man and woman praying

DAY 8 – February 20- Loving One Another in the Family
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation

Last week we looked at our relationship with God. Now we must honestly face the issues and sin we have in our homes. Let’s seek the Lord about our relationships within the home.

Scriptures: 1Corinthians 13 ; Eph. 5:25-33 ; Col. 3:19;1 John 4:11,20-21

Repent: Of not loving as the Word states especially within the household of faith and the family unit; of loving conditionally based on performance or expectations; of taking family members for granted and not showing appreciation or love to them.

Receive: A fresh cleansing from the sin of not loving as Christ loves.

• Confess to the Lord the ways you have not loved and honored family members.
• Pray that as a wife or husband you love your spouse as the Lord directs.
• Ask the Lord to do a work in your heart that will release you from any spirit, thought or unforgiveness that blocks your relationship with family members.
• Pray that the Holy Spirit will empower you to forgive and for each of you to forgive each other.
• Pray for healing of broken or embittered relationships.
• Pray for relationships with your children and that as a parent you will demonstrate that love with encouragement, time and healthy discipline.
• Pray that children will love, respect and obey their parents.
• Thank God for others in your family, congregation or circle of friends. Tell God the specific things about them for which you are thankful. Now tell them.
• Pray that parents will be diligent in disciplining their children and to train them to walk in obedience.
• Pray for a deep love and respect between church members and also between family members. Pray for reconciliation where they are at odds.

Spiritual Health Check Up- Meditate on and write response in journal
What relationships in your family do you need to show appreciation for and improve upon?
What steps will you stake to reconcile with and /or improve upon the relationship?
What relationships in the church household do you need to improve upon?

DAY 9 – February 21- Submitting to One Another
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation

Last week we looked at our relationship with God. Now we must honestly face the issues and sin we have in our homes. Let’s continue to seek the Lord about our relationships within the home as we did in Day 8.

Scriptures: Eph. 5:15-24; 1 Peter 3:1-2, 5:5 ;1Tim 3:4

Repent: Of failing to submit to one another in the fear of the Lord; of not following God’s ordained order for the family unit; of lack of submission to God demonstrated by lack of submission to one another.

Receive: Forgiveness and restoration of relationships of godly submission to one another.

• Confess your refusal to holy submit to one another as a husband, wife or child.
• Intercede for God’s Spirit to bring forth a revival of pure submission within our families.
• Pray for God’s divine order to be established within our families.
• Pray God’s blessing to be poured out upon families that follow God’s order of unity.
• Pray for God-centered relationships among family members.
• Pray for the restoration of God’s divine order of love and submission within the family unit.
• Ask the Father to teach you as a parent how to lead and train your children.
• Pray that parents will be bold to instruct their children in God’s way of living and lead their families to pray together.
• Pray that parents will allow love to rule over all areas of discipline, training and instruction in our homes
• Pray that the Word of God would be applied as the standard and motivation of all training in homes.

February 20, 2013

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