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Thank you for joining the 40 Day Prayer Journey. Begin right where you are and go back and start at the beginning at a later day. Hopefully you are examining your conduct and walk with the Lord , your prayer life and your study of the Word. Read the scriptures listed under the daily prayer focus. Answer the questions in your journal if there are any for the day and write your reflections. Meditate on the Word each day. Daily pray the prayer points for the day. Make an entry in your journal each day as lead by the Holy Spirit. Make sure you complete the “Spiritual Rise Act”. Go to the first day February 18 if you want to review the earlier statements about the purpose of this daily prayer journey to encourage each of us to rise spiritually in the ways of Jesus.

DAY 27 – Monday March 16 Seeking to Rise Spiritually by Forgiving
Scriptures: Mark 11: 25-26; Ephesians 4:31-32; Col. 3: 12-17

• Repent of not forgiving those who have sinned against you and of walking in pride, superiority or opposition to others in the body of Christ.
• Pray that members of your church and yourself practice forgiveness, demonstrating the grace we each have received in Christ Jesus our Lord.
• Pray that you will grow in the knowledge of God’s Word for every aspect of your life.
• For God to rise up men and women of integrity, faith and love to places of spiritual authority throughout the church and the city.
• Pray for persons who feel rejected. Pray that they will know that the Lord will never forsake them and that He loves them.
• Pray for our nation and its leaders that they my rule with honor and wisdom and that wickedness in the leaders will be hindered so that all may lead quiet and peaceable lives.
• Pray for elderly persons. Pray that God’s strength and peace would be poured out on every one who is advanced in years. That they may be honored; that they may be cared for; that they may live to see their prayers answered; that loneliness be banished in lasting friendships and family bonds; that meaningful service be found.

Spiritual Rise Check Up- Write responses in a journal or notebook
 Think of a time when the sin of unforgiveness existed that it affected your attitude and your joy.
 Are you currently allowing the sin of unforgiveness to affect your attitude and joy?
 How should a parent respond to a child’s confession of wrongdoing? What kind of changes would come out of that?

Spiritual Rise Act-
Meditate on one or more of the scriptures above. Let the Spirit teach you important things about confession, forgiveness and restoration from the verses.

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Day 28 – Tuesday March 17- Seeking to Rise Spiritually by Demonstrating the Love of Christ
Scriptures: John 3: 1-21; 1John 3:1-23

• Pray that the church will be a living force of love in the earth today.
• Pray that the disciples of Christ will be known by our love for one another and the loving-kindness of the Lord that leads to repentance.
• Pray that members of the church and yourself show love through deeds that touch the lives of the unsaved, unchurched and unsure.
• Repent from demonstrating the letter of the law rather than the Spirit of liberty and love.
• Pray for persons who are unsaved. Call out their names.
• Pray for depressed persons. Pray that God’s healing presence will reach them; that the light of truth will dispel the lies and the oppressive power of Satan; for helpful counsel and God’s wisdom; for God’s healing of long standing wounds and the renewing of their minds in Christ.
• Pray that fathers will look to God as the ultimate spiritual head of their household, and serve their families by carrying responsibility for the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of their wives. Pray that God will instill a vision of wholesome, supportive, fatherhood to all fathers.
• Pray for single people. Pray that Christ will protect them; that friendships and church fellowships bring ample fullness of healthy relationships; for wisdom to choose sexual purity and holy lifestyles; for marriage.
• Pray for broken families. Pray for the healing of broken or embittered hearts. Pray for the children of such homes.

Spiritual Rise Act:
Love 3 –Write a prayer for 3 persons who you have not shown appreciation for or for persons you know need encouragement. Take time to think of some other action you can take to build them, bring joy or to let them know someone cares. You do not have to reveal who you are to them until Easter.

DAY 29 – March 18 Seeking to Rise Spiritually by Demonstrating Mercy, Loving-kindness and Goodness
Scriptures: Rom. 2:1-16; Gal. 5:22-23

• Repent of failing to show acts of kindness to those who mistreat or offend us or our love ones.
• Repent of withholding mercy and love out of judgment and vengeance.
• Pray that believers and you grow in grace, mercy and love to make an impact in the lives of others and in the world.
• Pray that the fruit of the spirit will abound in you and in and through the church.
• Pray for the physically disabled. Pray that they will be surrounded with loving friends and family; for physical stamina and healing; for financial burdens of therapy and special care, and that they will love and honor God.
• Pray for prisoners and their families; Pray that people in jail will hear the gospel and follow Christ; for fellowships of Christians in prison to multiply; pray that persons in prison will be protected from violence and the forces of spiritual evil.
• Pray for the spouses and children of prisoners. Pray that they will be sustained, protected, provided for and that their hearts are healed.
• Pray that former prisoners will find strength and wisdom to live restored lives and will not return to the actions or ways that led to their imprisonment.
• Pray for the Health and Fitness Ministry.

Spiritual Rise Check Up- Write responses in a journal or notebook
Identify the 9 fruit of the spirit stated in Galatians 5:22-23. Which of the fruit of the spirit do you need to improve upon in demonstrating them in your life? How can you rise in the spirit to reflect more of that fruit in your life?

Linda Fegins, “The Prayer Leader” serves as prayer leader and teacher/trainer on the “Prayer Boot Camp” with the Global Missions Prayer Force and as a guest intercessor and volunteer for Girlfriends Pray a global prayer ministry. She served as Prayer Coordinator for over 13 years( later Director over the Prayer Ministry) for the Lydia Circle Christian Business and Professional Women. As part of the Lydia Circle she has lead over a dozen prayer boot camps, and has lead prayer services and workshops in the Bahamas and in South Africa and was on the prayer team of a medical missions trips to Jamaica under the leadership of Rev. Jackie McCullough. She is also a member of the National Church Prayer Leaders Network and serves as the Prayer Leader of the Intercessory Prayer Ministry of her church