Posts Tagged prayer triplet

Rise Spiritually: Day 12-15 of 40 Day Prayer Journey

Rise Spiritually: -Days 12-15 of 40 Day Prayer Journey

We have arrived at the 12th Day of the 40 Day Prayer Journey. How has the prayer journey been for you? Hopefully each of you have begin to slowly see your relationship with God grow. Step into this forty (40) day prayer journey and adventure of repenting and praying toward the desires and promises of God to enable us to grow in our spiritual walk. Let each of us as individuals and as a corporate body grow in grace, in service and deed, in love for God and each other and into a lifestyle of individual and corporate prayer.
The Lenten Season (March 1 through April 9, 2017) is a time of repentance, self-examination, fasting and prayer in preparation for Resurrection Sunday (Easter). As you pray through the 40 Days of Prayer Journey allow the Lord to examine your life thoroughly. (See prior posts…rise-spiritually/)

Suggested Guidelines
During the Forty Day Prayer Journey it is suggested that you:
1. Fast at least one day per week,
2. Select a Prayer Partner or two (Triplet) to pray together at least once a week as you determine for your schedule.
3. Daily pray the intercessory daily prayer focus and prayer points for that date. Read the Bible and the scriptures.
4. Read the scriptures listed in the daily prayer focus. Answer the questions in your journal if there are any for that day and write down your reflections. Meditate on the Word each day.
5. Make an entry in your journal each day or as led by the Holy Spirit. Make sure you the complete the “Something to Act On” exercise section where it appears from time to time in the daily prayer focus.

40 Day Prayer Journey

DAY 12 of 40 Day Prayer Journey – March 12 Follow After the Lord

Scriptures: Psalm 63 ; Luke 9:23-26

Repent: Of pursing worldly, fleshly affections; of following the ways of man and the world rather than the Lord; of inconsistency in pursuing the Lord and His ways.

• Pray for the church to become committed to become wholly devoted to the Word and to God’s purpose and will for the Kingdom.
• Pray for the church and you to become committed to following after the Lord.
• Pray that you and the church will replace a complacent attitude and concern for the distractions of the world with a restoration of first love passion for Jesus.
• Pray for the Lord to add to the church daily those who are being saved. Acts 2:4.
• Pray for ministry leaders to be committed to corporate prayer.
• Pray for those who are unemployed.-Pray that God will meet the needs of those without work in a way that they can thank God for his provision; that they will sound find meaningful employment and glorify God for it.

Something to Act On: Meditate on the scripture. Write down what you need to put in the hands of God and wait on the Lord for an answer to enable you to rise to the spiritual ways of the Lord rather than you acting in your flesh.

DAY 13 – March 13 Inquire of the Lord About What He Desires

Scriptures: Judges 20; Psalm 27:4-5

Repent: Of not inquiring of the Lord regarding what He desires, or the direction He would have us to go; and of not inquiring of the Lord regarding instructions and strategies for ministry.

• Pray that those with mixed emotions and who stagger between both the world and the Lord would choose whom they will serve and come to know Christ.
• Pray for a desire to know the will of the Lord.
• Ask God the direction He would have you to go or His will for your life in a certain situation.
• Pray for the ministry leaders to seek direction, instruction and empowerment from the Lord first before they plan activities, events and actions.
• Pray for the military: for God to extend the gospel message through the special relationships of military life; for courage and protection in the danger of battle; for wisdom as military personnel are called upon to do the work of governing and enforcing law; for grace upon chaplains and other spiritual leaders; that God will fortify families who have been separated.
• Pray for the political leaders in the City of Detroit or your city.

Something to Act On: Meditate on the scripture. Inquire of the Lord what action you should take to handle a situation. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you pray as you should. Pause. Listen.

DAY 14 – March 14 Serve the Lord

Scriptures: Psalm 100; Hebrews 9:11-15

Repent: Of serving without joy or unity of the Spirit with brothers and sisters in the body of Christ; of serving out of law and not of love and of serving with impure intentions, goals, and/or reasons.

• Pray that each ministry will develop a team with one spirit and one mind that enjoy their service in the ministry.
• Pray for unity within the church.
• Poor: For God to establish the poor so that their spiritual and physical needs are met with dignity and stability; that God will release them from hidden cycles of oppression and despair; that God will reverse any curse and multiply blessing.
• Pray that believers will witness for Christ through their lives and words.
• Ask God what more can you do to serve our church and community.
• Pray for a fresh anointing to serve with joy, gladness, passion and power.

