Archive for category 40 Day Prayer Journey :Repenting for a Rewed Relationship With God

Seek God to Grow by the Power Within to Please God

Thank you for joining the 40 Day Prayer Journey . Today is Day 30 of the prayer journey of, “Growing by the Power Within to Please God: Repenting for a Renewed Relationship With God”. Philippians 2:13. Seek God for repentance, breakthrough, renewed minds and reconciliation with Him.

The daily prayer points in this guide begin with stated scriptures applicable to the focus of the day. You are invited to seek God’s face to enable you to grow in the actions and thoughts that please God. You want to confess, repent and turn from actions and thoughts that grieve the Lord.
During the Forty Day Prayer Journey daily read the suggested scriptures. Meditate on the Word asking the Holy Spirit to speak to you and reveal in your heart how He wants you to respond personally and on behalf of your church or city. This is an opportunity for personal repentance. Ask the Lord to search your heart for thoughts and actions that are sinful. (Psalm 139:23-24) Allow the Lord to examine your life thoroughly.

During the 40 Day journey each of us are opening ourselves to be joyful by what pleases God and grieved by our actions, walk and talk that displease Him.
Pray the specific daily prayer points as well as other prayer points that the Holy Spirit brings to your heart. It is suggested that you write in a journal your reflections and what the Lord is to you.

DAY 27 – April 1 – “Growing to Please God by Demonstrating the Love of Christ”

Scriptures: John 3:1-21; 1 John 3:1-23


  • Pray that the church will be a living force of love in the earth today.
    • Pray that the disciples of Christ will be known by our love for one another and the loving-kindness of the Lord that leads to repentance.
    • Pray that members of the church and yourself show love through deeds that touch the lives of the unsaved, unchurched and unsure.
    • Repent from demonstrating the letter of the law rather than the Spirit of liberty and love.
    • Pray for persons who are unsaved. Call out their names.
    • Pray for depressed persons. Pray that God’s healing presence will reach them; that the light of truth will dispel the lies and the oppressive power of Satan; for helpful counsel and God’s wisdom; for God’s healing of long standing wounds and the renewing of their minds in Christ.
    • Pray that fathers will look to God as the ultimate spiritual head of their household, and serve their families by carrying responsibility for the physical, emotional and spiritual well being of their wives. Pray that God will instill a vision of wholesome, supportive, fatherhood to all fathers.
    • Pray for single people. Pray that Christ will protect them; that friendships and church fellowships bring ample fullness of healthy relationship; for wisdom to choose sexual purity and holy lifestyles; for marriage.
    • Pray for broken families. Pray for the healing of broken or embittered hearts. Pray for the children of such homes.

DAY 28 – April 2- “Growing to Please God by Demonstrating Mercy,
Loving-kindness and Goodness”

Scriptures: Romans 2:1-16; Galatians 5:22-23


  • Repent of failing to show acts of kindness to those who mistreat or offend us or our love ones.
    • Repent of withholding mercy and love out of judgment and vengeance.
    • Pray that believers and yourself will grow in grace, mercy and love to make an impact in the lives of others and in the world.
    • Pray that the fruit of the spirit will abound in you and in and through the church.
    • Pray for the physically disabled. Pray that they will be surrounded with loving friends and family; for physical stamina and healing; for financial burdens of therapy and special care, and that they will love and honor God.
    • Pray for prisoners and their families; pray that people in jail will hear the gospel and follow Christ; for fellowships of Christians in prison to multiply; pray that persons in prison will be protected from violence and the forces of spiritual evil.
    • Pray for the spouses and children of prisoners. Pray that they will be sustained, protected, provided for and that their hearts are healed.
    • Pray that former prisoners will find strength and wisdom to live restored lives and will not return to the actions or ways that led to their imprisonment.
    • Pray for Health Care Workers- that God will equip health care workers of every kind to serve others with loving hearts; that God will bless them with perseverance and joy ;that the pressures of their professions will not crush their families and friendships; that many will follow Christ.


DAY 29 – April 3 – “Growing to Please God by Demonstrating the Life of the Spirit”

Scriptures: Romans 8:12-14; Ephesians 5:15-21


Repent of living according to the flesh and its desires rather than the Spirit of love and failing to demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit.
• Pray that you and church members will be led by the Spirit of God toward increasing maturity and to demonstrate love in action.
• Pray to grow in faith and to surrender to the Holy Spirit as a powerful demonstration of His love and power.
• Pray to walk in God’s grace as members of the body of Christ and to demonstrate His love, mercy, grace, and power to the world.
• Pray for homeless people. Pray for immediate relief, shelter, food and health care; that Christ will restore hope for the future. Pray for protection from the risks of life on the streets for the homeless and for employment, housing and restored family life.
• Pray for your co-workers especially the difficult ones. Pray that God will give you divine appointments to witness to those who do not know the Lord.
• Pray for your neighbors. Pray for God’s peace to be upon those who live on your street or in your housing complex. Ask God to give you an opportunity to witness to them about God’s love.
• Pray for Judges and Law Enforcement- Pray for righteous wisdom, patience and gentle authority; for physical and emotional protection strength and blessing for their families; that they will become agents of God’s hands to resist evil and preserve an environment in which heaven’s justice can increase.

DAY 30 – April 4 – Growing to Please God by Demonstrating a Servant Heart

Scriptures: Matthew 20:20-28; Philippians 2:5-18

• Pray for the church and yourself to learn to serve as Christ did and demonstrate love.
• Pray that the believers serve our community in ways that will soften the hearts of unbelievers to the gospel of love , grace and truth.
• Pray that unbelievers would receive your service as a demonstration of Christ’s love for them, leading many to salvation.
• Ask God to bring a conviction of sin, spiritual brokenness and genuine repentance among the people.
• Pray to be clothed in humility in order to serve out of the love Christ has bestowed upon you.
• Pray that our service would be a holy demonstration of Christ’s love, not self-serving in any way.
• Pray for business people. Pray that they operate honestly and to frustrate any practice that creates injustice. Pray that you will grow in the knowledge of God’s Word for every aspect of your life.

DAY 31 – April 5 – “Growing to Please God by Demonstrating God’s Grace”

Scriptures: John 1:14-18; Acts 4:32-33, 11:19-24; 1Peter 4:7-11

Pray:• Pray that you would grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord.
• Pray to have faith to live graciously toward those in our communities who do not yet know Christ.
• Pray for fresh grace to live according to God’s commands and His call upon your life.
• Thank the Lord for His grace and for the gifts He has bestowed upon you.
• Pray that you and members of the church demonstrate graciousness in your attitude, speech and actions.
• Pray that our city will be transformed as we cry in humble and faith-filled intercession.
• Pray that families will be free from the destructive power of unforgiveness.
• Pray for every member of the body to understand their place and purpose in the body and to work together in proper relationship with each other under the leadership of the Pastor.

DAY 32 – April 6- “Growing to Please God by Listening to and Obeying His Voice”

Scriptures: Psalm 81: 8-16; John 10:22-30

• Seek the Lord for you to come to a place of being quiet before the Lord, expecting to hear what He has to speak to you.
• Pray for the grace to walk in humble obedience to His voice.
• Pray for ears to hear from the Lord through the pastor, teacher or through whatever way He has chosen to speak to and through His children.
• Pray for your relationship with a family member. Pray that the Lord will bring healing, reconciliation and restoration where it is needed.
• Pray for any relationship you may have with people who do not know the Lord. Pray for words to say that will turn their hearts to Jesus. Specifically, pray for ______ who has turned his/her heart from God.
• Pray for new hearts for ministry in all of the leaders. See Ezekiel 18:31
• Pray for Business People—Ask God to bless those who base business practices in righteousness. Pray that God will prosper those who pursue their business as mission for God’s Kingdom. Pray for the gospel to spread in the marketplace, for righteous manager and executives; for creative godly consequences

Take the time to sit down and reflect, meditate and journal your thoughts.

Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader

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Repentance and the Lenten Season

Charles Spurgeon wrote:
Repentance is a discovery of the evil of sin, a mourning that we have committed it, a resolution to forsake it. It is, in fact, a change of mind of a very deep and practical character, which makes the man love what once he hated, and hate what once he loved

The Lenten Season (March 1 to April 9) is a time of repentance, self-examination, fasting and prayer in preparation for Resurrection Sunday (Easter). Renewing your sense of who you really are before God is the core of the Lenten experience and repenting of your sins. Today seek God with a repentant heart (See Joel 2: 12-24) and honestly search your heart (Psalm 139:23-24). As you pray through the 40 Days of Prayer Journey allow the Lord to examine your life thoroughly. Join us this month.

Resist the tendency to deny the need to repent and be cleansed of the Lord. Be transparent with the Lord. God offers so many wonderful results of repentance, including healing, restoring, freedom, joy and reconciliation. In Acts 3:19 the call to repentance brings hope and renewal: “Repent, then, and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord”.

Despite the benefits of repentance, we are resistant to the thought of repentance. Repentance isn’t a popular word. Our culture encourages us to do whatever we want when we want and does not encourage repenting. TV, music videos and movies very rarely show the consequences of our sins.

It is one thing to know that you have done something that is wrong. But it is another to be saddened and sorrowful about your actions and determine that you will turn away from that sin and never do the act again. To repent, “I” or “we” must come to terms with and acknowledge that we have sinned and then turn away from such sinful behavior and be reconciled back to our loving Lord. Therefore, repentance is a change of mind that involves both a turning from sin and turning to God. Christ began his ministry with a call to repentance. (Mathew. 4:17).

We must examine every attitude, every motive, every action and ever word of evil. Repentance means that you are deeply godly sorrowful and hurt about what you have done unto the Lord and that you are determined to do all that you can not to commit that sin again. “Repentance means we are sorry about our sin to the point of grief, and we have turned and walked away from it”. Stormie Omartian, “The Power of a Praying Woman” p. 40, Harvest House Publishers, (2002).

Before we can truly repent we must admit our sins and tell them to God. Confession means we recognize we have done wrong and admit it. We cannot hide from God no matter how we try. God knows what “I” have done and wants “me and you” to know and admit in detail what “I” have done. If we do not confess our sins one consequence is that our prayer life will suffer as God will not hear our prayers if we have iniquity in our hearts (Psalm 66:18).

God offers many wonderful results of repentance, including healing, restoring, freedom, joy and reconciliation. In Acts 3:19 the call to repentance invites you to “repent, then turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord”.

Here is an example of a prayer of repentance to help you get started in initiating self-examination , prayer and a spirit of repentance.

Prayer of Repentance

Lord, I come humbly before You and ask you to cleanse my heart of my every sin. “Have mercy on me O, Lord according to your loving kindness and blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly of my iniquity and cleanse me of all of my sin. (Psalm 51:1-2) Lord create in me a clean heart. Please Lord renew a right spirit within me (Psalm 51:10-11). Forgive me for thoughts I have had, words I have spoken and things that I have done that are not pleasing in your sight and do not glorify you. Father, forgive me I pray for my sins of_______(state them)________________________. I confess it is a sin and truly repent of these acts, words and thoughts. ( 1 John 1:9; Psalm 32:5 Proverbs 28:13, Psalm 51:6, 10). Lord search the inwards hidden places of my heart and reveal my sin to me that I may not sin. (Psalm 139: 23-24). I seek to repent of everything that You show me Lord. I confess my sins to you in the full realization that you are faithful and just to forgive me of all my sins and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness.( 1John 1:9) I know that my sins are against You and You only. Grant me a broken, willing spirit and a contrite heart so I can offer it to You (Psalm 51:1-4, Psalm. 51:12, Psalm 51:17).

