Thank you for joining Day 33 to 36 of the 40 Day Prayer Journey “Growing by the Power Within to Please God: Repenting for a Renewed Relationship With God”. Philippians 2:13. Let’ s grow in Prayer Journey Power.

We are nearing the end of this prayer journey; 6 more days to go .I hope you have been blessed and have sincerely begin to grow in prayer and your relationship with the Lord. As you walked this forty (40) day prayer journey and adventure of repenting and praying toward the desires and promises of God to enable us to grow by the power within to please God, share your experiences. Let each of us grow in grace, in service and deed, in love for God and each other and into a lifestyle of individual and corporate prayer.

The daily prayer points in this guide begin with stated scriptures applicable to the focus of the day. You are invited to seek God’s face to enable you to grow in the actions and thoughts that please God. You want to confess, repent and turn from actions and thoughts that grieve the Lord.

During the Forty Day Prayer Journey daily read the suggested scriptures. Meditate on the Word asking the Holy Spirit to speak to you and reveal in your heart how He wants you to respond personally and on behalf of your church or city. This is an opportunity for personal repentance.

Ask the Lord to search your heart for thoughts and actions that are sinful. (Psalm 139:23-24) Allow the Lord to examine your life thoroughly.

During the 40 Day journey each of us are opening ourselves to be joyful by what pleases God and grieved by our actions, walk and talk that displease Him.

Pray the specific daily prayer points as well as other prayer points that the Holy Spirit brings to your heart. It is suggested that you write in a journal your reflections and what the Lord is saying to you.

DAY 34 – April 3- “Growing to Please God by Worshiping God with Your Whole Heart”

Scriptures: Psalm 95; John 4:21-26


  • Pray that you and your city and church members will gain a passion for worship with their whole heart.
    • Pray that the church to have a Christ –centered experience of worship in spirit and truth that will please the Father.
    • Pray for humility and unity among the believers that will give rise to worshiping the Lord in the beauty of holiness throughout the church.
    • Pray for a release of fresh passion for worship in you and in members of the church.
    • Pray for a fresh revelation of God’s love that cleanses up from unrighteousness and fills us with joy, peace and love.
    • Pray for a fresh love and desire for fellowship with other believers.
    • Pray for a revival in your city (in the City of Detroit) and that it will become known as a city of prayer.
    • Pray for the Single people. Pray that Christ will fill single’s heart with His love; that they may taste the satisfaction which I is found only in God; that friendships will bring ample fullness of relationship; for sexual purity and simplicity of lifestyle; for marvelous marriages for those who desire them.

DAY 35 – April 4– “Growing to Please God by Increasing Our Personal
and Corporate Prayer Life”

Jesus, Man of Prayer

Scriptures: Mark 1:35; Luke 5:16; Luke 6:12

Reflect: If someone wrote a theme of your life would prayer be a key theme in it? Consider the area of your prayer life that most needs improving.


  • Praise Jesus for modeling a strong pattern of prayer for us.
    • Confess any shortcoming in your prayer life of which you are aware.
    • Thank the Holy Spirit for His ability and willingness to purify our prayers and to help us when we don’t know how to pray very well (Romans 8:26).
    • Ask Christ for the grace to pray as Jesus prayed.
    • Pray that the church will grow in love, grace and mercy to impact the community and the world.
    • Pray that individual and corporation intercession and prayer will increase in you and among the members of your church.
    • Thank God that He has established that His church will be called a house of prayer for all nations. Pray that your church will be the kind of house of prayer that pleases Christ.
    • Pray for the Intercessory Prayer Ministry. Call them by name. Pray that they will effectively and boldly mobilize, lead, train and encourage others in individual and corporate prayer.

DAY 36 – April 5 – “Growing to Please God by Increasing Our Personal
and Corporate Prayer Life”

Paul Prayed Constantly

Scriptures: Colossians 1:3, 9; Romans 1:9-10; 10:1


  • Pray for an increase in your desire to consistently pray for others.
    • Confess to the Lord if you don’t like to pray for others or don’t pray for others or think it is boring. Is it because you don’t love them as you should? Confess that also.
    • Pray for an increase in your ability to see the good in others, for a deep sense of care for the well being of others and for confidence that your prayers will make a difference in their lives.
    • Thank the Holy Spirit for His ability and willingness to purify our prayers and to help us when we don’t know how to pray very well (Romans 8:26).
    • Thank God for others in your family, congregation, or circle of friends. Tell God the specific things about them for which you are thankful.
    • Pray for your Pastor .
    • Pray that grace to minister and serve together in love, honor, and humility will exist throughout the church.
    • Pray for your Governor, Mayor and City Council in you state and city.Governor Snyder, Mayor Duggan and the City Council

Linda Fegins “The Prayer Leader” serves as an intercessor and teacher/trainer with Global Intercessors Prayer Force. As part of the Lydia Circle she has lead over 8 prayer boot camps, all night prayer services, and has lead prayer services and workshops in the Bahamas and in South Africa. As a former Prayer Coordinator for over 13 years ( later Director over the Prayer Ministry) for the Lydia Circle Christian Business and Professional Women trained many to pray the Word with fervency and power.  She served on the prayer team of a medical mission’s trip to Jamaica under the leadership of Rev. Jackie McCullough. She serves as the Prayer Leader of the Intercessory Prayer Team of her church. Linda serves as an intercessor and volunteer for Girlfriends Pray, a global prayer ministry. Contact her at