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Back 2 School Prayers for Student Academics


             Join us in praying for our school age children, youth and college students this month. This week we want to pray “back 2 school prayers ‘ for our children’s desire to learn and for students’ academics. Write the name of your child, teen, and college student, age, and the name of their school and college. Pray daily for our children for salvation, protection, academics and more. Follow the daily prayer focus. Adopt a school or college and pray for it.…journey-days-1-5/ ;…urney-protection/

We want our children to receive the very best education and to reach their full potential. Therefore we want to pray back to school prayers for our children’s  and college students’ academic studies. Here are a few prayer points and then a prayer  for our children’s  ability to learn and study. Pray the following prayer point  daily:

  • Pray that our children will be open to learning new knowledge and to acquire both secular and spiritual knowledge. Pray that God would give them the wisdom to know how to understand and use that knowledge  rightly and for good. (Proverbs 22:6) (2 Timothy 2:15)

Prayer for Student Academics:

Father, I pray for ____________________________________ who is facing the new school or college year and the challenges and difficulties of school responsibilities. Impart your wisdom to him/her so that he/she will understand that wisdom is the principal thing. Motivate him/her to seek wisdom and to gain understanding.

Grace and mercy come from you, Lord. As you did for Daniel and three Hebrew children, I ask that you give my children knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom that he/she they may be excellent in all his/her their school work and activities.

You are a very present help to____________________ __________________in all areas of his/her life. Help him/her to call upon you when the demands of scholastic life threaten to overwhelm him/her.

May________________ realize that you have a plan and purpose for his/her life. Gave him/her the motivation to pursue your goals for him/her. Protect him/her from all harmful influences.
Keep him//her mind stayed on you. When philosophies and theories of this world oppose his/her faith, help him/her to maintain a constant focus on you, to run his her course with patience, looking unto you. Lord Jesus, the author, and finisher of his/her faith.

Bless __________ with clarity of mind as he/she studies. Help him/her to be diligent and to avoid the error of procrastination concerning assignments. Remind him/her to remain faithful even in the things he or she may consider unimportant.

Give him/her faith in your promise, as he/she faces tests and exams, that by your great Comforter, the Holy Spirit, you will bring all things to his/her remembrance.

Thank you for providing us with all we need to meet the challenges of life. You have equipped _____________with the necessary abilities to do well in school. Help _____to remember to be thankful to you for the abilities and aptitude you have given to him/her.  (Scriptural References  Proverbs 4:7;Proverbs 4:5; 1Timothy 1:2; Daniel 1:17, 5:14′ Psalm 46:1; Jeremiah 29:11; Isaiah 26:3; Hebrews 12:2; Proverbs 17:17; Luke 16:10; John 14:26;Ephesians 5:20)        ( by Richards and Hildebrand )

Linda Fegins, “Prayer Leader”

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