This is a prayer about protection from the Corona-virus and asking God to give us discernment by Tiece King,

You have my attention Lord and I thank You for the decluttering of my heart that is taking place as I wait on You. Thank You for the shaking of my soul and the change that I sense emerging because of this covid-19 event. As all things around me shift, how grateful I am that You never change. You are the same yesterday, today, forever! You have not been taken by surprise, You haven’t cloistered Yourself away. You are my ever-present help in this troubled time! My hope is in You–the maker of heaven and earth!

(Pause and continue to thank God for who He is. Reaffirm your trust in Him.)

Today Lord through prayer it is my desire to participate with Your kingdom purposes at work in the world. I ask that in the midst of uncertainty and fear in the nations of the earth that You cause people everywhere to hear Your majestic voice. May the hearts of men and women look to You at this time. May Jesus be revealed and made known and covid-19 used to breakdown walls of gospel-resistance!

Strengthen Your Church around the globe to walk by faith in such a way that the world cannot deny the love of Christ. Awaken the hearts of Your people to pray for friends, family and neighborhoods, to cry-out for our cities and nations. Take us into wrestling prayer until we see Your Church revived and a great harvest come in!

Revive us Lord! Revive me! Give me I pray, give Your Church, a hunger for souls–a desire for spiritual harvest in the nations of the earth that compels us to pray and not give up.

O God, remember mercy this day for many are without hope and without any knowledge of You. I ask for the pushing back of covid-19 on the face of the earth in such a way that it is evident to all that You, the One True God has intervened and Your Name alone glorified!

(Pause and continue to pray further as led by the Holy Spirit.)

I ask this all in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Isaiah 30:15; Psalm 55:19; James 1:17; Hebrews 13:8; Psalm 46:1; Psalm 124:8; Isaiah 30:30; Isaiah 57:14; Matthew 5:16; Habakkuk 3:1-2; Luke 18:1; Psalm 25:6; Ephesians 2:12

–Tiece King, author of the Pray the Word series.