the world our troops are carrying out a broad array of challenging and dangerous missions. Wherever they are stationed, our troops and their families deserve our gratitude for their selfless service and their sacrifices”.


As you enjoy this holiday with friends and family take time to give thanks to God for our veterans who have served our country and for those on active duty who serve today. To our men and women in harm’s way, our prayers are with you. Pray for the protection of our soldiers serving around the world and at home in the United States. Pray as follows:

  • Pray for those who have lost a loved one in battle. These grieving families have paid the ultimate price. Ask that God’s comfort would be upon them in a special way .
    • Pray for our wounded service members and their families. Pray for mental and emotional healing as well as physical healing. Pray they obtain the necessary medical and other services they need and deserve.
    • Pray for divine protection and guidance for our armed forces. Ask God to intercede for military chaplains and loved ones at home.
    • Pray for the courageous troops, and their families, who are actively serving our country each day , not only at bases around the world, but also here within our borders. Our soldiers daily place themselves in harm’s way in order to defend the way of life we hold dear as well.
    • Pray the Lord’s protection will go before Linda Fegins 2018


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Veterans: Honoring their Service and Lives

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Let’s thank the brave men and women who have served in our nation’s armed forces as we honor veterans on Veteran’s Day. My father, Charlie Fegins, served at Pearl Harbor during World War II and was on the USS New Orleans when the attack occurred. He survived and came home. He was awarded a World War II Victory Medal years later when he was in his seventies. That was a proud moment in our family and to his much younger nephews who also had served in the service years later.

I remember watching 60 minutes a couple of years ago as the show reflected on the heroism of our soldiers. It also exposed the many issues of mental, emotional and physical issues our veterans face ;as well as homelessness. My heart was touched as well as broken. I begin to pray for our veterans while watching 60 minutes. It has been noted by experts that many veterans have come home “morally injured” and struggle to overcome homelessness, mental issues and other struggles ,which this nation must more effectively address.

Again let us thank the men and women soldiers for their service and their sacrifice. Like the former Senator Carl Levin stated “it’s absolutely essential that we honor our commitment to provide them with the very best care and support available. They’ve fought for us, and we need to keep fighting for them.” Senator Levin further stated “Around the world our troops are carrying out a broad array of challenging and dangerous missions. Wherever they are stationed, our troops and their families deserve our gratitude for their selfless service and their sacrifices”.

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Give thanks to God for our veterans who have served our country and for those on active duty who serve today. To our men and women in harm’s way, our prayers are with you. Take the time to pray for the veterans and their families who suffer physical and mental aliments and those who may be homeless. They have faced gunfire, explosives and hard conditions we cannot even think about. However, upon returning home they cannot find employment and are homeless. Many veterans have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder by the Veterans Administration or other disorders but have been denied disability pension or other benefits. See e.g. .

Our country must be more vigilant and compassionate about providing the necessary services for our veterans in a timely and effective manner with all deliberate speed.

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Pray for the protection of our soldiers serving around the world and at home in the United States. Pray for our veterans who have come home. Pray as follows:

• Pray for our physically and emotionally wounded service members and their families. Pray for mental and emotional healing as well as physical healing. Pray they obtain the necessary medical and other services they need and deserve.
• Pray for veterans’ families- for peace, love , forgiveness and that their physical , medical and economic needs.
• Pray for homeless veterans that they will receive the resources and the shelter they can obtain; pray for their protection and health.
Pray that they know that the Lord Jesus Christ loves them and that they know Him as their Lord and Savior. Pray for the salvation of their souls.
Pray for their peace of mind, strength, comfort and grace. May the Lord grant them favor.

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Linda Fegins 2013

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Honoring Our Soldiers on Memorial Day

As we begin this Memorial Day weekend, I want to take a moment to thank the brave men and women who have served in our nation’s armed forces and who are serving today. My father, Charlie Fegins, served at Pearl Harbor during World War II and was on the USS New Orleans when the attack occurred. He survived and came home. He was awarded a World War II Victory Medal. I want to thank those who have sacrificed their lives in service to their country and never came back home alive.

During Sunday I watched 60 minutes as the show reflected on the heroism of our soldiers. It also exposed the many issues of mental, emotional and physical issues our veterans face ;as well as homelessness. My heart was touched as well as broken. Dr. Rita Nakashima Brock, Ph. D writes about how many veterans have come home “morally injured” and struggle to overcome homelessness, mental issues and other stuggles ,which this nation must more effectively address. I prayed at home alone for our soldiers while watching 60 minutes.

My heart was blessed by the courage of the brave then 21 year old Dakota Meyer. He works in construction now, but on September 8, 2009, he was a corporal in the US Marines. That day he saved 36 guys under heavy Taliban fire. His story is amazing. How he did this great feat , against all odds and against orders not to attempt a rescue because it was too dangerous is unbelievable . He went against orders to save the lives of his brother soldiers. How he performed heroically, what he did, and under the circumstances and LIVE- first alive US Marine to receive the Medal of Honor during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars honored by President Obama, is extraordinary. You must hit the link for his name and read it for yourself. God was with him and 10 warring angels.

Again I thank the men and women soldiers for their service and their sacrifice. Like Senator Carl Levin stated “it’s absolutely essential that we honor our commitment to provide them with the very best care and support available. They’ve fought for us, and we need to keep fighting for them.” Senator Levin further stated “Around the world our troops are carrying out a broad array of challenging and dangerous missions. Wherever they are stationed, our troops and their families deserve our gratitude for their selfless service and their sacrifices”.

As you enjoy this holiday with friends and family take time to give thanks to God for our veterans who have served our country and for those on active duty who serve today. To our men and women in harm’s way, our prayers are with you. Take the time to pray for the veterans and their families who suffer physical and mental aliments and those who may be homeless. Pray for the protection of our soldiers serving around the world and at home in the United States. Pray as follows:

• Pray for those who have lost a loved one in battle. These grieving families have paid the ultimate price. Ask that God’s comfort would be upon them in a special way .
• Pray for our wounded service members and their families. Pray for mental and emotional healing as well as physical healing. Pray they obtain the necessary medical and other services they need and deserve.
• Pray for divine protection and guidance for our armed forces. Ask God to intercede for military chaplains and loved ones at home.
• Pray for the courageous troops, and their families, who are actively serving our country each day , not only at bases around the world, but also here within our borders. Our soldiers daily place themselves in harm’s way in order to defend the way of life we hold dear as well.
• Pray the Lord’s protection will go before them.
• Lift up the chaplains stationed around the world, along with the Christian servicemen who unofficially fulfill a role of spiritual leadership.
• Pray for discernment and protection from the United States’ enemies that are among us, even as others plot against us from afar.

Fervently Pray, Linda Fegins May 28, 2012

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