Something to Act On: Meditate on the scripture. Examine your conduct in serving the Lord at church and in the community. What action do you need to take to truly show that you are rising in the spiritual in your commitment to serve the Lord with all your heart. Write down your response.

DAY 15 – March 15 Live a Life of Prayer and Intercession

Scriptures: 1 Samuel 12: 20-25; Eph. 6:10-18; Phil 4:4-9

Repent: Repent of failing to cultivate a lifestyle of prayer, and failing to be proactive rather than reactive in prayer.

Reflect: If someone wrote a theme for your life, would prayer be a key theme in it?

• Ask the Lord that prayer and intercession will increase in purity, passion and power in you, the church and throughout the city.
• Pray that those who are called to mobilize, lead and encourage others in prayer will be raised up, trained and equipped throughout the church.
• Pray for the Intercessory Prayer Team Ministry. Call them by name.
• Pray that church members will seek to gather together for corporate prayer and that the manifestation of the Holy Spirit would come upon every prayer gathering or meeting in our church and in the city.
• Pray that your city will be transformed as we cry in humble and faith-filled intercession.
• Confess any shortcoming in your prayer life of which you are aware.
• Ask God to teach you to pray with love, power and authority.
• Thank God for the Holy Spirit that helps us when we don’t know what to pray for. Romans 8:26

Something to Act On: Examine your prayer life. Ask God to reveal to you the areas of your prayer life you need to rise to the spiritual ways of God.

Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader,

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40 Day Prayer and Fasting Journey to Rise Spiritually

Hopefully each of you will or have joined me in this 40 Day Prayer Journey which started March 1. Step into this forty (40) day prayer journey and adventure of repenting and praying toward the desires and promises of God to enable us to grow in our spiritual walk. Let each of us as individuals and as a corporate body grow in grace, in service and deed, in love for God and each other and into a lifestyle of individual and corporate prayer. Know that you won’t be praying alone on this 40 Day Prayer Journey. God is orchestrating this corporate prayer of which YOU are an important part.

United prayer can bring powerful results. Pray with purpose, biblical promise and passion. Let’s all continue with one accord in prayer and supplication (Acts 1:14a) during this Lenten season.

Scripture makes prayer a priority of the church. The Lord said “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples”. (Isaiah 56:7 RSV). Below Days 4 through 7 are provided: They are short and you can do a day at a time .

Love and pray fervently,
Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader

Suggested Logistics

What follows is a suggested format for the journey. You may need to modify it to fit your schedule or medical restrictions. You are encouraged to use a journal or notebook to write your reflections, what the Lord is speaking to you, your prayers and/or prayer requests.

During the Forty Day Prayer Journey it is suggested that you:
1. Fast at least one day per week preferably Wednesday  Alternatively, you can fast a food or activity the entire Lenten season. If you have questions send me am email.
2. Select a Prayer Partner or two (Triplet) to pray together at least once a week as you determine for your schedule.
3. Daily pray the intercessory daily prayer focus and prayer points for that date. Read the Bible and the scriptures.
4. Read the scriptures listed in the daily prayer focus. Answer the questions in your journal if there are any for that day and write down your reflections. Meditate on the Word each day.
5. Make an entry in your journal each day or as led by the Holy Spirit. Make sure you the complete the “Something to Act On” exercise section where it appears from time to time in the daily prayer focus.

40 Day Prayer Journey

The First 7 Days We Will Focus on Repenting For A Renewed Relationship With God

The Lenten Season (March 1  to April 9, 2017) is a time of repentance, self-examination, fasting and prayer in preparation for Resurrection Sunday (Easter). Today seek God with a repentant heart (See Joel 2: 12-24) and honestly search your heart (Psalm 139:23-24). As you pray through the 40 Days of Prayer Journey allow the Lord to examine your life thoroughly.

DAY 4-March 4 Repenting For a Renewed Relationship With God

Scriptures: Esther 4:1-4, 16-17; Matthew 11:20-23; 2 Chronicles 34:27(NLT)

Repent: Of the times you have not responded to the call for corporate times of fasting and praying.

Meditate, pray, and write down areas for which you should repent.


