
DAY 22 – March 6- Pursing Forgiveness and Humility
40 Day Prayer Journey to Life Transformation

The initial week of the Lenten season we were praying about our personal relationship with the Lord. We focused on what should be our primary pursuit of loving the Lord with all heart. The second week we focused on our relationship with our family relationships and the third week our relationship with those in the body of Christ. On Day 21 we focused on repentance and reconciliation in broken relations in our families and with friends and loved ones and between and among congregations. Today we focus on forgiveness among family members, friends and church members and congregations.

Scriptures: Matthew 6:14-15; 18:1-35; Ephesians 4:25-32; Colossians 3:12-17

Repent: Of not forgiving those who have sinned against us; of walking in pride, superiority, or opposition to others in our family, community and in the body of Christ; of not walking in the fruit of the Spirit such as humility, kindness, meekness, longsuffering or forgiveness toward one another; of failing to follow God’s Word to submit and to forgive; of of_______________________________ (fill in the blank).

Action: Meditate, pray, and write down other areas of which to repent and for persons and situations that God places on your heart to pray about or to take action. Forgive.


• Repent for the times you have been unforgiving, judgmental, and stubborn
• Ask for forgiveness and for the mind and heart to tear down the wall of division among family members, communities and various congregations and Christian leaders.
• Ask God to stir a continual heart of repentance in you.
• Pray for families to practice forgiveness, demonstrating the amazing grace we each have received in Jesus Christ our Lord.
• Pray for the church to practice forgiveness, demonstrating the amazing grace we each have received in Jesus Christ our Lord.
• Pray for true humility to be evident in the family and community.
• Pray for true humility and love to exist in the church and that the leaders of the church will walk in true humility and a deep reverence for the Lord.
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Linda Fegins

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