I love the television series “Army Wives” which focuses on the wives and families of soldiers. I watch it faithfully and set my dvr to record the series. For the last few years my heart has developed a compassion and burden for soldiers, especially women soldiers, fighting to protect our country in uncomfortable, dangerous and uncertain circumstances 24/7. Men and women endure long seperations from familiy and children and other challenges inherent to military service. If I hear of an incident or watch a story about soldiers I begin to pray for them. It is outrageous for physically and mentally wounded soldiers to come home and have to fight for benefits from injuries suffered from serving the country. My concern and compassion has nothing to do with any opinion I may have about the war in Afghanistan or Iraq or anywhere. That is another subject.

A young lady from my church just joined the military services. Kathryn, a once quiet shy child who barely spoke a word outloud, wants to be a vetenarian. She has grown into a blooming young woman in the Lord. She was beginning to let her light shine and was becoming more outgoing by leading the choir in song and praying out loud before others. I pray the Lord’s protection of her and that she will achieve her educational goals. How many of our young adults are bravely joining the military services?

Yes, we should take the time on Memorial Day to remember and honor our fallen soldiers ,as their families must think of them every day. Every day let’s lift up prayers for the courageous troops and their families who are actively serving our country each day, not only across the world in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere but, within our borders as well. The soldier place themselves in harm’s way for you and me.

Remember Women Fallen Soldiers Marine Cpl. Romona M. Valdez

Prayers for Servicemen and Service women(soldier)- Military-Armed Forces
• Pray for discernment and protection from the United States’ enemies that are among us, even as others plot against us from afar.

• Pray for the protection of our troops. May the soldier turn to You for rest and protection. Keep them safe from all hidden dangers, deadly diseases and accidents.

• Lord may the soldier not fear the guns of the night and may you hide them under Your protective wings and given them the discernment of how to escape the enemy.(Psalm 91:1-11) .Lord send your angels to protect them wherever they go and to help fight the enemy. Lord God help them fight the battle.

• Lord may the soldier experience Your mercy and compassion as they arise each morning. The Word states you are a faithful Father and that Your mercy and compassion never fails; they are new every morning. ( Lamentations 3:21-23)

• You are the Almighty and loving Father at the same time. Lord grant the soldier strength to carry out his or her duties. Lord give them endurance , courage and wisdom of how to use their skills to overcome adversity, and how to outwit the enemy. Lord when they are feeling weary I pray that look to You from where all their help comes from and that he or she knows that You can mount them up with wings like eagles so they can walk and not get weary. ( Isaiah 40:31).

• Lord I pray that he or she knows you as Lord and Saviour. Open their eyes so that they know the love of God for them.

• Lord I pray for the families of the servicemen and servicewomen while they are away from home. I pray for the children who miss their parents. Lord provide for their needs, comfort them and keep them.
• God you are a Healer. You are the Great Physician who can heal hearts, minds, broken bones, gun shot wounds and broken relationships. Heal servicemen and servicewomen who are suffering from mental and emotional problems , trauma and painful memories. Restore their minds and emotions. Lord we pray that the soldier receive all the benefits to which he or she is entitled.

• Pray for those who have lost a loved one in battle. These grieving families have paid the ultimate price. Lord comfort those who have lost friends and family members. Lord protect them and allow them to receive the necessary benefits they deserve.

• Scriptures to build faith for comfort and protection
• II Chronicles 32:6-8
• Psalm 57:1
• Psalm 59:1
• Proverbs 2:8
o Psalm 5:11

Black Women Fallen Soldiers
A special tribute to all the brave black women, and black women of color in the military who lost their lives in Afghanistan and Iraq war…..