Thank you Father in the name of Jesus

So that you can begin the process of self-examination through prayer, confession, and study of the Word that leads to repentance the following action steps are suggested:

Action Steps:
1. During the Lenten season I want to encourage you to join this or a 40 day Prayer Journey even if you are beginning at day 7 or whatever day. Just begin where you are. Determine to spend quality time with the Lover(God) of your soul every day. Decide to start out with half an hour and increase it slowly. Be diligent, consistent and be faithful. We can never grow or develop an intimate relationship with God unless we spend quality time with Him.
2. Confess any sin you may be guilty of against man and God. Ask God to search you and reveal any unconfessed sin to you daily.
3. Say or write a prayer of repentance out of your heart. Above is an example of a prayer of repentance. Your prayer need not be perfect, but sincere, sorrowful and heartfelt.
4. Have a journal. God has so much to speak into your life. It may not happen overnight if you haven’t been praying on a consistent basis. But remember He is right there. Don’t give up.
5. Leave a prayer request or comment.

Linda Fegins, “The Prayer Leader” has served as Prayer Coordinator for over 13 years( later Director over the Prayer Ministry) for the Lydia Circle Christian Business and Professional Women. As part of the Lydia Circle she has lead over several prayer boot camps, and has lead prayer services and workshops in the Bahamas and in South Africa. Linda served on the prayer team of a medical missions trips to Jamaica under the leadership of  Pastor Jackie McCullough. She is also a member of the National Church Prayer Leaders Network and serves as the Prayer Leader of the Intercessory Prayer Team of her church. Currently the Prayer Leader Linda also serve  as an intercessor/ teacher/trainor with Global Force Prayer Missions on the Live@5AM Prayer call and as a volunteer/intercessor with Girlfriends Pray Ministry

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Repent to Obtain A Renewed Relationship With God

49 days index

The Lenten Season (February 18 to April 4) is a time to repent, of self-examination, fasting and prayer in preparation for Resurrection Sunday (Easter). Renewing your sense of who you really are before God is the core of the Lenten experience and repenting of your sins. Today seek God with a repentant heart (See Joel 2: 12-24) and honestly search your heart (Psalm 139:23-24). As you pray through the 40 Days of Prayer Journey allow the Lord to examine your life thoroughly (daily post this month).

Resist the tendency to deny the need to repent and be cleansed of the Lord. Be transparent with the Lord. God offers so many wonderful results of repentance, including healing, restoring, freedom, joy and reconciliation. In Acts 3:19 the call to repentance brings hope and renewal: “Repent, then, and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord”.


It is important to note that a repentant heart is not limited to a special season or time of the year. If we want to have effective prayer lives which bring forth life transformation and healing of the land, repentance must become a part of our lifestyle.

It is one thing to know that you have done something that is wrong. But it is another to be saddened and sorrowful about your actions and determine that you will turn away from that sin and never do the act again. To repent “I” or “we” must come to terms with and acknowledge that we have sinned and then turn away from such sinful behavior and be reconciled back to our loving Lord. Therefore, repentance is a change of mind that involves both a turning from sin and turning to God. Christ began his ministry with a call to repentance. (Mathew. 4:17).

We must examine every attitude, every motive, every action and ever word of evil. Repentance means that you are deeply godly sorrowful and hurt about what you have done unto the Lord and that you are determined to do all that you can not to commit that sin again. “Repentance means we are sorry about our sin to the point of grief, and we have turned and walked away from it”. Stormie Omartian, “The Power of a Praying Woman” p. 40, Harvest House Publishers, (2002).

Before we can truly repent we must admit our sins and tell them to God. Confession means we recognize we have done wrong and admit it. We cannot hide from God no matter how we try. God knows what “I” have done and wants “me and you” to know and admit in detail what “I” have done. Dick Eastman, in “The Hour That Changes the World”, says, “Confession is a heartfelt recognition of what we are. It is important to God because it indicates that we take seriously our mistakes and failures. Of course, God does not ask us to confess our sins because He needs to know we have sinned, but because He knows that we need to know we have sinned”. Dick Eastman, “The Hour That Changes the World”,p.42 , Baker Book House, (1999). If we do not confess our sins one consequence is that our prayer life will suffer as God will not hear our prayers if we have iniquity in our hearts (Psalm 66:18).

