end domestisc violence index

High blood pressure is not the only silent, but deadly killer. Domestic violence affects far too many people and far too many families every day. Too often, we do not know about people who are victims of domestic violence until it is too late. It is a hidden shame that is cancerous if not addressed.

It’s challenging because many people hide behind a mask as if all is well, when internally they are screaming to be free. It’s challenging because there is no test to administer, or medication to take, yet there is a prescription. When you notice someone who has been outgoing and social become withdrawn and isolated, investigate further. If you notice someone who normally responds to your text messages and/or phone calls, but only responds during “normal business hours” when they are at school or work, investigate further. As outsiders, there is only so much that can be done if the victim is unwilling to leave or seek assistance; however, nothing is beyond the power of prayer.

How can you help? Prayer is our first line of defense. Pray that God’s will be done. Pray that all negative soul ties are broken. Pray that any areas of vulnerability are filled with the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Pray that by the Holy Spirit, you are shown how to be of greater assistance while protecting the person’s well being.

What else can you do? Mentor a young lady so that she understands her worth and knows not to accept any type of abuse in relationships. Mentor a young man so that he understands what it means to be a “suitor”, a gentleman, and a covering for a woman. Confront societal norms which accept or condone verbal, physical, or sexual abuse. Things will only change if you change. The time to do it is now.


About the book “Their Darkest Hour”

Their Darkest Hour is a short fiction novel that looks at the multiple social identities of a woman (as wife, caregiver, supporter, employee as just a few of the roles.) Their Darkest Hour also deals with the hidden shame of domestic violence. Inspired by true events, Their Darkest Hour tells a story of disappointment, pain, temptation, and betrayal. Will this couple learn the importance of truth and wisdom as they experience their darkest hour

Their Darkest Hour by D. C. Wiggins, is 50% off during October only on http://www.smashwords.com/ with coupon code YV97D. This is in honor of domestic violence awareness month.


Dr. De’Andrea Wiggins is committed to helping you grow spiritually and excel professionally. She is the author of “Their Darkest Hour” and co-author of “Reboot Global Breakout: Small Group Study Guide”. Dr. Wiggins has been an educator since 1996 and has seven years of experience in diversity and inclusion. A dynamic speaker and expert facilitator, Dr. Wiggins has presented at corporations, universities, and churches across the United States and Canada.

Dr. Wiggins is the Interim Director for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at the Wayne State University School of Medicine. She is also the vice-president of the Virginia Park Community Investment Associates. Dr. Wiggins serves as the Pastor of Small Groups for Impact Church, under the direction of Pastor Keenann R. Knox. She received a Bachelor of Science degree from Eastern Michigan University in African-American studies. Additionally, Dr. Wiggins holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Theology, and has earned a Doctorate of Religious Education from Destiny Christian University.

Dr. De’Andrea Wiggins

Prayer Action Points by Linda Fegins

Pray for those bound in violent relationship that they will find a way of safe escape and be set free.
Pray for protection from abusive relationships that affect children and elderly.
Pry for protection, and for wisdom for friends and officials to help bring that right protection to the victims.
Pray that the Spirit of God, through His unconditional love made manifest in Jesus, show those in tenuous relationships how to show love, care and respect in our relationships.
Pray that the right resources and treatment be available and that the abuser and victim get the mental,emotional and physically help and intervention they need.