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Thank you for joining the 40 Day Prayer Journey, “Growing by the Power Within to Please God: Repenting for a Renewed Relationship With God”. Philippians 2:13.

This is a daily prayer journey. Today’s prayer focus is a continuation of the 40 Day Prayer Journey which began on March 5 Ash Wednesday. See prior post for prior days. Below you will find Days 12 thru 15.

During the Forty Day Prayer Journey daily read the suggested scriptures. Meditate on the Word asking the Holy Spirit to speak to you and reveal in your heart how He wants you to respond personally and on behalf of your church or city. This is an opportunity for personal repentance. Ask the Lord to search your heart for thoughts and actions that are sinful. (Psalm 139:23-24) Allow the Lord to examine your life thoroughly. Resist the tendency to see sin in other people without being transparent with the Lord in your own life.

The daily prayer points in this guide begin with stated scriptures applicable to the focus of the day. You are invited to seek God’s face to enable you to grow in the actions and thoughts that please God. You want to confess, repent and turn from actions and thoughts that grieve the Lord.

Pray the specific daily prayer points as well as other prayer that the Holy Spirit brings to your heart. It is suggested that you write in a journal your reflections and what the Lord is saying to you.

DAY 12 – March 16 Growing to Please God by Following after the Lord

Scriptures: Psalm 63; Luke 9:23-26; Joshua 14:8-9

Repent: Of pursing worldly, fleshly affections; of following the ways of man and the world rather than the Lord; of inconsistency in pursuing the Lord and His ways.


• Pray for the church to become committed to become wholly devoted to the Word and to God’s purpose and will for the Kingdom.
• Pray for the church and you to become committed to following after the Lord.
• Pray that you and the church will replace a complacent attitude and concern for the distractions of the world with a restoration of first love passion for Jesus.
• Pray that the Father would gather and grow a generation of full-hearted worshippers in our church and city.
• Pray for the Lord to add to the church daily those who are being saved. Acts 2:4.
• Pray for ministry leaders to be committed to corporate prayer.
• Pray for those who are unemployed.-Pray that God will meet the needs of those without work in a way that they can thank God for his provision; that they will sound find meaningful employment and glorify God for it;
• Pray for those who are burdened by debt.

Spiritual Health Check Up- Write responses in a journal or notebook
Community: Are you treating people around you every day with patience and respect?
Are you involved in your community?
When did you last do something, in the name of Jesus, to benefit the community?

DAY 13 – March 17 Growing to Please God by Inquiring of the Lord About What He Desires

Scriptures: Judges 20; Psalm 27:4-5

Repent: Of not inquiring of the Lord regarding what He desires, or the direction He would have us to go; and of not inquiring of the Lord regarding instructions and strategies for ministry.


• Pray that those with mixed emotions and who stagger between both the world and the Lord would choose whom they will serve and come to know Christ.
• Pray for a desire to know the will of the Lord.
• Ask God the direction He would have you to go or His will for your life in a certain situation.
• Pray for the ministry leaders to seek direction, instruction and empowerment from the Lord first before they plan activities, events and actions.
• Pray for the military: for God to extend the gospel message through the special relationships of military life; for courage and protection in the danger of battle; for wisdom as military personnel are called upon to do the work of governing and enforcing law; for grace upon chaplains and other spiritual leaders; that God will fortify families who have been separated.
• Pray for the political leaders in the City of Detroit or in your city.
• Pray for your Pastor. Pray for His protection from the plots of the enemy; that pastors and church leaders will be filled with wisdom; that they be honored by those they serve; that God will pour is Spirit upon them in power and humility.

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DAY 14 – March 18 Growing to Please God by Serving the Lord

Scriptures: Psalm 100; Hebrews 9:11-15

Repent: Of serving without joy or unity of the Spirit with brothers and sisters in the body of Christ and at Messiah; of serving out of law and not of love and of serving with impure intentions, goals, and/or reasons.


• Pray that you would be filled with gratitude, love and obedience to serve the Lord with gladness and with church members on one accord.
• Pray that your service would be God-centered and God motivated to reflect His life in your life, home and community.
• Pray for unity within the church.
• Poor: For God to establish the poor so that their spiritual and physical needs are met with dignity and stability; that God will release them from hidden cycles of oppression and despair; that God will reverse any curse and multiply blessing.
• Pray that believers will witness for Christ through their lives and words.
• Ask God what more can you do to serve your church and community.
• Pray for a fresh anointing to serve with joy, gladness, passion and power.

Spiritual Health Check Up- Write responses in a journal or notebook
Church: Where are you serving at the church? How often do you do this?
When did you last minister to or encourage someone at church? Who?
How are you using your spiritual gifts at this time?
Is your attitude toward church and the leaders healthy?

DAY 15 – March 19 Growing to Please God by Living a Life of Prayer and Intercession

Scriptures: 1 Samuel 12: 20-25; Eph. 6:10-18; Phil 4:4-9

Repent: Repent of failing to cultivate a lifestyle of prayer, and failing to be proactive rather than reactive in prayer.

Reflect: If someone wrote a theme for your life, would prayer be a key theme in it?


• Ask the Lord that prayer and intercession will increase in purity, passion and power in you, the church and throughout the city.
• Pray that those who are called to mobilize, lead and encourage others in prayer will be raised up, trained and equipped throughout the church.
• Pray those members of your church will seek to gather together for corporate prayer and that the manifestation of the Holy Spirit would come upon every prayer gathering or meeting in our church and in the city.
• Pray that your city will be transformed as we cry in humble and faith-filled intercession.
• Confess any shortcoming in your prayer life that you are aware.
• Ask God to teach you to pray with love, power and authority.
• Thank God for the Holy Spirit that helps us when we don’t know what to pray for. Romans 8:26
• Pray for Homeless people-that God brings immediate relief, shelter, food and health care; that Christ will restore hope for the future; for protection from the risk of life on the streets; for employment and shelter.


Spiritual Health Check Up- Write responses in a journal or notebook. No one will review the answers.
Prayer: Are you praying regularly? When?
When did you have a prayer answered?
Are your prayers all requests or do you spend time in praise and thanksgiving toward God?
Do you take time to be silent before God so that you can “hear” God’s voice?

Linda Fegins , The Prayer Leader