  • Praise God that He responds to humble hearts and that His grace will search out every hidden place of sin if you surrender to Him.
    • Confess to the Lord the ways you have not understood repentance as a lifestyle.
    • Ask the Lord to give you a tender heart that is sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit and the conviction of sin.
    • Pray for pastors and ministry leaders to live lifestyles of repentance.
    • Pray that the message of repentance as a way of life will be preached in churches in your community.
    • Pray that your lifestyle of repentance will glorify God and attract unbelievers to God.
    • Pray that the Word of God will be revered and honored at your church.
    • Pray that believers in your community will see a truer picture of idolatry and sin- and be willing to repent.

DAY 5- March 5 Repenting For a Renewed Relationship With God

Scriptures: Psalm 51:6, 10; Joel 2:12-15

Repent: Of failing to examine every attitude, motive, every action and every word of condemnation and sin and to ignore our sins.

Meditate, pray, and write down areas for which you should repent.

• Ask God to cleanse your heart of every fault and sin and renew a right spirit within you.
• Specifically I confess to You Lord______________________________________.
• Ask the Lord to show you any place in your life where you harbor sin in your thoughts, words, or actions that you have not recognized.
• Welcome the Lord into those inward places and repent of everything He shows you. Rejoice in His peace.
• Ask the Lord to enable you by the power of the Holy Spirit to make changes where you need to do so.
• Ask the Lord to “wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin: and create in me a clean heart”. Psalm 51:1-2, 10-11.
• Pray that the thoroughness of repentance will be embraced by others at your church and other churches.
• Praise the Lord that the Blood of Jesus will cleanse and redeem every part of your repentant heart.

Something to Act On: Meditate on Psalm 51. Let the Spirit teach you important things about confession and restoration from its verses.

DAY 6-March 6 Repenting For a Renewed Relationship With God

Scriptures: Acts 3:19; Isaiah 55:6-8; Acts 3:2

Repent: Of ________________________________________________________.

Meditate, pray, and write down areas for which you should repent.


  • Give thanks that God will hear our cries of repentance.
    • Ask forgiveness for delaying repentance because of pride or negative motives.
    • Pray for the Lord to reveal every area in your community where He requires repentance.
    • For Christ to bring people near enough to God to experience the Father’s loving delight in His Son for people to love and follow Jesus.
    • Pray that the churches in our city would be overwhelmed with a spirit of humility and repentance, turning from the ways of the world and toward the Lord.
    • Pray that the number of believers following the ways of humility and repentance would increase exponentially.
    • Pray that the promise of revival would be poured out upon the people of God as we walk in His ways.
    • Ask God for a repentant heart and a fresh awareness of sin and the Lord’s love to forgive us if we confess our sin.
    Something to Act On: Make a list of 3 spiritual blessings and thank God for each one of them.

DAY 7 – February 24 Repenting For a Renewed Relationship With God-

Scriptures: 2 Kings 22:19-20 (NLT); Jonah 3: 8-9; Daniel 9: 3-6, 20-23

Repent: Of ________________________________________________________.

Meditate, pray, and write down other areas for which you should repent.

Reflect on repentance.


  • Praise the Lord that He delights in responding to a heart of repentance and humble hearts.
    • Confess the ways you have ignored God’s call to repent.
    • Offer your heart to the Lord in repentance.
    • Pray that the cycles of violence and revenge be ended. Pray that we repent as a community and nation from hatred, fear, racism and anger.
    • Pray for the spirit of repentance to sweep across the city of Detroit or your city.
    • Pray that the grace of God would impact the world through you as you follow Him in humble obedience and repentance.
    • Pray that many in our city, family and community will turn from their evil ways .Pray that that they open their spiritual eyes and ears to hear the gospel, to see their sin, such they will turn and follow the Lord.
    • Pray that God will use your prayers of repentance as a powerful spiritual weapon in your church and city.

Something to Act On: Write down all the areas in your life where you want to experience spiritual growth.

Linda Fegins, “The Prayer Leader” serves as prayer leader and teacher/trainer on the “Prayer Boot Camp” with the Global Missions Prayer Force and as a guest intercessor and volunteer for Girlfriends Pray a global prayer ministry. She served as Prayer Coordinator for over 13 years( later Director over the Prayer Ministry) for the Lydia Circle Christian Business and Professional Women. As part of the Lydia Circle she has lead over a dozen prayer boot camps, and has lead prayer services and workshops in the Bahamas and in South Africa and was on the prayer team of a medical missions trips to Jamaica under the leadership of Rev. Jackie McCullough. She  serves as the Prayer Leader of the Intercessory Prayer Ministry of her church.


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