(Pastor Andre Butler)
In a recent interview, Pricilla Shirer said, “Prayer is the most powerful weapon the church has to unlock the activity of heaven on earth.” Yes. prayer works!
Faith-filled prayers get results in due season. The Word of God states that the “prayers of righteous persons are powerful and effective”. James 5:16.
Prayer moves the hands that move the universe. Prayer invites God to glorify Himself in our needs and weakness. God can do great things in the nation, community and in your life. God can restore that which was broken or torn down. He redeems those who were lost and can turn situations and circumstances around.
The National Day Prayer that Pastor Andre Butler is discussing emphasizes prayer for America and its leadership in the seven centers of power: Government, Military, Media, Business, Education, Church and Family (I Timothy 2:1-6).
Let us continue to pray for our nation in prayer gatherings and in our homes. God throughout His Word tells us to pray that He may heal our land. 2 Chronicles 7:14.
The sovereign Lord listens to our cries, waits to intervene on our behalf and to deliver and transform the ills of our nation. (See e.g. Zephaniah 3:17). Prayer is required and imperative for believers individually, and corporately, to pray continually throughout the year, not just on the National Day of Prayer.
The disciples asked Jesus “Lord teach us to pray”. Those few words are powerful. Each of us should want to learn to pray more effectively and not amiss to gain greater intimacy with the Lord and to pray His will for the Kingdom. We should seek to spiritually rise in our personal and corporate prayer life. Let’s learn from the Word how to pray. Let’s look at Jesus’ prayer life
Believe in prayer. It is the best way we have to draw strength from heaven.
If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Matthew 21:22 NIV ( from God’s Little Instruction Book)
What do you believe God for today?
Meditate on the Word. Pray. Listen. Believe. Pray. Believe. Hear. Do.
Article by Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader, May 11, 2016, ldfaygo@gmail.com .Linda is a Intercessory Prayer Leader at Messiah Baptist Church and a intercessor, prayer teacher and trainer of a global prayer ministry.
Video is by -Pastor Andre Butler who is the executive pastor of Word of Faith International Christian Center, founded by Bishop Keith A. Butler, in Southfield, Michigan and the former pastor of Faith Christian Center in Smyrna, Georgia. His mission in life is to equip others to experience the future that God has for them. His ministry emphasizes God’s desire to prosper His people in every arena of life and God’s command for His people to do their part in winning the world to Jesus.