God offers many wonderful results of repentance, including healing, restoring, freedom, joy and reconciliation. In Acts 3:19 the call to repentance invites you to “repent, then turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord”.

Here is an example of a prayer of repentance to help you get started in initiating self-examination , prayer and a spirit of repentance.


Prayer of Repentance

Lord, I come humbly before You and ask you to cleanse my heart of my every sin. “Have mercy on me O, Lord according to your loving kindness and blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly of my iniquity and cleanse me of all of my sin. (Psalm 51:1-2) Lord create in me a clean heart. Please Lord renew a right spirit within me (Psalm 51:10-11). Forgive me for thoughts I have had, words I have spoken and things that I have done that are not pleasing in your sight and do not glorify you. Father, forgive me I pray for my sins of_______(state them)________________________. I confess it is a sin and truly repent of these acts, words and thoughts. ( 1 John 1:9; Psalm 32:5 Proverbs 28:13, Psalm 51:6, 10). Lord search the inwards hidden places of my heart and reveal my sin to me that I may not see. (Psalm 139: 23-24). I seek to repent of everything that You show me Lord. I confess my sins to you in the full realization that you are faithful and just to forgive me of all my sins and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness.( 1John 1:9) I know that my sins are against You and You only. Grant me a broken, willing spirit and a contrite heart so I can offer it to You (Psalm 51:1-4, Psalm. 51:12, Psalm 51:17).

Thank you Father. I desire to obey your commandments and statutes. I choose to stop my sinful ways and to turn to walk upright. Help me, Lord God to bring forth fruits that are worthy of repentance (Luke 3:8). Lord I want to live a righteous, pure and holy life through your power (Colossians 1:11). I am determined to walk in the Spirit and in your ways and walk away from my sins by the power of the Holy Ghost. Grant me a godly sorrow that is not just full of regret because of the consequences of sin but sorrow that leads to true repentance (2 Corinthians 7:9-10). Lord give me a tender heart that is sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit and the conviction of sin. Holy Spirit, thank You for convicting me of my sin. Forgive me for the ways I’ve ignored Your voice and quenched and grieved You. (John 16:8; Ephesians. 4:30; 1 Thessalonians 5:19; Romans. 8:1-2). Lord I praise you, Father, for your goodness that leads to repentance (Romans 2:4). Lord thank you for restoring my soul so that the times of refreshing my come (Acts 3:19). Amen

So that you can begin the process of self-examination through prayer, confession, and study of the Word that leads to repentance the following action steps are suggested:

Action Steps:
1. During the Lenten season I want to encourage you to join this or a 40 day Prayer Journey even if you are beginning at day 7 or whatever day. Just begin where you are. Determine to spend quality time with the Lover(God) of your soul every day. Decide to start out with half an hour and increase it slowly. Be diligent, consistent and be faithful. We can never grow or develop an intimate relationship with God unless we spend quality time with Him.
2. Confess any sin you may be guilty of against man and God. Ask God to search you and reveal any unconfessed sin to you daily.
3. Say or write a prayer of repentance out of your heart. Above is an example of a prayer of repentance. Your prayer need not be perfect, but sincere, sorrowful and heartfelt.
4. Have a journal. God has so much to speak into your life. It may not happen overnight if you haven’t been praying on a consistent basis. But remember He is right there. Don’t give up.
5. Leave a prayer request or comment.

Linda Fegins, “The Prayer Leader” serves as prayer leader and teacher/trainer with the Global Missions Prayer Force and as a guest intercessor and volunteer for Girlfriends Pray a global prayer ministry. She has served as Prayer Coordinator for over 13 years( later Director over the Prayer Ministry) for the Lydia Circle Christian Business and Professional Women. As part of the Lydia Circle she has lead over 8 prayer boot camps, and has lead prayer services and workshops in the Bahamas and in South Africa and was on the prayer team of a medical missions trips to Jamaica under the leadership of Rev.Jackie McCullough. She is also a member of the National Church Prayer Leaders Network and serves as the Prayer Leader of the Intercessory Prayer Team of her church.

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