DAY 10 – February 19th – Surrender!
Scriptures: Philippians 2:1–11; Romans 8:16
Miss Clara says, “There is not room for you and God on the throne of your heart. It’s either Him or you. You have to step down! If you want victory, you have to surrender first.”
Surrender seems backwards and counterproductive to our earthly mindset of success and victory. But in Christ, the key to success is to surrender, seek Him, and submit to Him daily.
Hopefully you have brought your Bible, journal and a teachable spirit to this time with the Lord. The Lenten season is a time discipline , study of the Word of God and prayer. Spend more time in prayer. Ask God to reveal to you areas of your life that need His transformation.
Write down the “rights” and “ wrong” thinking that you need to surrender to God, and profess His Lordship over you. Ask forgiveness where you have placed yourself on the throne of your heart and life; as judge of others, or trying to justifying the breaking of His Word to get what you thought you “deserved” (Phil 2:1–11).*
• Ask God to search your heart and to reveal to you any sin for which you need to seek forgiveness.
• Pray that the love of Christ will compel believers everywhere to share the gospel with others in love.
• Pray for a deeper relationship with Christ through prayer and to help you pray consistently.
• Pray for Youth – Psalm 144:12 – that they will commit themselves to Christ; for moral strength to choose wisely; for older mentors; for friendships with those who are following Jesus, for good relationships and open communication with parents.
• Pray for the United States Supreme Court Justices, the state and local judicial system .
Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader